Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 632: A World of Panic

The planet is about to hit the earth, and the news of the end of the world is spreading unexpectedly fast. In the morning, most of the people in the world are still at ease. In the afternoon, the whole world once again fell into panic, even though the king released the news through various channels saying Master Kling believes that there is 70% certainty that the asteroid can be prevented from hitting the earth, but it still cannot stop the panic of the people.

Under the doomsday crisis, human nature and morality are once again facing collapse, and the whole world has almost fallen into chaos once again.

However, under this general panic, many people are still at ease.

Inside Jieshi Island Sword Drawing Dojo.

In the hall, there were various reports that planets were about to hit the earth, but no one was watching in the hall. Under the eaves outside the hall, there was a small tea table with tea cups on it. Master Arian was drinking leisurely. Tea.

"When you draw your sword, your mind must be empty!"

"In the practice of martial arts, one must be able to bear hardships, endure hardships, and endure what others can't bear!"

Master Ariane yelled from time to time. In the big courtyard in front of him, the senior brother, the second senior brother, Lena, Olivier, and all his disciples were practicing swordsmanship seriously in the courtyard.

"You must believe that with Kelin around, the sky won't fall!"

"Since Kelin said he is 70% sure, the planets cannot collide!"

Arian shouted loudly, of course he was also a little worried, but he believed in Kelin more. After all, 70% certainty was not low, but Arian also knew that this kind of belief was almost irrational, because the impact of the impact on the earth After all, it is a planet that is almost the same magnitude as the Earth, not to mention a planet that is the same magnitude as the Earth. A planet with a diameter only the size of a small village can destroy the entire Earth. If this kind of thing is analyzed scientifically, no matter what A dead word.

In fact, the whole world fell into a doomsday-like panic, and this panic was more desperate than the arrival of the two evil alien powerhouses.

No matter how terrifying the alien powerhouse is, it is human after all, and this time, the planet can be calculated with science and data, and it is the kind of horror that the people can imagine for themselves.

Sun Wuben of Ginkgo Village is playing basketball with his son.

"Wu Ben, what do you think about the planet hitting the earth? It is said that Master Klin replied to His Majesty the King that he has 70% certainty to resolve this crisis. Do you think the end of the world is really here?"

"Don't worry, the end of the world will not come. Master Kelin said that he is 70% sure, which is enough. In my opinion, he is 100% sure." Sun Wuben looked indifferent.

"But the TV said it's 70% sure, and it's still 30% less. You can't lie on TV."

"There are no lies on TV. Master Kelin must have told the king that he is only 70% sure, but uncle, do you know that there is a book of rumors that is very popular now." Sun Wuben said with a smile and dropped the ball.

"Rumor, what rumor is related to this matter?"

"Naturally, because this rumor is about two masters, Klin and Monkey King." Sun Wuben said, "The rumors say that all disasters were brought about by Klin and Master Sun Wukong. This rumor is very popular, and it is impossible for Master Klin not to know. , He is angry in his heart, even if he can solve the doomsday crisis 100%, it is impossible to say that it is 100%, but he will be angry and say 70% sure, this is human nature, no matter how powerful Master Klin is, he is still human."

"It makes sense when you say that..."


Although there are quite a few people who believe that the two masters Sun Wukong and Kelin can prevent planets from hitting the earth, more than 90% of them still have no confidence. No matter how powerful aliens are, they can destroy cities with one blow, but planets can destroy them. the whole planet.

The river was surging, and the bonfire was roaring.

Vegeta turned the big fish on the fire, frowning. Apart from practicing hard these days, he just wandered around to inquire about news.

"A low-level fighter like Kakarot can become so powerful on this earth. There must be incredible martial arts on this earth. As long as I find it, it is absolutely no problem to surpass Kakarot."

In the past few days of searching, Vegeta did not get much useful information at all. Instead, he heard the terrible news that the planet was about to hit the earth tomorrow morning.

"Damn it!"

Vegeta was very angry, why the Saiyans were destroyed, wasn't it because their home planet Planet Vegeta was hit by a huge meteorite and exploded and destroyed.

Planet Vegeta is different from the earth. It is a very hard and huge planet, and its gravity is even ten times that of the earth.

Even such a planet was destroyed just by being hit by a meteorite, not to mention a planet as small as the earth was hit by another planet!

"That bastard from Krillin said that he is 70% sure of destroying it. Should I stay or leave?" Vegeta pondered. It is no problem for him to destroy a planet, but it is impossible to prevent a planet from hitting the earth, otherwise Planet Vegeta wouldn't have exploded because of this.

