Super Military Scientist

Chapter 388: How to silence the grenade

The weather on the day Chen Dongshan and Zhang Lianying tried to explode the grenades just happened to be unstable. The sky was clear for a while and then cloudy again. Therefore, even if the grenade exploded loudly, the villagers might have heard it, and they wouldn’t hear the explosion. Think of it as the sound of a grenade, but only as the sound of thunder!

If they were suspicious of the explosion that day, when Zhao Zhongyao visited the village just now, the villager uncle would definitely ask Zhao Zhongyao what happened to the explosion that day.

But when Zhao Zhongyao went to the village just now, the villager uncle did not ask Zhao Zhongyao about the huge explosion in the valley that day. This only shows that the villagers didn't care about the explosion that day.

But no matter what, Zhao Zhongyao can't take it lightly. Only once in a while, the villagers would regard the sound as thunder. But if it appears again, or on a sunny day, the villagers may be suspicious.

"No, the villagers must not be allowed to suspect that our factory is a military factory. If that were the case, it would be troublesome. If they knew that our base was a military factory, they would definitely risk stealing guns! This kind of thing is not a trouble. For fun, it is dangerous for the base and the villagers."

Zhao Zhongyao knew that if he wanted to kill the wild boar, he had to develop his new grenade. But if the new-style grenade was being tested, the huge explosion might be heard by the villagers, and they would be suspicious of going to Jianghai Machinery Factory.

"No, we must never let the villagers know that our Jianghai Machinery Factory is a military factory." Zhao Zhongyao knew that for a military industrial base, security and secrecy are the top priorities, and this is by no means a joke.

"But what should I do! How can I kill the wild boar without letting the villagers doubt anything!"

Zhao Zhongyao was sitting at his desk, looking at the M68 grenade he had designed before, thinking about it again!

"Hey, if I can lower the sound of the grenade when it explodes, wouldn't it be possible to prevent the villagers from hearing it!"

When Zhao Zhongyao was discussing the development of the grenade with Chen Dongshan and Zhang Lianying, he said that the grenade they designed was ‘thunder and rain. ’And the grenade I designed is ‘thunder and little rain’.

But at that time, Zhao Zhongyao only said that, only accusing Chen Dongshan and Zhang Lianying of the bad grenades designed by them.

At that time, Zhao Zhongyao really did not consider how to reduce the sound of the grenade exploding. Now I know that I really need to design such a ‘advanced grenade’!

"But how can we achieve'thunder and light rain'!" Zhao Zhongyao took out his design from the drawer and looked at it carefully.

"Reduce the sound, reduce the sound, silencer!"

From the idea of ​​reducing the sound, Zhao Zhongyao suddenly thought of the silencer mounted on the gun.

In some spy war films, the pistols used by ordinary secret agents have special silencers on them. This is to ensure that the secret agents minimize the possibility of themselves being exposed during assassination activities.

As a military scientist who was reborn from the 21st century into this relatively backward parallel space, Zhao Zhongyao is very clear about the working principle of the muffler on the gun and how the muffler can make the pistol fire. It makes a small sound.

"Damn! Can I make a grenade silencer."

Zhao Zhongyao thought of the silencer of the grenade from the silencer of the gun. It's just that in the world before he was alive, although there were long silencers for guns, there was never a silencer for grenade. No one has ever developed a grenade silencer.

"Well! In this way, I designed a grenade silencer. Then I installed it on the new M68 grenade I want to develop, so that the grenade will not produce much sound when it explodes."

Zhao Zhongyao felt that he was really ‘smart’ enough for the whimsical idea of ​​this grenade silencer. He could come up with such an analogy.

"Muffler! What is a muffler."

Although Zhao Zhongyao had heard of silencers a long time ago, he also knew the working principle of silencers, but when he wanted to design a silencer for grenade, he had to search for what kind of silencer in his memory. Stuff.

