Super Military Scientist

Chapter 335: Ballistic Missile (5)

Jonis told him where he would develop the missile this time.

The tall leader heard this and said, "It's not in your homeland, so how can we help!"

Jonis said: "This time, we may need a lot of people, including technicians and staff, to develop a super missile. So in terms of logistical supplies, our country is far from the island, so it is not convenient. I just want you to Just give some help in logistics."

When the tall leader heard what Jonis said, he was very happy, thinking, how simple it is! Isn't it just transporting some radish and cabbage! It won't cost much.

"Haha, okay, this matter is easy to handle, we will do it right away." When the tall leader heard Jonis's words, he didn't care at all.

"Hey, there is one more thing for you to do. You also know that there is nothing on that uninhabited island. If our scientific researchers live and work on it, there must be a place to live!

Therefore, I would like to trouble you to build some houses on that small island so that we can conduct missile tests and research! "

In his opinion, Jonis knew that if country F was only allowed to transport some food, it would obviously be too cheap for them, and they would have to spend more money. The money for these houses would also be exported from country F.

"Dr. Joe, do you want us to build a test building on that small panic island! This---it's not easy to do! That small island is closer to our mainland, although it is closer than your country, but it is more than a thousand nautical miles away. It’s not far, but it’s not too close! If you build a modern scientific research and experimental office building on it, I’m afraid it won’t be so easy. It’s impossible to complete such a project in two or three years! "

As soon as the tall leader heard what Jonis said, he was a little unwilling, thinking it would be difficult to do, and it would cost money and effort. At that time, after the missile test is completed, the office building will be abandoned again. This is not too wasteful!

When Jonnis heard this from the tall leader, he hurriedly said with a smile: "Who asked you to build a luxurious scientific research building? We only want you to build a few simple buildings. It doesn't need to be luxurious. Just like it is. Simple warehouses in some factories will do the same. It doesn't cost much.

You don’t want to think about how long it will take to build a luxurious scientific research building! We are only temporarily using that island, and we are not doing experiments on that island for a long time. How can we build a scientific research building on that deserted island? You think too much. Just a few simple buildings will do. "

When Jonis heard what the tall man said, he quickly explained it again.

"Oh! That's it! Okay! I'll just do as you say. Don't worry! I will do all these things within a month."

The tall leader was relieved again after hearing what Jonis said. It feels just to build some simple houses, which is much easier and can be completed quickly.

"Okay, that's it, we're settled, I'll go back. I first designed the ballistic missile blueprint, and then started to develop it."

After Jonis finished speaking, he came out of the office of the tall leader and said a few words to the big fat man. He left the army where the big fat man was, and drove to the airport of country F in a special car.

Jonis returned to his country, and he shared his thoughts with some military leaders in their country.

The military leaders of country M also think, Jonis has some truth. Only the weapons developed by them were defeated by the new weapons developed by China. Although these weapons are not the weapons of their country M in name, they are actually weapons developed by them!

Although China defeated State F in name, it can be said that it defeated State M in a sense.

This makes the military leaders of country M feel very shameless. Isn’t it a shame that I am a superpower, a military power, and even defeated by a weapon developed by a weak military?

In any case, we must develop a super weapon to defeat China's cruise missiles, so that China can also taste the power of their M super weapon.

In this way, after Jonis and their military leaders talked about this, they began to gather some military industry experts to discuss together how to develop this super missile.

Ballistic missiles are not ordinary missiles. This kind of missile can be regarded as the top weapon of the missile family. Regardless of the technical aspect, or the material aspect of the missile itself, that requires very high requirements.

The fact that you can develop general missiles does not mean that you can develop ballistic missiles. This is a two-level problem. If you want to develop ballistic missiles, you must have a high comprehensive scientific and technological strength.

Although the weapons developed by Jonis before were also very powerful, the weapons developed by Zhao Zhongyao were finally defeated, which made him feel very shameless.

And this time, he will make great efforts to develop ballistic missiles, just to use this super missile to defeat Zhao Zhongyao's cruise missile, so as to give himself some face.

In this way, after a month of preparations, Jonis has already designed all the ballistic missile drawings.

He first called the tall leaders of country F and asked them whether the simple houses they built on the deserted islands were good, and their scientific researchers, whether some living facilities were built after arriving on the island.

The tall leader received a call from Jonis, and said to him happily: "Don't worry! Dr. Joe, I have built three simple houses on the desert island and built some living facilities as you said. The scientific research personnel of, can go to the island to develop the super missile.

After hearing this, Jonis was naturally very happy.

"Thank you! Leader, we will pass soon."

In this way, Jonis quickly took a large freighter, with all his scientific research personnel and some scientific research equipment, and sailed to an uninhabited island not far from Country F.

A week later, they arrived at the desert island.

After arriving there, Jonis first checked the sturdiness of the shack, and then began to ask the workers to move some instruments and equipment to the desert island.

When everything was ready, Jonis and some of his engineers and technicians began to develop ballistic missiles together.

Not to mention that Jonis and some of his military personnel are working on the development of ballistic missiles on an uninhabited desert island a thousand nautical miles away from Country F, but Zhao Zhongyao has been busy enough this month.

He knew it a long time ago, even though they defeated Country F. Country F may not have any advanced weapons to compete with their China.

