Super Mothership

Chapter 258 The other half blood

Unlike the very specific Earth, Jupiter is a typical staunch supporter of "polygamy", and it has a total of 63 moons.

And Callisto... is the second largest moon orbiting Jupiter and the third largest moon in the solar system. Its diameter is basically the same as that of Mercury, but its mass is only one third of that of Mercury.

Callisto is a synchronous rotation satellite that always faces Jupiter with the same face. It is composed of nearly equal amounts of rock and water, and has a very thin atmosphere, mainly composed of carbon dioxide.

In addition, according to observations, there may be a liquid water system in the stratum 100 kilometers below Callisto, and it also has a vigorous ionosphere.

Its main geological features include multi-ring structure, various forms of impact craters, impact crater chains, cliffs, ridges and sedimentary terrain. The terrain is extremely complex but the geological structure is stable.

"The other party actually chose Callisto? Indeed... For Jupiter, a big radish with wives and concubines, its satellites are basically unidentifiable passers-by, and no features are the most difficult to predict.

In addition, this terrain... It seems that their ground combat weapons are very suitable for complex terrain..." Nie Yun looked at the holographic projection of Callisto, and touched his chin to analyze.

Mars and Jupiter are separated by the asteroid belt. Although they are adjacent planets, the distance between the two is farther than the distance between Mars and the sun. The more outer planets of the solar system, the farther the distance between them.

Although Nie Yun's side is closer to Callisto from a spatial point of view, the two spacecraft of the Gemini civilization have been accelerated for nearly a month, and the speed is faster. The time for both parties to arrive at Callisto should be about the same. This also avoids the possibility of one party being able to lay out traps in advance.

" should be more than that! The other party has visited the solar system many times, so if they say so...they may have already conducted a deep geological scan of Callisto..."

In the face of complex terrain, the party who owns the map will have a great geographical advantage, just like one party has opened a plug-in for the whole map.

In addition, I am afraid that Gemini has already begun to simulate the battle plan of the first competition.

" have Zhang Liang's plan, it's not like I haven't crossed the wall ladder!" Nie Yun smiled.

The eagle-eyed scouts launched in the previous "Solar System Reconnaissance Network" plan have reached the farthest Neptune field, which means that Jupiter has already been included in the observation range by Nie Yun.

Since Jupiter is a gaseous planet, it is not suitable for building bases, so Nie Yun chose Ganymede, the largest volume, as the landing site of the Jupiter system's mechanical insects.

At the same time, as the neighboring Callisto, its orbit was naturally launched by a space spy for stationing.

Although the detection amount is limited, only the approximate celestial data is obtained, but since the battle location has been determined, Nie Yun, who has a lot of time, can arrange it calmly.

The mechanical worms on Ganymede that were devouring metal immediately gathered and converged, and then quickly produced a nearly 100-meter-long electromagnetic cannon of ordinary materials. After orbital calculation and calibration, the muzzle was aimed at outer space obliquely.

After the electromagnetic cannon was completed, this part of the mechanical worm transformed itself into an electromagnetic cannonball and actively drilled into the muzzle.

"Zizi~" "Whoosh!" After a violent flash of lightning,

Nearly 200 kilograms of mechanical insect projectiles were launched at high speed, and the overloaded disposable electromagnetic gun also melted and deformed at high temperature, and was completely scrapped.

The projectile was slightly decelerated in the low gravity and vacuum environment, and then quickly broke away from Ganymede's gravitational restraint and flew straight to Callisto, completing the strategic transfer.

The reason why the mechanical worm "shoots itself" instead of the ordinary way of sailing to Callisto is mainly because this way of inertial navigation is the least likely to be observed by the battleships of Gemini.

Nie Yun has not been able to determine the precise detection distance of the other party until now, so he can only try to be careful.

10 hours later, the projectile arrived in the orbit of Callisto, and then immediately split into nearly 10,000 small spy satellites, which sprinkled on the planet below like silver rain, and began to conduct an all-round map scan of Callisto. .

Various terrains, even deep cracks and caves, an extremely detailed three-dimensional model is being perfected rapidly.

Although Callisto is huge and the modeling process takes days, it is more than enough to pull back the information equivalence between the two sides before the engagement.


In the past half a month, quite amazing changes have also taken place on the earth.

Although the United States knew afterwards that it had been slapped with blood again, the dust had settled long ago. Even if it wanted to withdraw from the Earth Defense Force after the fact, I am afraid that a group of its allies would not agree with such a capricious political move.