The silencer is actually a very simple military product. It is a metal pipe with some small holes drilled in it.

Regardless of the simplicity of this muffler, its function is not simple. It can reduce the loud sound of gun shooting to only within 20 meters. This is also an amazing invention.

The working principle of the silencer is actually very simple. It is to convert the sound of the bullet ejected from the muzzle into a sound of air flowing through a small metal hole.

This is because the loud sound of the gun is caused by the bullet being pushed out of the barrel by the high-temperature gas at a very high speed. The high-temperature and high-pressure gas in the barrel suddenly decompresses the moment it exits the barrel.

The sound is like the corks we put on some red wine bottles. When we slam the cork off the bottle, will we also hear a ‘pop’?

The sound of guns is the same. It's just that the high-temperature and high-pressure gas produced by the gunpowder in the bullet is much stronger than the gas in an ordinary wine bottle. Therefore, the popping sound is naturally much larger than the sound of a cork opening a wine bottle.

The function of the muffler is to keep the high-temperature and high-pressure gas inside the bullet from being released at the moment it exits the chamber.

Because a silencer is also connected to the port of the barrel. This section of muffler is equivalent to lengthening the barrel. When the bullet is shot out of the barrel, the high-temperature and high-pressure gas in the barrel is not released at once, but is buffered in the muffler, which will naturally reduce the sound of the bullet when it is ejected from the barrel.

To make a vivid metaphor, for example, the sound of an iron ball falling on the grass is definitely much smaller than the sound of falling on the concrete floor.

This is because the grass can buffer the kinetic energy of the iron ball. It is very difficult for the concrete floor to produce this buffering process, and only the kinetic energy can burst out at once. Therefore, the sound of an iron ball falling on the concrete floor is much greater than the sound of falling on the grass.

The grenade silencer that Zhao Zhongyao wants to develop is the same. He wants to put an iron cover with small holes on the outside of the grenade, so that the moment the grenade explodes, it can also effectively reduce the explosion of the grenade. sound.

"Yes, that's it. I will design this grenade silencer first." After Zhao Zhongyao thought it through, he designed a grenade silencer drawing next to the original design of the M68 grenade. .

Compared with designing a grenade, the drawing of this grenade silencer is much simpler. So, it took Zhao Zhongyao almost two hours to draw the drawing of the grenade silencer.

"Yeah! Yes, that's it." After Zhao Zhongyao designed it, he put it in the drawer again.

For Zhao Zhongyao, he knew that he had to use the M68 grenade he designed to deal with a big wild boar.

But in any case, frying the wild boar with grenades is a little overkill. If there is a better way, Zhao Zhongyao is still reluctant to use this method.

Not to mention the problem of wasting or wasting gunpowder, the key is to blow the wild boar with grenades, which may be discovered by the villagers. Even though Zhao Zhongyao has now designed a novel thing like a grenade silencer.

But Zhao Zhongyao knew very well that even if a silencer was installed on a grenade, it would definitely not be as effective as a silencer on a pistol.

It is important to know that the bullet in the gun is the sound of a burst of air pressure formed in the muzzle after it ‘breaks’ out of the barrel.

The sound of a grenade exploding can be different from the sound of a gun shooting.

The sound of a grenade exploding is much greater than the sound of a gun shooting. The reason is that there is more gunpowder in a shot than there is in a bullet.

In a sense, the principle of grenade and explosion is the same as the principle of gun shooting. They all use the high-temperature and high-pressure gas produced by gunpowder during the explosion, and then let these high-temperature and high-pressure gas push the'shrapnel' to attack the enemy.

However, after the bullet in the gun exploded, the high-temperature and high-pressure gas it produced was trapped in the barrel by the barrel, and it could only push a bullet out of the barrel at a very fast speed.

The grenade is different. It splits the entire body of the projectile, and then the high-temperature and high-pressure gas produced by the gunpowder inside pushes the fragments of the projectile to shoot around.

