Super Marshal

Chapter 720 To accept or not to accept?

"There is no doubt that Ferguson was a great manager and a respectable opponent."

At the pre-match press conference, when Gao Han asked media reporters that he hoped he could give Ferguson an evaluation, he gave the most authentic evaluation from the bottom of his heart.

"If you ask me who is the greatest manager in the world, then the first person who comes to my mind must be Ferguson, and then others. He will always be the best in my mind. "

When the reporter asked Gao Han to introduce his relationship with Ferguson, Gao Han smiled and respectfully called him his best friend who was both a teacher and a friend.

"On the football field, we are rivals, but off the field, we are friends."

After a pause, Gao Han continued, "In real life, I have many friends, but Ferguson is definitely the most unique and interesting one. He has a very deep understanding of football and he taught me a lot. , he is an incredible person and a senior who deserves my respect."

"Many people say that our relationship has become much colder after I coached Chelsea, but in fact it's the opposite. I still clearly remember that when I decided to coach Chelsea, he was the first to send me a congratulatory text message. One of my friends and he was the first person to speak up for me after I left Chelsea."

"Even now, we still maintain contact and communication. Every time I win a championship and my child is born, he always sends me a text message to congratulate me immediately. In turn, when he wins the championship, I So will it.”

"We often send text messages to each other and exchange our thoughts. Many times after watching the game, I will give him some opinions, and he will do the same in turn. We don't even need to be too polite at all, because we understand each other very well. For me, I don’t have many friends like that.”

Soon, another media reporter asked Gao Han to answer directly whether Ferguson is the best head coach in football today. Gao Han answered without hesitation, yes. As for whether he is the best head coach at the moment, Gao Han answered politely. He said, I don’t know, I have no right to comment.

This answer naturally blocked the next question from the media reporters about who was better, and Marcus Holvik secretly gave Gao Han a thumbs up, appreciating Gao Han's wit.

But as to whether he was confident of defeating Ferguson, Gao Han said without hesitation that he would go all out.

"Mr. Gao Han." Another reporter raised his hand and stood up to ask, "First of all, I should congratulate you for successfully getting the attention of the New York Times and being on the cover of Time Magazine. This is the first time in professional football. Bit."

"Thank you." Gao Han thanked him politely.

"As the cover of Time Magazine said, you are the closest thing to a legend now. If you defeat Manchester United tomorrow night and win the championship, you will tie Paisley and win three Champions League titles, and everyone in the world will win the championship." Fans who like you are extremely excited and also very nervous. We want to know, how are you feeling at this moment? Are you nervous?"

"Thank you for your question, Mr. Reporter."

Gao Han was the first to express his thanks, "First of all, I want to say that I am very grateful to the media and fans for their recognition and affirmation. This is a great honor for me, but it is also a motivation that always spurs me to continue working hard."

After hearing this, all the media reporters below nodded in appreciation.

Gao Han has already mastered how to deal with the media. He may know what he can and cannot say better than many of the media reporters below.

"If you ask me now, then I would like to say that I am very excited and happy like everyone else, but more importantly, I am excited. You know, having the opportunity to challenge for such an honor is definitely a must for all professions. A lifelong pursuit of a head coach.”

"I believe that when I wake up tomorrow morning, I will take my blood pressure and my heartbeat. It should be higher and faster than usual. Not only me, but also my players, I believe it will be the same."

"But we are all professionals and over the years we have been used to living and playing under pressure, so when we finish our preparation meeting tomorrow morning, have lunch, get on the bus and go to the Olympic Stadium, we will think of everything we can Anything to relax.”

"When we turn up at the Olympiastadion tomorrow evening, everyone will see a Bayern Munich team that is back to its best and ready to face all the difficulties of the game."

Gao Han's answer brought him a lot of applause, which not only answered the reporter's question, but also boosted the team's morale.

If you study carefully, it is not difficult to find that this group of players in the Bayern Munich team all lack experience in the Champions League finals. Each of them is participating in the Champions League finals for the first time. In the face of such an important final, they often become nervous easily. , some with weaker psychological qualities may even perform abnormally.

Everyone knows that the finals, the knockout rounds, and the group stages are two completely different events, and the pressure and difficulty are completely different. Therefore, no matter how well you play in the knockout rounds and group stages, it will be useless in the finals.

Whether it is the Champions League final or the World Cup final, how many players who performed very well before the final ended up in the final, either because of the opponent's targeted tactics or because of their own excessive psychological pressure, resulting in poor performance, or even... Bad precedent?

