The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the high altitude where the heaven is located is blue and there is hardly a trace of cloud. On the empty platform outside the main hall, there was a round yurt-like building at this moment.

"Sun Wuben is a very careful person..."

On the edge of the platform, there stood two statue-like figures. Bobo was talking to the god about his contact with Sun Wuben. The god listened quietly, with surprise flashing across his face from time to time.

Not long ago, Bobo Flying Carpet came to Kalin Tower, and left Buma, Taiyisi, Tianjin Fan, Kelin, Dumplings, Yamcha and Yakinobe at the Immortal Palace of Kalin Immortals , Then he took Sun Wuben to the heaven.

Sun Wuben had seen the god of heaven, and after understanding the situation, he threw out his round villa and entered it.

"You've done a good job. Sun Wuben is a strong man like him. We can no longer treat him like an ordinary person. We can't stop him from coming to the heaven." Tianshen sighed with emotion in a low voice, after listening to Bobo's narration , Tianshen's heart was touched a lot, especially after knowing that he was not alone in the world who could make Dragon Balls, his heart was even more ups and downs.


Tenjin and Bobo turned around.

I saw two figures walking out of the circular villa, it was Sun Wukong who was very happy because of Sun Wuben's arrival, and Sun Wuben.

"God, just now I interrogated Timo, Morty, and learned from them that a human like you is actually a Namekian." Sun Wuben said.

"Namek?" When the god heard this word, his heart trembled.

"It's so familiar and kind, maybe I really come from Namek." The god's eyes lit up.

"God, I'm going to visit Namek, do you want to go together?" Sun Wuben asked, "It may really be your hometown, and there may even be your relatives, your parents."


God's heart moved, and his lips quivered.

"God, Bobo is here to take care of you in the heaven. If you leave temporarily, nothing will happen, and your age..." Bobo persuaded.

The god took a deep breath, indeed, he was too old, and he might not live for a few years, if he could go back to his hometown before he died.

"God, please forgive me, the so-called fallen leaves return to their roots. At your age, you really don't have a few years to live. If you don't go to Namek now, it will be difficult to find another opportunity." Sun Wuben persuaded, after all, there is a god. Accompanied by the original Namekians, no matter what you do on Namek, it will be much easier.

The hand of Tianshenzhu holding the crutch trembled even more, he turned around slowly, looked at the sky outside, and remained silent for a long time.

"The duty of a god, if it is not necessary, you can't leave your post. I paid a lot of money to become this god, so I should do my best. Namek, I really want to take a look, take a look at that It may be my hometown, but after all, I have left, and I have lived on this earth since I was a child, so this is also my hometown, Sun Wuben, don’t persuade me, Bobo, don’t talk too much, I decided not going."

"Alright then." Sun Wuben sighed in his heart.

Namek is the real place of origin of Dragon Ball. Compared with Dragon Ball, Sun Wuben is particularly interested in Namek people. The Namekians are the best in the universe regardless of their personal combat power, planetary technology, or other superpowers that violate science. It can be said that the human index of the earthlings in the universe is basically at the bottom, while the Namekians are at the top.

"The Great Elder of Namek has many magical abilities. For me, the most important thing is the development potential." Sun Wuben was very emotional. There is also a way to trigger the human body's potential on earth, which is to drink super magic water, but this thing The side effects were too great, and the only one who survived drinking a cup of super divine water was Monkey King, and the others were already dead.

And how much potential does Sun Wukong develop?

It's only 80 points, and after drinking the super magic water, it is also in great pain, and it has passed through life and death several times.

But when Klin went to Namek, he was just touched on the head by the elder, who painlessly increased Klin's strength by 11,500 points.

One has only 80 points after life and death, and the other has increased by more than 10,000 in comfort, and Sun Wukong's own potential far exceeds Klin's. If Sun Wukong let the great elder trigger the potential, how much the combat power will surge is unimaginable.

Sun Wu didn't dare to drink the super divine water, and he didn't dare to go to Namek in the early days, but if he doesn't go to the current combat power, he will really be out of his mind.

"God, I think Namek should have its own language?" Sun Wuben asked.

"It should be the language in my memory. This Bobo can also know it. It is the one used when summoning the dragon. Sun Wuben, since you are going to Namek, let Bobo accompany you." Tianshen said.

"God, Bobo wants to serve you, I think it's better for Bobo to teach Sun Wubon the Namekic language?"

"Whatever you want." God said.

"Let me learn the Namek language?" Sun Wuben's face was ugly, "I don't have that much time, how about I call Buma and Taisi, they learn quickly, and they can learn it in a few days. "

"Whatever you want." Bobo said lightly.

In the Immortal Palace, Tianjin Rice, Dumplings, Kelin, etc. are doing their own practice.

"Damn Monkey King." Bulma looked at the book boredly and muttered, "After going for so long and still not coming down, it is impossible that he also stayed in the heaven to practice like Monkey King?"

"It's hard to say, why don't we call and ask, I've come to wait for him, if he doesn't come down, I don't want to stay in such a place with thin air for a long time." Taisi suggested. At this time——

"Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?" I saw a figure falling from the sky and flying onto the platform.

