Super Mothership

Chapter 511 May our friendship last forever

Speaker Cruzer looked up and looked around for a week, his eyes swept over the Gemini power core present, and finally fixed his gaze on several senior military leaders on the left side of the conference hall.

"Now that the neighboring galaxy has mutated and protruded, the pioneering legion has suffered heavy losses, and the water of life has been completely controlled by the Unity of All Things, and the wormhole of the solar system has also opened up. I now want to hear the military's opinion on this matter."

It is said that he wants to hear the views of the military, but the meaning of dissatisfaction and accountability can be heard by anyone.

"Not bad! The strength of hundreds of warships in the neighboring galaxy was actually transported away by the enemy's eyelids, and the water of life was transported away, and the wormhole pass was lost!

What's even more incredible is that, obviously our troops are superior, why should we agree to the other party's request for a truce? I think someone in the military has to be responsible for this! ' said another elderly MP, banging on the table angrily.

Originally, I thought that if I got the water of life, I could try to see if I could get some to live for a few more years. I didn't expect that the bamboo basket was empty now, so the anger of this councilor is not difficult to understand.

"Second! The relevant frontline commanders must be held responsible for this!" Another member of parliament echoed.

Feeling the dissatisfaction and anger of everyone, several senior military officials looked a little unsightly, but there was one person who looked even more unsightly. This person was Ishar's father Assad.

The "relevant frontline commander" doesn't need to be asked, it refers to the legion commander, but Gustav's rebellion has turned into a dead man, so the first responsible person will naturally become Isael.

However, as an immediate family member, proper avoidance of suspicion is still necessary. Assad did not immediately refute, but waited for the military's answer.

Several senior military officials looked at each other with serious expressions, and after a while, one of them said helplessly, "Your Excellency Speaker, everyone, the hidden strength of the Union of All Things is far beyond our expectations, and there may be security forces of unknown strength behind it. special empire...

Although the opponent's troops in the neighboring galaxy seem to be small, the level of technology and the performance of weapons and equipment are far beyond our army. I am afraid that only the elite army directly under the central galaxy can be compared with them.

In view of the comparison of the combat capabilities of the enemy and the enemy, Commander Isar made a choice to temporarily cease fire and wait for rear support.

If you choose to continue fighting, you will not only run the risk of annihilation of the entire army, but also may force the opponent to destroy the water of life. Therefore, after the post-war simulation, the military agreed that this decision was not inappropriate! "

Assad heard this,

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and immediately picked up the conversation.

"Not bad! And according to the battle report, the main reason for the failure of this battle was the sudden mutiny of Gustav, the commander of the legion of the Sea Clan.

Not only did he take a counterattack with his flagship to personally respond to the enemies of Kara Star, but he also used false orders to disrupt our defense deployment, which gave the enemy a chance!

There is evidence that a series of military operations and intelligence leaks of the previous legion have nothing to do with his espionage!

So even if you want to be held accountable, I feel that you don't know people well and you use people improperly. This is the biggest responsibility! "

When Ishar reported the battle situation to the military high-level, he also passed the news back to the family. Assad had already thought about the countermeasures for this matter, and that is - the disaster!

As long as the responsibility is placed on a dead person, then Isael not only has no fault, but may actually have merit, such as being ordered in danger and turning the tide...

As long as the operation is good, it is not impossible to get another military merit.

"Buzz~" There was a loud discussion in the conference room.

The fact that a senior officer at the commander level of the legion was instigated was not a trivial matter, and it was enough to cause a small-scale shock within the military.

The senior officers of the sea clan who belonged to the military looked a little unsightly. After all, the high-ranking officers on their side defected, which was a big scandal.

"With regard to the process of Gustav's mutiny, due to too few witnesses, there is no definite conclusion, but even in the battle report sent back by the front line, there is no direct confirmation of the news, so this matter cannot be too arbitrary. !" A sea clan officer stood up and retorted.

"Haha! In the face of the evolutionary temptation of the water of life, he himself admitted his betrayal in the communication. How can this matter be fake? The voice can be faked, but the authority can't be faked." Assad sneered. .

"I'm even worried that if there is one, there will be two. Since the unity of all things will be able to convince a naval officer of this level, will they still be able to convince the second?

The loyalty review process of the sea army is worrying..."

Smelling the opportunity to suppress their opponents, the rest of the Yuzu politicians couldn't sit still.

"Yes, the highest-level commander has betrayed, and the person in charge must be severely punished!

Under the current circumstances, Gustav's sea clan fleet may no longer be trusted. I propose that even if a war begins, this force must be rotated and transferred to the neighboring galaxy! " said another Feather member.

"Well, the infiltration of all things to the pioneering army has reached an unbelievable level, and the entire fleet must be replaced!

Not only do we have to replace them, but we also need to increase our troops to guard against the invasion of the Ante Empire. In the final analysis, this unfavorable situation is due to the ineffectiveness of the military! "

The faces of several military leaders became more and more ugly, and this time they were embarrassed.