If nothing else, if you give the people of the world a big surprise and then pour a pot of cold water, I am afraid that several regimes will be ousted on the spot.

With strong external invasion pressure and the strong "peacekeeping" of Captain Ghost, governments of various countries have basically followed the alliance agreement and stopped military conflicts, including territorial disputes, on the surface.

Of course, it would be naive to expect that group of politicians to be so honest. The small movements in the dark are dazzling, but in front of the code name that controls the global intelligence, these small movements are like stealing the bells.

The code name was just an incident investigation report that was sent privately to the parties concerned, which listed the three elements of time, person, and location, as well as detailed causes and results, and then gave them a yellow card warning... um! It's like two penalties.

The countries that received the news died down one after another, and in the face of a pervasive ghost-like existence, all the conspiracies suddenly seemed so ridiculous.

After the global situation stabilized a little, Nie Yun, as promised, opened up the technology and Gemini civilization information below D level to all members of the Earth Defense Force.

The way Nie Yun discloses scientific and technological information is also through virtual reality technology!

After half a month of full production, the Earth Base has produced a total of 1 million virtual helmets. For the sake of fairness, Nie Yun allocated 200,000 virtual helmets according to the current population and scientific research strength of each country for the use of scientists and scholars from various countries.

Among them, the flower growers came out on top, getting 50,000 helmets, a share almost equal to the population ratio, even more than the western countries with stronger scientific research strength.

Some people expressed dissatisfaction with this.

U.S., Neon: My scientific research ability is stronger, why do I get less points than a flower grower?

Captain Ghost: It has more people than you.

White Elephant (India): I am similar to him, why is there less than a flower grower?

Ghost Captain: It's scientific research ability is stronger than yours.

Everyone: "..."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it, there is clearly something tricky here!

Then, when the virtual helmets were delivered to their hands, they finally understood why they were able to share more.

Because it is Atlantis who is responsible for the transportation and trading of helmets!

As we all know, Atlantis is extremely mysterious. So far, I have only heard that it has cooperated with the Chu family of the flower family. At the same time, it also conducts a large amount of iron ore and steel trade with the flower family.

Although some people have previously speculated that this mysterious company that suddenly developed seabed mining technology overnight has something to do with Captain Ghost, after all, they are also mixed in the ocean, the big bathtub of the earth.

But when the facts were put in front of them, many talents finally came to their senses.

No wonder when Captain Ghost just appeared, it was obviously a multi-hull ship, and he alone didn't move the flower family's ship. This is clearly a leg!

And after Atlantis was exposed, and it was indeed a bright-faced force of Captain Ghost, the only joint venture party, the Chu Group, suddenly became famous!

You must know that Atlantis owns 50% of the shares of the Chu Group, that is to say, the Chu Group can be regarded as having half of the "ghost blood", compared to Atlantis, who has no idea where the customer service staff are. It is said that the Chu Group is a "regular" enterprise born and raised in the flower family.

At this time, another news was exposed. The eldest lady of the Chu Group turned out to be the current executive CEO of Atlantis, and also owns 1% of the shares of Atlantis. This is a direct result of the Chu family. Standing on the cusp.

Fortunately, the flower grower, who had already received the news from Nie Yun, used presidential-level security measures to directly send a guard company to the vicinity of the Chu family's villa, so that no one could step on the threshold.

This is also a reward for the flower grower. Although this virtual helmet does not have the authority to connect to outer space robots like the previous helmets, everyone knows that every helmet here represents a scientific research advantage!

Compared with the small forces that pay more attention to the Chu Group, all countries are more concerned about the relationship between the flower family and the ghost captain. After all, the ghost captain can now be said to be the same as the referee. They are just a group of competitors who compete with each other.

If there is an improper relationship between the contestants and the referee, how will they play honest children?

Naturally, it is impossible for them to just let it go. Captain Ghost is not expecting anything, so the leaders of various countries have called the flower family to find out the relationship between the two.

The flower grower also knows that if this kind of thing is not made clear, it may be isolated by other countries. After all, it is now a comrade-in-arms in the same trench, so he revealed a little bit of gossip.

"I won't tell him to ordinary people, in fact... Captain Ghost is half Chinese!"

Everyone immediately understood!

Nina! That's what happened!

Everyone can't accept this behavior of the ghost captain emotionally, but it can only be done in vain! After all, blood ties are human nature.

Then, everyone's heart suddenly became hot again...

A flower gardener can, and I might have a chance too!

So here comes the question... what is the other half of Captain Ghost's bloodline?

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