"Switch the screen to the opponent's landing craft!" The Yu clan captain ordered.

Although the battle went well, he still did not take it lightly.

The screen changed quickly, and then the Gemini people looked at the "Blowfish Landing Ship" that seemed to be still searching for a suitable landing site in the screen.

"It hasn't landed yet? What is the other party looking for?" the captain of the sea clan wondered.

"Expand the nearby terrain display!" The Yu clan captain thought for a while and ordered.

Soon, a detailed topographic map appeared in front of everyone, and then everyone almost laughed.

Because with the landing ship as the center, the area with a radius of hundreds of kilometers is a very complex hilly landform, and there is almost no flat area. Under the action of space material deposition and geological changes, there are countless large and small areas. caves and rocky raised obstacles.

Under such terrain conditions, let alone the expansion of the base, it would be difficult to find a suitable landing site.

Then everyone saw that the landing craft seemed to be in a hurry because it couldn't find a suitable landing spot for a long time. Hungry, he landed at that location.

"This... the other party's luck is too bad, right? Wait, that location..." The sea clan captain's tone was rather gloating. After seeing the topographic map of that place, he immediately widened his eyes in amazement.

I saw on the projection map, just below the landing craft's landing position, was a huge underground cavity, which seemed to be a cave-like geological structure.

Sure enough, not long after the bloated and fat landing craft landed and the propellers were turned off, the apparently serious excess weight pushed the originally not hard ground out of cracks.

Then, under the incredible gaze of everyone, the ring-shaped ground around the landing craft cracked inch by inch, and finally collapsed after being overwhelmed.

In the end, the landing craft seemed to have struggled with emergency braking for two times, but in the end it lost the power of gravity. After losing its balance, it fell straight into the abyss...

After a while, a little dust and mist burst into the pothole, um... This time the other party should have really "landed"...

The high-definition picture of the satellite faithfully reproduced this somewhat tragic scene. Everyone in the Gemini civilization made up for it in their minds, and it seemed that they could still feel the unwilling eyes of the "puffer fish" looking up at the starry sky...

Everyone: "..."

Is this a win without a fight?

"Cough! Don't underestimate the enemy. Since the other party can conduct interstellar voyages, there is no reason why the ground scanning and observation technology will be poor. This may be... so the formation of doubts?" He didn't quite believe it himself.

Therefore, it is necessary to deceive yourself in the formation of doubts? Is it really that kind of geek civilization that is very biased?

"What do you think?" The sea clan captain looked at the pothole and twitched the corners of his mouth, then turned to look at his companion and asked.

In the face of this strange "battle", he felt that his years of battle experience were not enough.

Maybe...Is it because I don't know much about the fighting style of the Ante Empire?

"Well...we have now lost sight of the enemy's reconnaissance.

"The Yu clan captain thought for a while, then narrowed his eyes and said such a sentence.

The sea clan captain immediately understood what he meant.

"Do you think the other party specially selected an underground cave as a base? Just to make up for the intelligence gap on the satellite?"

"I can't rule out this possibility. At least the impact just now is not enough to make a space landing craft lose all its combat effectiveness. In addition... It's not that there is no civilization that is good at building underground bases, so we have to guard against it!"

"Yeah! It makes sense! But... this kind of terrain is very suitable for our 'hound' activity. I'm afraid the other party has chosen the wrong battlefield this time! Haha!" The captain of the sea clan smiled at the incomparably complex landforms on the map. .

"Yes, taking advantage of our first-mover advantage, we can send 'hounds' as soon as possible to test the opponent's reality! If we can force the opponent's powerful weapons, it will be even better..."

If the outcome of the second carrier-based weapon space battle can slightly affect the strength comparison of the final fleet battle, then relatively speaking, the outcome of the first ground battle is just an innocuous warm-up match!

After all, it is an intelligence war!

All kinds of powerful offensive and defensive weapons of ground warfare, their basic principles can be connected with the weapons of space warships.

This is just like the small firearms of individual soldiers, as large as aircraft tanks, battleship artillery, the weapon systems of Earth civilization are basically thermal weapons.

So let's see now, which side has the better card and forces the opponent's hole card first...


Callisto, the drop point of the "Fugu landing ship".

The dark underground cave was still filled with smoke and dust that had not yet dissipated. However, the landing ship, which had been slanted to one side, suddenly moved...

Then, under the cover of the smoke, it slowly melted and deformed, and finally turned into a giant silver snake. It smiled very humanely at the big hole above, and then spit out a snake letter and swam to the depths of the cave.

The silver giant snake is familiar with the underground karst cave here like its own lair.

Here, countless small robots are busy, and several production lines are constantly making robots and various weapons and equipment.

This... is the real operational base that Nie Yun set up on Callisto!

And this "puffer fish" is just an airdrop supply package...


Bridge of the Sea Wolf.

Nie Yun didn't feel any shame at all for cheating strongly in the first match. After all... the first one is the strongest, and the second one suffers. This is an eternal truth!

"Hmm... According to human morality, your actions, Captain, violate the principles of fair and just competition!" The codename questioned Nie Yun's character.

"Of course, soldiers never tire of deceit, I understand your captain's approach!" The code name added another sentence, as if he was worried about losing his favorability?

Nie Yun: "..."

He rolled his eyes, "Who said it's unfair? You know, I've done statistics, and more than 95% of the people who died in fights were the ones who did it first!"

"Huh? Why?" The code name is very puzzled, and there are such statistics?

"Because those who aren't dead say it's the dead ones who do it first!"

Code: "..."

Under the divine logic of the dead hand, regardless of whether she made the first move or not, the code name's thinking seemed a little confusing, but in the end, she chose to "wake up"!

"Well! Sure enough, if there is a chance, you should do it first!"

The unscrupulous master and servant quickly unified their opinions...

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