Super Mothership

Chapter 313 Earth Express

From a few months ago, the flower growers began to trade iron ore and steel resources with Atlantis through the Chu Group.

Low-priced iron ore resources and bulk steel purchase agreements have greatly improved the overcapacity problem of the domestic steel industry chain in Zhonghuajia, and accelerated the merger and reorganization of the domestic steel industry.

Affected by this, international iron ore prices are slowly declining, and the four major mining groups have been greatly impacted.

In addition, the domestic industrial processing accuracy of Huahuajia is rapidly improving for some reason, and the number of finishing equipment imported from abroad is declining significantly, and there is a tendency to get rid of external dependence.

What is even more surprising is the development of the other party in the field of technology.

In the virtual world of the technology tree, the scientists of the flower gardeners have shown an amazing speed of technology digestion. Various new technologies have emerged one after another, and many major breakthroughs have been made in the fields of chip technology, pharmaceuticals, engines, display panels, and semiconductors!

Adhering to the low-key principle of flower growers, the research and development progress of these technologies was not fully disclosed at first, but only recently with the marketization and industrial application of a large number of new technologies, this has been gradually exposed.

This amazing scientific research speed has even surpassed the United States, and the whole world is amazed and exclaimed "the wolf is coming"!

Coupled with the space elevator this time... Although the follow-up evaluation is still in progress, once the elevator is opened, the flower growers within the radiation circle of the space elevator will definitely be one of the biggest beneficiaries!

This series of changes has made the United States have to pay more and more attention to this competitor around it.

"Everyone, we must be more vigilant. The many technological advantages of flower growers have caused our trade deficit with each other to increase by 3% last month. This is a very dangerous signal!"

"The flower growers have been ignoring them all the time. We only found out that they were abnormal until recently, but there is something wrong with their development speed. Your intelligence department has not detected any useful information?" The Minister of Defense frowned.

"Yes! Not long ago, we sacrificed several elite spies and finally got a top-secret information!

It is said that there is a scientific research group of 1,000 people composed of elite scientists in China. The scientific research progress in the virtual technology tree world is very amazing, and many scientific research results are contributed by them.

Their leader is code-named 'Sixteen Bachelor', with a high level of confidentiality and a very mysterious identity! "The head of the Intelligence Department said.

"Sixteen bachelors? Ordinary scientific research groups cannot have such strength,

Go check it out, you must find out the secrets of this scientific research group at all costs! "


"By the way, after deducting the military expenses this time, the remaining Infinite Coins have been received... my country's purchase list needs to be settled as soon as possible. Those advanced technologies or items from Captain Ghost will help us gain a certain lead, and we must choose carefully. !" said the Minister of Defense.

According to Nie Yun's classification of technology, the current technology level of the earth is only D-level, and the purchase list he provided is basically about C-level technology or items, except for some sensitive military technologies, most of which are 100 years ahead of the earth. technology within.

"This... Congress tends to buy biotechnology!" Someone said with flickering eyes.

"Huh? Congress?" The Secretary of Defense thought, and quickly understood the key.

For Nie Yun's biotechnology, it is not only General Hu and the others who are staring at it. During this period of time, almost all the major forces in the world have not given up their peeping on it, either openly or secretly, or...for immortality. peep!

Infinite coins are known as infinite possibilities. In addition to being able to cure most human diseases, some people have also tried to make a wish... "increase lifespan"!

As a result, Zhinao actually accepted it, but offered a sky-high price of 200,000 unlimited coins per person, which directly discouraged everyone.

Even though many countries have made so much money in this employment mission, these infinite coins are not private property, and using public property to satisfy personal desires, apart from absolute dictators, I am afraid that no one dares to do so.

Even if you are a dictator, once you show this kind of thinking, believe it or not, you will be overthrown by the army the next day!

Even if no one can consume it at present, it has let the whole world know... Captain Ghost has biotechnology that increases lifespan!

And there are indeed some low-level biotechnology in Captain Ghost's shopping list, but what they can afford at present are mostly biomedical technology, which can only increase the health of the human body.

Even so, this is still a fatal temptation for some senior family members who are getting old...

Even if I can't increase my lifespan now, at least let me live two more years to save enough money! That's what most people think.

"Humph! A bunch of old bastards!" The Minister of Defense despised in his heart.

"Well! Biotechnology has always been my country's traditional advantageous field. Well, I agree with this plan!" He wholeheartedly agreed!


Just when the earth was disturbed by the appearance of the space elevator, the Atlantis spaceport ushered in its first transportation mission...

In the void of the universe, a faint blue light came from the direction of the moon and gradually approached the spaceport.

Looking closer, it was a somewhat strange silver and narrow spaceship. The high-power thrusters at the tail were spraying blue tail flames, pushing the spaceship to slowly approach the spaceport.

The spaceship looked a bit like an EMU consisting of a single carriage, with a streamlined front in front, and the words "Earth Express" written on it.

"Chichi!" The auxiliary heading adjustment jets all over the spaceship started, and the spaceship slowly adjusted its attitude, getting close to a "pier" formed by the unfolding of the outer shell.

"Om!" The magnetic mechanism located at the bottom of each compartment of the spacecraft began to activate, and the entire spacecraft finally suspended at a position about 2 cm above the ground and stood still, completing the set docking action!

Immediately afterwards, this somewhat weird train-shaped spaceship slowly started, and drove directly into the central area of ​​the spaceport from the spaceport dock. The next moment it appeared on the long sky-reaching rope below, and the chassis was attached to one end of the metal cable. plunge to the earth.

This mechanical worm metal cable has been solidified by Nie Yun, and it is more suitable to say that it is a metal column.

The "Earth Express" was driving closely on it, and there was no physical contact. It was like a maglev train that rushed forward into the atmosphere. The speed began to soar rapidly under the dual action of gravity and magnetism, and the outer shell gradually turned red...

"Oh cake seller! What is that?!" The people below who had been closely monitoring the space elevator were stunned to discover such a spectacle.

On the silver metal cable, a fire snake was coming from the sky along the cable, and disappeared from the monitoring screen in the blink of an eye, leaving only a circle of air distorted by the high temperature...

On the reconnaissance ships in the nearby waters below, everyone looked up at the sky in astonishment.

"Whoosh!" The extreme speed of more than 8 times the speed of sound aroused a gust of wind, which directly pierced a cloud layer out of a huge hole of dozens of meters!

The sunlight slanted down from the hollow, projecting a dreamlike light path.

"Zizi~" When the "Earth Express" was nearly 1,000 kilometers above the ground, the directional buffer magnetic field arranged on Atlantis was turned on, and the principle of negative pole repulsion, like a spring pad, began to provide This train decelerates very fast.

"Squeak!" The express train was eventually led down by the curved track at the center of Atlantis Island, and stopped gently in a special unloading area.

"Earth Express"...the first opening to traffic ended successfully! From the spaceport to Atlantis, it only took less than three minutes!

All eyewitnesses on Earth were almost shocked.

What the hell! This speed... is against the sky!

Is this still a space elevator? Nimei has made a fireball!

Everyone is silently calculating in their hearts, the airport express runs every 3 minutes... with this throughput, is it that Captain Ghost wants to evacuate the entire earth? 8)

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