As time passed, the chaos in the world deteriorated terribly, and the direct economic loss reached trillions, and the speed of this loss was still increasing exponentially. If this continues, even if the planet does not hit the earth in the end, the world's economy and civilization will also be lost. It has reached an unbearable level, and it is not something that can be done in a short time to recover. In this situation, the king had to make a move against his will.

The cliff next to the Guixian House is densely packed with reporters who carry or carry camera equipment, and there are various large camera equipment around them.

"Master Sun Wukong, Master Kelin, you will definitely do it!" The king frowned and shouted.

"Masters Sun Wukong and Kelin, I beg you two, what you need in this kind of thing is to be full of passion and show absolute confidence!" A white-haired old man with a back comb roared, "You guys are so fundamental No, not at all!"

Sun Wukong and Kelin also frowned.

In order to appease the emotions of the people and prevent all kinds of chaos from happening further, the king actually lied directly on TV, saying that they are 100% sure to solve the crisis of the planet hitting the earth, but this is not enough, the chaos in the world is still unstoppable.

So the king went straight to them and made a request that they make a short film, go on TV, give a speech on TV.

The king and the country's think tank team believe that Monkey King and Kelin are heroes who save the world, and only when they speak in person can they truly gain the trust of the people.

But even a true professional can't do this well.

What's more, Sun Wukong and Kelin are martial lunatics who only know how to practice martial arts. Not to mention that they are never good at publicity, and they are not very good at things that other normal people seem to be very simple. How can they do it?

What's more, to really arouse the passion of the people and make them 100% trust, it is not just a few words according to the script.

Of course, Sun Wukong and Kelin are a million people who are unwilling to do this kind of thing, but it concerns the safety of the entire earth world, and they have to do it even if they hold their noses.


Three hours have passed since the beginning, and the two still cannot satisfy the photography team.

"You two masters, your current performance, even we think it is fake, how can you impress the public?"

"Masters, if I were to give you a score, you wouldn't even be able to reach 30 points, let alone 50 points for the passing line. What you have to achieve is 90 points!"


Pointing to each other.

Qiqi, Boulma, and Aijia sisters next to them also yelled and instructed them to move from time to time, but they got worse and worse.

"A Lin, your knowledge is really too shallow, you can't even do such small things well." Sun Wuben couldn't stand it, so he couldn't help but said. Kelin's eyes lit up: "Hmph, don't stand and talk without back pain, you can do it!" In his previous life, he was known as the God of Songs, and later he became a hero who saved the world because he defeated Piccolo.

Sun Wu in his previous life was not like Kelin, he was afraid of going on TV like a tiger.

On the contrary, because Sun Wuben wants to make money, he will always find time to go on TV, go to acupuncture points, accept interviews, etc. when he is a song god, and it is also the same when he is a hero who saves the world. Therefore, Sun Wuben can be said to be very familiar with this line of work.

What's more, Sun Wuben knew the crisis this time.

"The planet that hit it should be the Super Namekian Slag."

In the theatrical version of Dragon Ball World, there is a rule that "the height of the Tao is one foot, and the height of the devil is one foot", the more evil the more powerful, and this situation is manifested in those super powerful nations.

Both the Saiyans and the Nameks are nations with top bloodlines in the universe. Therefore, there will be some extremely evil people in these two nations.

The more evil you are, the more powerful you are, so these extremely evil people will also be extremely powerful.

In the universe, such people are collectively referred to as genetic mutants, and Frieza, Kevila, and some of their strongest people belong to this category, just like the Kinute team, most of the people in them are genetic mutants.

The most evil and evil body that appears among the Saiyans is Broly, and Broly is also the real original Super Saiyan in the mouth of Dragon Ball fans. With the battle, it keeps soaring, and the more angry it is, the more terrifying its combat power is.

The Namek nation is a very kind nation in the universe, but one day a Namek child with an extremely evil heart was born. This person is Shilage, who is also a Super Namek of the Namek people. , has extremely terrifying fighting power.

"In the theatrical version, Slug, like Frieza, also claims to be the emperor of the universe. If he is not too old, and his territory is too far away from Frieza, he will definitely compete with Frieza for territory. And the King of Kai once said that Slag might be stronger than Frieza."

The words of the King of the Northern Realm are naturally unbelievable. In fact, Sun Wukong just transformed into a mimic Super Saiyan to defeat Slag, and defeating Frieza was transformed into a real Super Saiyan.

"Slag was driving a planet when he came to Earth."

Sun Wuben could remember that in the theater, Dr. Breaves was the first to discover that Star Slag would hit the earth, but the people of the whole world didn’t know about it until Star Slag was about to hit the earth, so even the confusion was short-lived. time.

But this time it was known a day in advance.

Happy New Year 2018! Chewing Soul is here to wish you all New Year greetings! I wish happiness! May all go well with you!

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