Super Military Scientist

Chapter 1797: The alien mothership is extraordinary (first update)

Chapter 1971 The alien mothership is extraordinary

Zhao Zhongyao smiled proudly when he thought of what happened to him just now.

Li Shan and Feifei heard Zhao Zhongyao's laughter, and their faces also showed smug smiles.

Besides, these aliens immediately regretted when they saw that what they intercepted turned out to be a purple light missile carrying an antimatter bomb.

If they had known about the antimatter bomb in this purple light missile, they would not have foolishly used the purple light missile to intercept it. They only needed to start the spaceship and quickly dodge the attack of this purple light missile.

Although the alien spacecraft is very large, it is also very flexible in space. Just like Zhao Zhongyao's spaceship, although it also has a large volume, in the vastness of space, any huge object is just a speck of dust.

Even an extremely huge star is nothing, let alone a super spacecraft developed by humans, which is not even a piece of dust.

Therefore, no matter how large the spaceship is, in space, it can change its advanced direction at will like a small spaceship, and can avoid the attacks of various weapons fired by the opponent.

Alien spaceships, like Earthman super spaceships, are huge, but flexible, and can deal with attacks from various weapons from the other side at any time.

It's just that when the aliens also made mistakes in judgment, they were too confident and felt that it was impossible for the earth to develop anti-material weapons. Therefore, instead of evading, they chose to launch missiles for interception.

Maybe the aliens also think that the only way is the safest. Because if you want to avoid it, the missile can also change its direction. Maybe, it is useless to avoid it. Only interception is the most effective.

However, no matter what, the aliens must be very regretful now. Because their choice just now was wrong. If they choose to avoid it, they still have a chance. If you choose the wrong now, you will have to taste the consequences of the wrong choice.

Since the purple light missiles Zhao Zhongyao and the others launched were closer to the alien spaceship, the alien spaceship could not avoid it. No matter what measures they are going to take now, it is useless, and it is simply too late.

Now I can see that in the space near the alien spacecraft, an incomparably huge white light sphere was immediately generated.

After this white light ball appeared, it was like a supernova explosion, and another nova was created in space.

This new sun seems to be brighter than the original sun, and all the sunlight is blocked for a while.

After this huge white ball of light appeared, it was like a huge disc-shaped substance, with cyan smoke on the outside and white smoke on the inside.

In the space here, it seems that a sun was born again, and the new substances generated by the explosion turned into shock waves and began to rapidly expand around.

The first wave of 'blue smoke' shock wave flew towards the alien mothership and super spacecraft at an extremely fast speed. Due to the core region of the explosion, the alien craft is a bit closer.

Those 'blue smoke' shock waves soon approached the alien mothership. Those tumbling huge smoke and dust, like huge waves on the sea, engulfed the alien mothership in a way that overwhelmed the sea.

And Zhao Zhongyao and the others are in the super spacecraft, so they don't have to worry that these shock waves will hurt themselves. Because they have purple space protection, you don't have to worry about anything, just stay inside and enjoy the sci-fi disaster blockbuster that is being staged in the outer space.

'Haha, the alien mothership is about to end, it seems that they are still awesome. ' Feifei saw that the entire alien mothership was instantly engulfed by the first wave of 'blue smoke' shock waves of the antimatter bomb, and he felt that the alien mothership was finished.

'Haha, guys who like to shoot own goals, now, you can eat your own fruit! Dare to violate our earth people, we let you go back and forth today. ' Li Shan also laughed out loud.

However, Zhao Zhongyao didn't smile, he just stared at the distant space, watching the alien mothership being engulfed by a huge wave of 'blue smoke'.

The other people in the spaceship are all smiling now. Because, they can finally see that their super killer has destroyed the alien enemy.

Just like this, after a while, when the 'blue smoke' dissipated, and everyone looked at the alien spacecraft carefully, they were all dumbfounded.

Because alien spaceships seem incredibly sturdy. Even if he was directly attacked by the first wave of the 'blue smoke' shock wave of the antimatter bomb, he was still safe and sound.

'Grass the grass! The alien spaceship is too strong! It can actually resist the attack of the first shock wave of the antimatter bomb. ' Feifei was surprised at first when he saw the situation.

'His grandma's guy who likes to shoot own goals, he's really good, this thing is so solid that it hasn't been destroyed. ’ Li Shan also had a surprised expression on his face.

Everyone in the entire supership is the same. They are also very surprised. They are very surprised to see that the alien mothership is still as imposing as Mount Tai in front of the powerful antimatter shock wave.

However, at this time, Zhao Zhongyao sneered and said, 'Hmph, you can resist the first wave of antimatter bombs, but you can't resist the second wave of antimatter bombs. ’

After listening to Zhao Zhongyao's words, Feifei asked in confusion, 'Dad, why do you say that? Could it be that the second wave of shock waves will definitely be able to destroy the alien mothership. ’

'Yes! I think even the second shock wave is enough. ’ Li Shan didn’t believe Zhao Zhongyao’s words either.

'If you don't believe me, just wait and see! ' Zhao Zhongyao didn't say anything more.

Feifei asked again, 'Dad, why didn't the first shock wave destroy the alien mothership. Isn't this first shock wave also very powerful! ’

Zhao Zhongyao laughed when he heard Feifei's words, "Although the first shock wave is also powerful, it cannot be compared with the second shock wave. The alien mothership is of course extraordinary, and it is reasonable to be able to withstand the first shock wave of the antimatter bomb. ’

'Oh! I see. ' Feifei heard what his father said, and he understood in his heart what was going on.

Li Shan also nodded and said, 'The alien mothership is indeed an advanced spacecraft of alien civilization, with strong defense capabilities. ’

At this moment, Zhao Zhongyao said, 'No matter how powerful the alien mothership is, the second shock wave of our antimatter bomb will definitely be able to destroy it. ’

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