But country M still has advanced weapons, and Jonis will not give up. He will definitely develop some advanced weapons to deal with China!

How smart Zhao Zhongyao is, he only needs to think about it. What kind of weapon will Jonis develop.

The most advanced weapons in the world today are even missiles.

But missiles have just begun to take off in this world, and only some developed countries have such weapons.

It is because of Zhao Zhongyao that China quickly developed several advanced missile weapons. If Zhao Zhongyao were not reborn in this country, then their missile weapons might be just a dream or even A missile has not been manufactured yet!

And after Zhao Zhongyao was reborn in this country of China, their military weapons level can be said to be changing with each passing day! There are not only missiles, but also the most advanced atomic missiles and cruise missiles in the world!

And the trend of the development of the missile family must be ballistic missiles or intercontinental missiles.

Now that Zhao Zhongyao used the cruise missile he developed to destroy the M-600 missile developed by Jonis, Jonis would not give up. He must develop another new missile so that he can compete with Zhao Zhongyao again.

And what kind of advanced missiles can defeat ordinary missiles! Of course it is a ballistic missile.

This missile is the leader of the missile family. It can be said to be one of the most powerful missiles. As long as a country can have a few ballistic missiles, it can threaten other countries. In other words, as long as a country has a few ballistic missiles, then other countries will not dare to act rashly against this country.

From the development trend of missiles, Zhao Zhongyao can be sure that what Jonis will develop next is ballistic missiles.

If at this time, Zhao Zhongyao did not also develop an advanced and extremely powerful ballistic missile, then he would have no advanced weapons to resist when his ballistic missiles came over.

Ballistic missiles have a long range due to their large size and are extremely powerful. If ordinary atomic missiles or cruise missiles are used again, I am afraid that they will not be able to fight ballistic missiles at all.

If you want to counter ballistic missiles, you can only use ballistic missiles. Or use intercontinental missiles.

This kind of missile can only be dealt with by this kind of missile itself, and other weapons are useless, and they cannot deal with such a big guy at all.

Over the past month, Zhao Zhongyao, like Jonis, has worked hard to be able to defeat the opponent on the ballistic missile.

Zhao Zhongyao knew that to develop a super weapon such as ballistic missiles was obviously inappropriate in a military factory.

Because this weapon is so big, it can't fit in an ordinary workshop. Need to use a very large workshop!

Also, this weapon itself is very dangerous. A large number of explosives were loaded into the huge warhead. If these huge amounts of high explosives were accidentally detonated in the workshop, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, this kind of super weapon is not suitable for advanced experiments in military factories and must go to sparsely populated places. This is more complete! It's like developing an atomic bomb. You can't develop this super dangerous weapon in a big city, you can only do it in a sparsely populated desert!

Ballistic missiles, although not as dangerous as atomic bombs, are so powerful that if they explode, their destructive power can be amazing. It is too dangerous to produce this kind of thing in a military factory. But to develop this kind of weapon, it can only be carried out in the desert or on an uninhabited island!

In addition to the reasons he said, the reason why Jonnis had to go to an uninhabited island far away from the mainland is that this kind of weapon cannot be developed in a military factory. Can go to sparsely populated desert islands or desert Gobi!

Zhao Zhongyao thought that if he wanted to develop this missile weapon himself, he had only two choices, either to go to the desert Gobi of the Great West or to the uninhabited island in the sea.

After weighing these two options, Zhao Zhongyao felt that he could only choose an uninhabited desert island.

Because Jianghai City is a coastal city, it is relatively close to the East China Sea. If this kind of experiment is carried out on an uninhabited desert island in the East China Sea, the journey from the military factory to this uninhabited desert island may not be too far.

Such facilities and equipment are naturally easy to transport to that deserted island. But if you choose not to choose the uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, but choose to go to the desert Gobi of the Great West, then the cost will be huge.

Jianghai City is the easternmost part of China, and the desert Gobi is the westernmost part of China. In this case, transporting supplies from Jianghai City to the desert Gobi of the Great West is a very difficult task.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Zhongyao can only choose to conduct such missile development in the East China Sea.

Of course, there is also a very important point. That was their intelligence personnel, who had already obtained information on the development of super weapons by Jonis on an uninhabited desert island in the East China Sea.

Now that the enemy has grown a'position' in the East China Sea. Then of course their Hua Guo will also build the'position' in the East China Sea.

It now appears that the enemy is going to put the stage for competing with China on the turbulent blue ocean, and China has to go to the East China Sea to develop advanced weapons. This is also no choice.

Finally, Zhao Zhongyao and some related leaders determined the location of this super weapon development, which is the Shark Island in the East China Sea.

There are some reasons for using this island.

First, this small island is an uninhabited desert island with no permanent population on it. Second, this deserted island is quite far from the sea. There are hundreds of nautical miles. In this way, when developing super weapons, it is naturally more complete.

In this way, Zhao Zhongyao and some related leaders finally decided to develop ballistic missiles on Shark Island in the East China Sea.

Zhao Zhongyao knew that before this weapon was developed, some basic preparations had to be done, such as workshops, and some living facilities for workers and scientific researchers. These must be done in advance!

So Zhao Zhongyao and Yan Mingcheng first led some soldiers from the armored division to Shark Island. First, I found a relatively flat and hidden place, and selected a place to build a temporary factory.

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