In this way, it is naturally much easier to restrain the gas in the barrel with a silencer than to restrain the gas in a grenade with a silencer. The former is because the barrel itself has been constraining this high-temperature and high-pressure gas!

The latter has no barrel, and the high-temperature and high-pressure gas is not restricted from the moment the grenade explodes. It is really difficult to design a muffler outside of the grenade to restrain this high temperature and high pressure gas.

Therefore, Zhao Zhongyao also knew that even if he designed this grenade silencer, it would not be as useful as the silencer on a gun.

Of course, it is possible to reduce the propagation distance of sound waves when the grenade explodes. In this way, it is tantamount to ‘silencing’ the grenade.

In other words, the silencer on the grenade can only reduce the decibel of the sound of the grenade when it explodes. It is impossible to really make the grenade detonate without any sound.

As long as the sound of the grenade exploding can be heard within a certain distance, it is good.

Therefore, after Zhao Zhongyao designed his new grenade and a new grenade silencer, he did not plan to use the M68 grenade he developed this time to kill the big wild boar that harmed the Quartet. He still wants to try some ordinary methods first, after all, is it just a big wild boar! It is not the enemy's thousands of troops, and there is no need to use any military weapons.

After Zhao Zhongyao returned to the factory that day, he did not tell anyone that he had gone to Zhujia Village. He just designed the new grenade and grenade silencer in his office, and put it in the drawer of his desk.

In the morning of the next day, Zhao Zhongyao first convened a meeting of all employees. It was decided to put the issue of'wild boar' in the general meeting of all employees for discussion.

As the saying goes, ‘three heads are worthy of Zhuge Liang’. As long as it is about brainstorming, there are still many useful methods that can be thought of.

As long as Zhao Zhongyao didn't say anything about Zhao Zhongyao's visit to Zhujia Village, of course everyone would not know. In other words, Zhao Zhongyao is also the director of this base, his behavior is unrestricted, and no one can control him.

But Zhao Zhongyao knows that he has to tell everyone about it now that he went to the village, and he wants everyone to know that this big wild boar is indeed harmful to the Quartet, and everyone needs to work hard to get rid of it.

Now all the employees are in the conference room.

Even Chen Dongshan and Zhang Lianying are now sitting in the conference room honestly. They have become very honest since they were scared by Zhao Zhongyao last time. Especially this time, the grenade they developed didn't even blow up a wild boar, which is already a shame.

Although this matter, only Chen Dongshan Zhang Lianying and Sun David knew about it. But they all know that the grenade is not an advanced grenade at all, it can only be regarded as a useless grenade with ‘thunder and rain.’

Chen Dongshan and Zhang Lianying already know that their military technology is really nothing in front of Zhao Zhongyao. They can even develop missiles. What are these grenades and guns? How could it be difficult for others Zhao Zhongyao.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let's have a meeting now."

After Zhao Zhongyao finished speaking, he looked at everyone with calm eyes. He didn't say what meeting he was going to hold. After listening, everyone naturally began to guess.

Two old guys, Chen Dongshan and Zhang Lianying, sit at the back of the meeting room. Many workers in front of them blocked them from the sight of everyone. If it hadn't paid special attention to them, no one would have noticed that he had come to the meeting.

But Zhao Zhongyao was sitting on the rostrum. The rostrum is naturally half a foot higher than the rest of the conference room. Zhao Zhongyao could still see Chen Dongshan and Zhang Lianying sitting in the back corner of the conference room.

Now the two old guys heard Zhao Zhongyao say that they would have a meeting, but they didn't say what meeting they were going to have, and the two began to mutter quietly.

"Hey! Lao Zhang, you said that Zhao Zhongyao is going to hold a meeting, why didn't you tell me before! We just had a meal, so we asked us to come to the meeting." Chen Dongshan looked at Zhang Lianying somewhat unhappily and asked.

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