Therefore, Gao Han has attached great importance to the psychological adjustment of the players early on. He not only gave the players a holiday, but also arranged for Steve Peters to be responsible for the psychological counseling of the players. He also tried every means to reduce the pressure on the players, so as to make every player happy. Easily play and be able to face Manchester United in the best condition.

Gao Han himself has experienced many finals, especially in the Champions League final. He has experienced ups and downs, so he knows better than anyone else that when it comes to the final and entering the Olympic Stadium, what really determines the championship is not your past. How outstanding your performance is, is not how outstanding your players are, but how much you can perform.

Who does that Saint-Bride Cup outside belong to? It doesn’t depend on your previous knockout and group stage results. It only depends on who can perform better in the ninety-minute game tomorrow night.

Therefore, Gao Han's words are a great opportunity to encourage the team.

"Mr. Gao Han, we all know that you have never lost in the past nine years, so do you still have the confidence to continue to win tomorrow night's game?" Another reporter asked.

Gao Han smiled slightly, "Yes, but it's wrong, because past results will not help tomorrow night's game, so I never think about how the past games were, nor how the future games will be. I just I will consider the next game.”

"One more question, Mr. Gao Han." Another reporter stood up.

"Excuse me." Gao Han made a polite gesture of invitation.

"There have been rumors in the media that Manchester City in the Premier League and Real Madrid in La Liga are interested in inviting you to coach. There is even news that they are willing to offer you a huge annual salary of 50 million euros after tax. I wonder if you have any idea about this. What’s the response?”

Gao Han was well prepared for this question, knowing that someone would ask the question at the scene, so after hearing the question, he laughed and kept shaking his head, "I don't know where this news came from. In fact, it did Many media friends are asking me this question."

"But, it's strange. I'm going to coach Manchester City and Real Madrid. I don't know it myself. You have to tell me. Don't you think this is interesting?"

Many media reporters at the scene laughed.

What Gao Han actually meant was that there was no such thing at all.

"Many people think that I will bid farewell to Bayern Munich after the end of this season, but what I want to say is that I have not made a decision so far. Not only me, but the management has also not made any decision. They still Support me unconditionally and trust me, and we will not keep this influence at all.”

"Right now, I only have one thing on my mind, and that's the game tomorrow night. As for the rest, I don't think about anything and I don't know anything."

"I'm very grateful to the management, players and fans of Bayern Munich. Their support has brought us to where we are today, so the only thing I want to do now is to put the St. Petersburg outside in tomorrow night's game. Take the cup and give it to our management, to the players and to the fans."

Gao Han's statement once again won him applause.

In fact, Gao Han does have a clear conscience because the external rumors are simply untrue.

Neither Manchester City nor Real Madrid have ever had contact with him, and his agent Mendes has never had any agreement with the two clubs. Even according to Mendes himself, the two teams have no relationship at all. Ask him about whether Gao Han will leave Bayern Munich at the end of this season.

Many specious rumors come from internal rumors in the football circle, but can these be taken seriously?

Therefore, Gao Han answered this question very forcefully and resonantly, without feeling guilty at all.

But just when the applause had not ended, a reporter who claimed to be a British reporter stood up and held a one-to-one replica of the St. Bradford Cup bought from someone unknown. He kept saying this It was carefully prepared by them as a gift to Gao Han, wishing him success in winning the cup.

Gao Han stood up, looked at the British reporter holding the trophy with a smile, and asked: "Are you sure what you said is true?"

There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and even the reporter holding the cup felt a little embarrassed.

Everyone in the entire European football world knows that there is a curse in the Saint-Bride Cup, that is, whoever touches the trophy before the game will lose in the final.

Therefore, the head coach and players who participated in the ceremony to welcome the trophy tonight were told early that it is best to follow this tradition in European football and not to touch the trophy before winning the final. Will they be punished?

In fact, not only tonight, but also tomorrow night when the players take the field, they must try to avoid the trophy.

But now, this British media reporter has delivered the trophy in an open and honest manner, claiming that it was a blessing. How to deal with this?

To answer or not to answer?

If you accept it, you are somewhat suspected of committing a curse, and you always feel that it is unlucky; but it is not good if you don't accept it. People can say that you refuse the championship trophy, and it will still be unlucky.

The media reporters at the scene all took the attitude of watching the excitement and not being afraid of the big deal, waiting to see how Gao Han would handle it.

Gao Han also felt depressed in his heart. Don't look at these British media reporters. They usually had a lot of trouble with Ferguson, but that was internal fighting. Once they faced foreign enemies, they were more united than anyone else, let alone this time they faced England. sworn enemy Germany.

However, this one is so well made that it almost looks like a real one. Should you accept it or not?

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