But who would have thought that a high-ranking officer would betray when he said that he was mutiny?

Are old bachelors so carefree...

(Gustav: "...")

At this time, Speaker Cruze, who had been on the sidelines, saw that the fire was almost burning, and finally stood up to look at the military and said, "This is the end of the matter, how are you going to deal with the follow-up issues?"

"Cough! This failure is indeed the responsibility of the military. We will definitely deal with the relevant personnel seriously and give the council a satisfactory explanation!

But the neighboring galaxy is remote, if you really increase the troops, the military expenditure..."

"Don't even think about it!" Assad immediately jumped out to interrupt the other party.

"In order to deal with the Woolf Civilization wormhole mutation, the council has just allocated a lot of resources and funds to you. This year's treasury expenditure has exceeded the budget by 13%. This time the action council will not give a penny, it is stealing It's a robbery, you can find a way yourself!"

"Yes, the last round of fleet expansion has already made the treasury beyond its means, and a belligerent will die!"


In the face of a congressman's verbal criticism, the officer who asked for money smiled awkwardly, but the reaction of the parliament was also expected by him, and he changed his words.

"Actually, our military is also unwilling to take additional troops to deal with the situation in the neighboring galaxy.

Now that the Woolf civilization wormhole has expanded to a dangerous level, the other party's tentative actions are becoming more and more blatant. At this time, the distraction opens up the second battlefield. I am afraid that once the war becomes tight...

Therefore, after discussion, our military believes that we can temporarily agree to the ceasefire agreement of the other party! "

"As long as the two sides maintain the current military balance in the neighboring galaxy, not only can we still get the water of life for research, but the agency trade mentioned by the other party will also help us to study the Ante Empire.

After all, we don't know anything about them, and once a full-scale war is launched, it will be quite detrimental to us!

Furthermore, if we can buy the superb communication technology and warship weapon technology displayed by the other party through them, our Gemini's military strength can definitely go to a higher level!

Those are really good things..."

This is the true thinking of the military. The politicians in the parliament are interested in the magical ability of the water of life, but these soldiers are eyeing the powerful weapon technology displayed by the other party!

A brand-new communication mode, naval gun manufacturing technology with a terrifying rate of fire, and powerful silver mechs...

If these technologies can be mastered by Gemini, the force value of Gemini can't go up?

Even if you can't get the technology, it's good to be able to buy finished products. When the time comes to deal with the powerful Woolf civilization, the military can be more confident!

In exchange for a small failure and emptiness, in exchange for a rapid increase in strength, this is definitely a good deal in the military's view.

I have to say that the Gemini military's vision is very vicious. These are all incidental technologies of the mechworm itself. It is the advanced technology of the Ayres civilization. Once it is obtained, it is enough to trigger the technological revolution of Gemini.

Hearing the military's advice, everyone was a little moved.

It was politically correct to accuse the military of ineffective combat before, but in the face of Nie Yunhua's big cake, it is also false for others to say that they are not interested.

"Can't you analyze the other party's technology through reverse engineering?" Cruzer asked.

"No, the other party's confidentiality measures are very strict, and we can't get their core technology through the wreckage of the battlefield." The military personnel replied.

"Is it still possible to take back the water of life through military means?" Cruze asked again.

"'s hard!"

Cruze thought for a while, and finally raised his head and said, "If that's the case, then... promise the other party!"


Shortly after……

In the solar system wormhole, the fleets of the two sides are clearly separated, and they are still facing each other.

What reassured Ishar was that the other party kept his promise, and there was no follow-up reinforcements from the other party in the wormhole.

At this time, a small space shuttle flew out from the fleet of the Earth Army. The space shuttle came to the center of the two sides, popped out a square metal box, and then turned around and left quickly.

The metal box flew some distance with a flashing signal light, and was finally picked up by a small Gemini spacecraft that had been waiting here.

Inside the spaceship, the metal box was carefully opened by the robotic arm, revealing a bottle of green liquid with dreamy spots of light.

A large amount of scanning light was scanned back and forth around the metal box. After dozens of procedures were carefully checked to confirm that everything was safe, the spacecraft returned to the flagship of the Feather Clan with the metal box.

According to the agreement between the two parties, Nie Yunxian provided the water of life for this season to show his sincerity. It was a stick to give a sweet date. He took such a big bargain, and he had to do something to appease the disadvantaged, not to mention, there are only visible benefits. more attractive...

Flagship of the Feather Tribe, inside the bridge.

"The things have been received, you guys are keeping your word this time." After listening to the adjutant's report, Isael turned to look at the communication screen in front of her.

"We have always kept promises to our trustworthy partners!" Nie Yun, who was pretending to be the black deacon, returned with a smile.

"This is the share of the water of life this quarter. Don't worry, after a long time, you will find that working with us is a win-win!"

"I hope so!" Ishar's expression was indifferent, noncommittal.

"Then... long live peace! May our friendship last forever!" Nie Yun smiled and gradually faded out of the communication screen...

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