Super Military Scientist

Chapter 1761: Powerful purple light weapon

Chapter 1935 The powerful purple light weapon

In this way, this stage of the exercise project is over. Although it only lasted for half an hour, the strength of the combat flying saucer has been fully demonstrated.

The strength of combat flying saucers is far above that of ordinary fighter jets. Even if these fighters are already very advanced fighters, they are not the opponents of fighting flying saucers at all.

This stage of the exercise was over, and Zhao Zhongyao let both the fighter jet and the combat flying saucer fly back into the supership.

The next stage of the exercise is to test the power of the purple light weapon.

Although the purple light missiles have been used in the air combat just now, in such air combat, the purple light missiles are just the 'mops' behind the attack fighter.

This 'mop' is just a plastic model. Attacking a plastic model with a purple light missile, although you can see the power of the purple light weapon, it is like using a cannon to kill a mosquito, and a bull's knife to kill a chicken, which is really overkill.

Attacking the 'mops' behind these fighter jets can only show the precise strike ability of the purple light weapon, and can't really see how powerful the purple light weapon is.

Therefore, the next stage of the exercise mission is to let the combat flying saucer attack the target on the ground, so that these purple light weapons can truly exert their due strength.

Zhao Zhongyao had already observed that there were several boulders and a few hills on the ground. He decided to use these substances as targets for air-to-ground attacks by combat flying saucers.

Because, just to test the power of the purple light weapons mounted on the combat flying saucer, there is no need to dispatch too many combat flying saucers.

So, Zhao Zhongyao sent ten combat flying saucers, carrying dozens of Ziguang missiles and hundreds of Ziguang missiles, and began to carry out air-to-ground strikes.

These ten combat flying saucers flew out one after another from the super ship, and then they must have been lined up and hovered high in the sky in front of the super ship.

For an aircraft like a combat UFO, the biggest advantage is its flexibility in the air. This flying saucer-shaped aircraft can not only change direction at will in the air, but also hover at will in the air.

This kind of action is impossible for ordinary fighters to do. Although a fighter jet can have a very high speed in the high altitude and can do some difficult movements, it is impossible to hover in the high altitude.

Also, fighter jets can only fly forward, not backwards. The combat flying saucer can not only change direction at will, but also fly upside down.

Therefore, the maneuverability of the combat flying saucer in the high altitude is unmatched by any other aircraft. Not to mention such a small and exquisite fighter, even a behemoth like a supership can change direction at will in high altitude.

The ten combat flying saucers hovered high in the sky, and then used purple light missiles to attack some boulder targets on the ground.

These boulders are very huge, each with tens of thousands of tons. And they are all very hard rocks like granite.

Now I can see that the No. 1 combat flying saucer aimed at a boulder and launched a purple light missile.

This purple light missile, like a purple light, flew towards the boulder.

This is because the Ziguang Missile is too small and it flies very fast, so when the Ziguang Missile flies out, the warhead cannot be seen at all, only a purple light can be seen, flying towards a boulder.

'Boom! ’

After a loud bang, the tens of thousands of tons of boulders were torn apart, turning into some flying fragments and a cloud of red smoke.

Zhao Zhongyao and Li Shan were also very shocked when they saw the power of the Ziguang Missile. To say that such an explosion scene is not very shocking. After all, it was a bomb that blew up a boulder.

However, when you know that a small bomb as long as a chopstick and a little thicker in diameter than an egg can completely blow up a 10,000-ton boulder in an instant, you will definitely feel shocked.

‘Mr. Zhao, the power of this little bomb is really powerful! ’ Li Shan looked at the explosion scene outside and was extremely shocked.

‘What is this, wait a moment, let you see the power of the purple light missile, it will surprise you! ' Zhao Zhongyao didn't say anything yet, Cheng Yu said that on the side.

At this time, Zhao Zhongyao also smiled and said, 'The purple light weapons we developed were originally equipped on super ships, and of course they are more powerful than ordinary weapons. ’

When Zhao Zhongyao said this, there were several loud noises. All the boulders on the ground were blown up by the purple light missile.

This scene seems to be very surprising. After all, you can't see how the bombs flew to the target at all, you can only feel that the purple light hit the boulders, and the boulders instantly turned into a cloud of fiery red smoke.

Looking at the amazing scene outside the porthole of the supership, Li Shan also widened his eyes in surprise.

Feifei watched the wonderful performance of the combat flying saucer, and was also gearing up for it. He thought to himself, if he could fly the combat flying saucer, it would be great to participate in such an exercise.

After this exercise project was over, Li Shan looked at Zhao Zhongyao and asked, 'Mr. Zhao, wait a while, do you still want to use Ziguang missiles to attack these boulders? ’

Zhao Zhongyao shook his head and said, 'You don't feel that a purple light missile can easily blow up this boulder, then using a purple light missile is not a waste. ’

'What target is the purple light missile going to blow up? ’ Li Shan still doesn’t know what the target of the Ziguang missile is. He also wondered if it was all these boulders on the ground.

‘Did you see those hills in the distance of the boulder! These hills are the targets of the Ziguang missiles. ' Zhao Zhongyao said.

When Li Shan saw the small hills in the distance from the boulder, he felt that these hills were like small mounds, so he said, 'Mr. Zhao, isn't that some small mounds! Isn't that easier than blowing up these boulders, don't you need purple light missiles! ’

Feifei watched from the side, and also felt that those small hills were nothing at all, and using purple light missiles was also overkill.

'Dad, what are those little mounds, they're not as strong as these boulders! I don't think purple missiles are needed at all, just use purple missiles. ’ Feifei also saw the situation outside.

After listening to Li Shan and Feifei's words, Zhao Zhongyao smiled and said, "Haha, you two fools, those little mounds are not ordinary mounds, but some hills. It's because it's so far away from us that it feels like a small mound. ’

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