"Sun Wuben, have you seen the god?" Bulma and Taisi shouted excitedly. Yamu Tea, Tianjin Rice, Kelin, Dumplings, and Yakinobe also gathered around.

"What does a god look like?"

"You broke in without permission, did the gods reprimand you?"

"How is Sun Wukong's current strength?"


"Everyone." Sun Wuben said with a smile, "I'm here to take Buma and Taisi to heaven. Boulma and Taisi, don't say you don't want to go."

"Take us to heaven?"

"Of course!" Buma and Taisi jumped up excitedly, "Sun Wuben, did the gods let us go? It seems that the gods also know the genius of our sisters."

"You are not so beautiful, because I want you to help me with some things, so I brought you up, the gods don't want you to go." Sun Wuben said coldly.

"Impossible!" Bulma yelled with her hands on her hips.

"Sun Wuben, are you really bringing Buma up there?" Yamucha frowned, "Is this appropriate without the permission of the gods?"

"Whoever I want to take, the gods will never object. Of course, it is useless to object." Sun Wuben smiled, and glanced at Immortal Kalin, "Immortal Kalin, what do you think?"

"Hmph!" Immortal Karin's face was very bad. He naturally knew that Sun Wuben was telling the truth. With the level of Sun Wuben's strength, he was already superior to them in some aspects. This is the privilege of the strong.

"Sun Wuben, don't talk about this, when will you return my fairy beans?"

"That... I have alien fish and meat collected from the universe..." A universal capsule appeared in Sun Wuben's hand, and Immortal Kalin's eyes lit up, and he swallowed: "Fish from alien planets, I I haven't tasted it yet, if you give it to me, those fairy beans... will be wiped out."

"Those fairy beans are too few, unless..."

"Sun Wuben, don't push yourself too hard." Immortal Karin plummeted, "If my lord has fairy beans, why don't I give them to you? You took away so many fairy beans, and Yakinobe gave the rest to you." Stolen and ruined, my lord has few grains left."

"Okay, save more in the future, don't let Yakinobe steal it." Sun Wuben threw the capsule at Immortal Kalin, and took out a booklet from his arms.

This is the teleportation data that Sun Wuben copied casually while talking with the gods and Monkey King in the heaven just now. Of course, Sun Wuben took the time to look through this data.

"As expected of the learning materials of teleportation, among other things, the science involved in it, especially physics, is really huge and profound." Sun Wuben sighed in his heart. Of course, Sun Wuben only flipped through it a few times, and it didn't really To study, but after all, Sun Wuben is a top student in the northern capital, and his foundation is still very solid, so he can get a general idea just by taking a few glances.

"Shenlong just said that my body is not suitable for practicing teleportation, and didn't say anything else. It seems that although the knowledge is huge and profound, it is not a big obstacle for me to learn and understand, but if I practice..." Sun Wuben turned his thoughts, and then put the booklet Pass it to Immortal Karin.

"I made a copy of all the learning materials for teleportation, Immortal Kalin, take it and make a few more copies, one for everyone here, including you, Immortal Kalin." Sun Wuben said.


Clint was excited.

"You really want to give us teleportation?" Yamcha also exclaimed in surprise. Tianjin Rice and Dumpling also looked at each other, their faces were filled with uncontrollable joy, and even Yakinobe, who was always tired, had bright eyes, looking at the booklet in Sun Wuben's hand as if he saw delicious food.

The corner of Sun Wuben's mouth twitched, teleportation is not difficult for him, Sun Wuben, for Boulma, but for others!

"You kid..." Immortal Kalin looked at Sun Wuben strangely, "It surprised me." He took the e-book handed over by Sun Wuben. Naturally, Immortal Kalin also has a deep research interest in teleportation.

"Bulma, Taisi, let's go."


As soon as Sun Wuben, Boulma, and Taisi left, Immortal Kalin copied several copies of the teleportation data under the urging of everyone after eating a feast of alien fish, and everyone had one copy. in one hand.

"what is this?"

Yakinobe stared at the pages of the book with eyes like copper bells. Yakinobei has read books, and he knows each of these characters, but adding them up... makes it difficult to understand.

"Is this teleportation?"

Jiaozi flipped through the booklet in his hand, and grabbed his head vigorously, his only one hair was twisted into a knot by him. Of course, Jiaozi also learned some knowledge, at least when Sun Wuben instructed him and Tianjin Fan, he regarded cultural learning as an essential practice.

Tianjin Fan read the contents of the brochure again and again, but his mind was in chaos. He was not much better than Dumpling.

The situation of Kelin and Yamucha is a little better than the previous three, but at this time, even the 800-year-old Kalin Immortal, who is experienced, knowledgeable, and even has a lot of research on science, is scratching his head when facing the teleportation data. How much better can Kelin and Yamu tea be?

As time passed, everyone racked their brains at the beginning, trying to study the teleportation in their hands, but on the sixth or seventh day, they began to feel a little tired. On the ninth day, even Tianjin rice, which had the best perseverance, was completely abandoned.

On the eleventh day, Immortal Karin also resignedly gave up.

On the twelfth day, three figures appeared on the platform outside the Immortal Palace, they were Sun Wuben, Buma and Taisi.

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