Super Mothership

Chapter 494 Sun Sail

Time passed slowly, and the day passed quickly...

Sea Clan Support Fleet.

The commanders of the first and second squadrons were discussing the tactical arrangements and contingency measures after arriving at the wormhole battlefield. At this moment, they received a message from the communication officer at the same time.

"Sir, Commander Isar has sent a warning message, asking us to pay close attention to what's behind us!"

"Behind?" Both of them were stunned.

Soon afterward, they actually picked up an anomalous target from the gravitational radar.

"Sir, an unknown celestial body has been found behind the fleet. It is 68 million kilometers away. It has a large mass and is rushing towards us at an alarming speed. It is expected that it will come into contact with our fleet in 10 hours!"

Unknown celestial body? Everyone looked suspiciously at the sudden signal on the radar.

"Is it a wandering celestial body?"

"It shouldn't be. We have established a complete celestial body operation monitoring system in the neighboring galaxy. There should be no celestial bodies in this location! Besides, celestial bodies with this speed and mass belong to the third-level danger source and cannot be ignored by us!"

Since it is not a wandering celestial body, then... it seems that there is only one truth left!

Unbelievable glances flashed in the eyes of the two squadron commanders...

An hour later, the fleet's optical radar finally captured the target image, and what was displayed in front of everyone was a... green umbrella? !

Thousands of square kilometers of green umbrella cover obscures all optical information behind the target, so that they cannot see the whole picture of the target.

"Is that it?"

"Although the image has changed, but... it can only be it!"

Both commanders had solemn expressions on their faces.

That biological fortress... actually really caught up? !

After going through the extreme gravitational acceleration of the star, the Eternal One has obtained a considerable sailing speed. Not only that, in addition to the original high-power thruster group, Nie Yun also provided the Eternal One with an extra thrust again.

If the SeaClan fleet can observe the back of the canopy,

It will be found that the regrown leaves of the longevity have been plated with a layer of bright silver, which reflects the light of the stars under the shining of the stars behind them, which adds a bit of dreamlike and extraordinary color to the longevity.

This kind of coating is a mechanical insect total reflection film with a thickness of only one layer. The mechanical insect material consumed for this is negligible, but it has created a side - "super solar sail"!

Light is a photon without static mass but with momentum. When the photon hits a smooth surface, it can change its direction of motion like a ping-pong ball bouncing off a wall, and apply a corresponding force to the hitting object. That's how solar sails are designed.

The famous astronomer Kepler proposed the solar sail hypothesis 400 years ago.

And the closer you are to the star, the more powerful the solar sail's propelling effect!

In fact, the "Torch" series of energy harvesting devices located on the orbit of the sun and the star in the Prometheus project uses the powerful thrust of photons to compete with the huge gravitational force of the star, and thus maintains its own stable low-orbit operation.

The thrust generated by a single photon is extremely small, but when the area of ​​the solar sail is large enough and the reflection effect of the coating is super strong, the solar sail can make the flying object get a steady stream of powerful power in space without resistance!

For Captain Nie, who prefers sail design, this is a convenient and cost-free way of propulsion without working substance. It provides an extra 10% acceleration for the longevity, so that he can catch up in a short time and catch up with the sea clan. The two fleets caught up with the latter before meeting.

And this, of course, greatly exceeded Ishar's expectations.

According to her original plan, it was to let the Sea Race fleet stare at the solar system wormhole, and she first freed herself to solve the biological fortress and remove the unstable factors.

But now looking at the situation in the neighboring galaxy, the first and second squadrons of the Sea Clan are on their way to the wormhole battlefield for support.

And behind the longevity, there are the first and second squadrons of the Yu clan who are chasing after them.

The three are chasing after me on the same channel, all wanting to gain the strategic initiative, and all the mobile forces form a straight pursuit chain...

The solar system wormhole and the second planet's spaceport are undoubtedly the current fundamentals of Nie Yun's side and Gemini's side respectively, and they are also strategically important places for the defense of both sides.

If Nie Yun loses the wormhole, it is equivalent to being cut off from the back road, the reinforcements are cut off, and the Gemini side loses the spaceport, which is basically equivalent to burning the granary and cutting off logistics.

No matter which side loses its "base camp", the war is basically decided.

According to the current situation, the forces of both sides are advancing towards the solar system wormhole. The difference is that Nie Yun is on the defensive, the immortals are on the back defense, while the Gemini forces are dominant and are on the offensive. Wire.

At present, the "guards of the tower" are Nie Yun's Mecha Corps and... uh, Nie Yun's "Yu Clan Third Squadron"...

Well, ignoring Nie Yun who cheated and "stealing the tower" and the "Silver Revolution" that was quietly breaking out in the spaceport at this time, at least in the eyes of Ishar, who was unaware, his base camp could rest easy.

But as the attacker, the current situation is really not optimistic, because the opponent's Battlestar has completed an extremely thrilling small-angle "curve overtaking", and is about to collide with the first and second squadrons of the Sea Clan ahead of schedule!

Naturally, Ishar couldn't watch the other's two troops successfully complete the reunion, and immediately ordered the two sea clan squadrons in front to stop the opponent's biological fortress, preferably to annihilate it!

But for this order, the two squadron commanders of the sea clan obviously resisted...

"What shall we do now?"

"The appointment of the military has been issued, and Ishar is now the top commander of the legion. We cannot disobey her order, we can only execute it!"

"It's the same again. We charged forward, but they were watching the fun from behind. The combat effectiveness of the enemy's biological fortress was unknown. If we intercepted it so rashly, in case of heavy losses, wouldn't it be vain to let the gang of Yu clan pick the peaches?"

"Well! We have to guard against it, but we still have to do our posture. We should focus on testing first. If we can't do's not that our army is not working hard, but the enemy is too cunning."

"Haha! Okay, let's do it like this!"


10 hours passed in a flash, and the distance with the Eternals finally came within the range of the Sea Race fleet!


The sea clan fleet that was waiting in battle immediately launched an attack. More than 40 warships of various types fired a salvo. All kinds of beams carried the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth and blasted towards the immortals!

Because the large umbrella cover completely covered the body of the longevity, the sea clan's attack line of sight was blocked, and they could only shoot according to the approximate direction determined by the radar, so this wave of attacks was slightly scattered.

And the longevity, who has been silent all the time, also moved the moment the sea clan launched the attack!

Its canopy quickly retracted, and it quickly transformed from a large open umbrella canopy into a sharp conical arrow. Then the leaves turned over in unison, and the overall color changed from a dark green "brush" to bright silver.

The super solar sail designed by Nie Yun can not only be used as a booster, but can also instantly become a set of mirror reflection armor!

Due to the rapid reduction of the attack cross-section, a large number of attacks by the Sea Race fleet failed, and less than 10% of the attacks hit the Eternals.

Various rays penetrated through the layers of protective blades, but were weakened layer by layer, and were finally blocked after piercing through more than a dozen layers of protection!

And several heavy force field rays with stronger penetrating power did not enter the body of the longevity, but because of the occlusion of the tree canopy, no attack effect could be seen.

The next moment, the longevity branch danced, quickly covering the damaged area again, and no damage could be seen on the surface...

"This... this is impossible!"

All the Sea Race officers who saw this scene were dumbfounded.

They imagined that the other party might turn on the super shield to block all attacks, or use some secret defense weapon, but they never thought that the other party would choose to resist hard!

Just relying on his body, he took a salvo from his own side? !

How powerful is this physical defense?

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