Super Military Scientist

Chapter 1740: Elaborate blueprints for spaceships

Chapter 1914 Elaborately draw the blueprint of the spacecraft

But our universe is very huge, the diameter of the Milky Way alone is 100,000 light-years.

In the Milky Way, there are more than 200 billion light stars, and if there are planets, there are at least ten times the number of stars. In this way, there are at least two trillion planets in the Milky Way.

With so many planets, it would be really strange if only Earth had life on it. But no matter what, we still don’t have enough evidence to prove that there are other alien civilizations in the universe.

Is there any other alien civilization in the universe? This is a question that everyone on earth is very concerned about. Because until now, we human scientists have not found any information about alien civilizations.

And the next step for our super spacecraft is to explore the entire galaxy. We must find out whether there are alien civilizations in the entire galaxy.

But if you want to explore the galaxy, you need a very advanced supership. This super spacecraft must not only be very large, but also must be a 'small earth' that can survive independently in interstellar space.

In this case, the super spacecraft we design must be a small biosphere, which can allow people living and working in it to stay in interstellar space for a long time without returning to the earth.

The universe is too huge, but the diameter of the Milky Way is only 100,000 light-years. If we travel to the Milky Way this time, we don’t know when it will be possible to return to Earth.

Therefore, the spacecraft we designed this time is almost like a 'small earth' that can travel in interstellar space, allowing us to live in the spacecraft all year round.

Look, everyone, I designed this spaceship. It doesn't look that big on paper, but in fact, it has a diameter of 2,000 meters and a height of 200 meters. Two thousand people can live inside, and these two thousand people can live in this huge spaceship all year round.

The interior of the spaceship can be roughly divided into three levels, that is, three huge sections. The top floor is the military work area, where there are a thousand special forces soldiers who are responsible for the safety of our entire spacecraft.

In the middle layer of the scientific research work area, all our scientific researchers work in it. There are about 500 of these people, and they live at the level in the middle of the spacecraft.

The lowest layer of the spacecraft is the logistics work area, which is further divided into agricultural production areas and medical care support areas. There are about 500 people.

The shape of the entire spaceship is similar to the flying saucer spaceship we are using now, all of which are saucer-shaped spaceships. However, the size of this super UFO spaceship is much larger than the current UFO spaceship.

Moreover, the living and working space inside is also much more complicated than the flying saucer spaceship. This sketch I designed is just a rough outline of the spaceship.

Specifically, in each space, many independent rooms must be designed. After the spacecraft is developed, we will slowly improve these rooms after the staff members live in them.

Because such improvements are the ones best suited to the needs of the staff.

After all, you will only know what life is like if you live in such a spaceship first, where you need to build some more rooms, and where you need to make changes. Only in this way can our spacecraft become an ideal place for everyone to work and live. ’

After Zhao Zhongyao said these words, he looked at everyone and said, 'Hello everyone, I have explained the design of this super spacecraft. If you have any opinions, you can express your opinions. ’

When Zhao Zhongyao said this, everyone began to express their own opinions. After all, these people are very familiar with Zhao Zhongyao. They never have to be restrained in front of Zhao Zhongyao. Don't worry that you will be ridiculed by President Zhao if you say something bad.

Everyone is now starting to express their opinions freely. Zhao Zhongyao also patiently listened to everyone's opinions and found them useful, so he recorded them with a pen.

After a while, Zhao Zhongyao felt that the views that everyone said were very useful for improving the design of the spacecraft. So, I looked at Cheng Yu again and said, 'Vice President Cheng, everyone's opinions, I think are also very useful. I've got a sketch of the supership ready, now it's time to draw a blueprint for the supership. In this way, it is up to you to take responsibility for this matter! You have to work overtime, and in a month, you have to draw a blueprint for the supership. ’

After hearing Zhao Zhongyao's words, Cheng Yu smiled and said, "Mr. Zhao, please rest assured, we must finish the work within a month. ’

After Zhao Zhongyao listened to it, he showed Cheng Yu some of the opinions he had recorded on the design of the spaceship, "Vice President Cheng, I think these opinions are also very useful. When you draw the blueprint of the super spaceship, you must With reference to these points of view, only in this way will the spacecraft we design be more reasonable. ’

'Okay, I'll think about it. ' Cheng Yu said again.

'Okay, that's it, I still have some things to do, I'll leave it to you to draw the blueprint of the spaceship! ' Zhao Zhongyao looked at Cheng Yu again and said.

Cheng Yu nodded again and said, 'Mr. Zhao, don't worry, we will definitely draw the blueprint of the supership within a month. ’

'Okay, let's get to work now! I'll go to another meeting. ' After Zhao Zhongyao finished speaking, he walked out of the conference room.

Zhao Zhongyao knew that he had to manage a huge flying group, and he couldn't have been drawing the blueprint of the spaceship here all the time. Of course, such meticulous work required specialized design engineers to complete.

In this way, a month later, Cheng Yu has led professional engineering designers to draw a blueprint for the supership.

When they finished this important work, Cheng Yu called Zhao Zhongyao, 'Mr. Zhao, we have drawn the blueprint of the supership, you can come and review it. ’

After listening to Cheng Yu's words, Zhao Zhongyao said happily, 'Okay, I'll go take a look right away. ’

After speaking, Zhao Zhongyao came out of the office and came to a conference room.

Cheng Yu and some engineers were waiting for Zhao Zhongyao in the conference room. When Zhao Zhongyao went in, Cheng Yu pointed to a stack of blueprints on the table and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, we have already designed the blueprint of the supership, you can review it. ’

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