Kesha, who was confused, asked Hexi softly:"Hexi, do you think Xiongbing Company can be on the list?"

Hexi faced Kesha's question, and after a moment of slight silence, he nodded gently. He nodded and said:"I'm not sure."

"From the decisive battle between Angel and Hua Ye, we can see that the Xiongbing Company is also very strong. At least it is not inferior to the Angel Civilization, but it should not be stronger than the God of Death, Karl."

"Hua Ye was just a test subject created by Karl, but he had already suppressed Yan and the power of the galaxy to the point where he had almost no ability to resist."

"It can be seen from here that the Xiongbing Company is definitely not as strong as the Death God Karl, so it is impossible to surpass the Death God Karl."

He Xi spoke softly and expressed his guess.

If the Death God Carl had not been on the list yet, He Xi would still believe that the Xiongbing Company would be on the list, but now that the Death God Carl has been on the list, the Xiongbing Company is really not that good. Maybe on the list.

Xiongbing is almost unable to deal with even the test objects produced by Hua Ye. How can it be stronger than the god of death, Karl himself?

"Judging from the overall strength of the Xiongbing Company, they are indeed qualified to be on the list."

Kesha also nodded slightly.

She was also very curious about the fact that the Xiongbing Company was not on the list.

After He Xi thought for a moment, he continued:"The Shenhe Civilization is also among the top civilizations in the universe, and the Xiongbing Company After all, it is also a product of the Kamigawa civilization."

"So... I suspect that the Xiongbing Company should be included in the Kamigawa Civilization."

After thinking about it for a long time, He Xi could only come up with this result.

The Kamigawa civilization is very strong, even stronger than the angel civilization.

It is the most powerful top civilization in the known universe.

Even the god of death, Karl, In front of the Shenhe Civilization, he could only call himself a student.

In the Styx Galaxy, the God of Death, Karl, frowned slightly and said,"Am I only third?"

"Who are the top two?"

"Could it be the Kamigawa civilization where the teacher is from?"

Seeing that he was only third, Hua Ye's thoughts were similar to those of He Xi from the Angel Civilization.

They all subconsciously believed that the Divine River Civilization should be on the list.

Although the Divine River Civilization has been destroyed, it still left a legacy.

The Xiongbing Company is also a product of the Kamigawa Civilization, and may be considered a representative of the Kamigawa Civilization.

"Carl is only third?"

"The third place is so awesome, how awesome should the top two be?"

Hua Ye stared at the gold list and started his own little calculation.

Karl is so awesome and he is only third, so the top two must be better than Karl.

If he can take advantage of it, he may not be destroyed..

On the gold list, the god of death Karl was born in a noble family, and showed extraordinary talents from an early age. He accidentally met the space god Kiran and was accepted as a disciple by Kiran at a young age. He became Kieran's most proud disciple. After he became an adult, he followed Kieran to travel the universe and guide the weak civilizations in the universe.

More than 20,000 years ago, Carl and Kieran came to the Angel Nebula and witnessed the war of the angel civilization. After the angel defeated Hua Ye, he met Holy Kesha and Liang Bing for the first time.

Kieran discussed with the angel king Kesha and jointly established the order of justice, which was protected by the angel civilization.

Later, the super seminary was established in the angel civilization. Kieran serves as the principal, and the other angels are students. Liang Bing and He Xi are Kieran's most proud students.

In the Super Seminary, Liang Bing and Karl particularly like to study time and space. The two of them developed the time and space gene. The present Rose of Space and Time.

Later, for some unknown reason, the God of Death, Karl, proposed the fear of the void, and wanted to develop the primary biological civilization into a secondary biological civilization to achieve a jump to higher latitudes.

This theory was known by Holy Kesha, and it was already violated. The righteous order established by the Angels and the Kamigawa Civilization expelled Carl from the Angel Nebula.

The Super Seminary was permanently closed, and Kieran also left the Angel Nebula.

After that, Carl, the God of Death, wandered aimlessly in the universe. He has his own ideas and plans to go to the Dark Nebula to complete his academic research. When going to the Dark Nebula, he discovered the existence of the Styx Galaxy. There are low-level creatures in the Styx Galaxy, and they only have the most primitive killing instinct.

The civilization is as old as the Kamigawa civilization, and it also has an evolutionary history of tens of millions of years.

But unlike the Kamigawa civilization, the evolution of Styx creatures has not been smooth, and they have been left behind by the Kamigawa civilization in both form and intelligence. A lot.

Karl came to the Styx Galaxy, spent three thousand years, brought the civilization here to the aerospace level, and left Styx in the next 20,000 years. The galaxy has not made any progress, and their civilization is still stuck at the aerospace level of 20,000 years ago.

The God of Death, Karl, established the Death Academy and studied his academics here, ordering the Taotie Legion to use killings to help him study. The concept he adheres to.

In 20,000 years, Karl has researched a lot of things.

The first thing he researched is the spiritual body, which means that the spirit can still exist after the physical body dies, and it has powerful abilities.

The high-level gluttonous warriors among them are all experimental products of the God of Death, Karl. They can even compete with the second-generation angels.

Their bodies made of steel can also compete with ordinary civilized warriors.

On the blue star, Reina pointed at the gold list above her head. Said:"Taotie is the first enemy you have to fight. Although they are not very strong, they are not something you can deal with now."

"Saonian, keep training!"

Under the leadership of high-level Taotie, the Taotie warriors became more powerful.

They left the Styx galaxy and traveled in the known universe. Everywhere they went, they would cause a lot of killings.

The god of death, Karl, had used the big clock to deduce The fourth generation divine body of Kamigawa has super strong resistance to blows and can also decompose and reorganize the body.

"The fourth-generation divine body that Morgana upgraded was probably given by Karl, the God of Death."Kesha spoke softly, with a somewhat displeased tone.

She did not expect that ever since the Death God Karl was expelled from the Angel Nebula, he has been planning how to deal with the angel civilization.

Every move of the angels is under the surveillance of the Death God Karl.

If it weren't for it, The gold list exposes everything, and the angelic civilization is still paralyzed by Karl, the god of death.

"It's time to make a correction."

Kesha murmured softly.

Any behavior that provokes the execution of justice by angels must be corrected in advance.

He Xi thought of the scene of the woman on the gold list, thought of the sacred Kesha being destroyed, and when Hua Ye led Tianzha to make a comeback, he frowned and looked at Kesha said:"Queen, be careful."

He Xi knew Kesha's character. He couldn't persuade her, so he could only tell her to be careful.

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