Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 461 The Miracle in the Eyes

Yu Xiaohu is actually very clear about the speculation that the biological raw materials used in the gene medicine developed by Shenhu Group that can increase human life expectancy and improve human life genes come from Octopus Island.

As the saying goes, it is better to lose than to block.

At present, the intelligence agencies of various countries in the world are focusing on the birthplace of the biological raw materials of the gene medicine. Instead of keeping it highly secret, they might as well reveal some of it, which can effectively guide public opinion.

Through guidance, the relevant information will be disclosed, and the whole world will know that the main ingredient of the genetic medicine is extracted from the special animals and plants of Octopus Island. This will undoubtedly add a bigger card and capital to Octopus Island. It also has a mysterious product that can form the characteristics of Octopus Island.

But in fact, all of this was just fabricated by Yu Xiaohu out of thin air, in order to create momentum for Octopus Island.

In fact, the main ingredients of the genetic medicine can be extracted from most animals and plants on the earth through the black technology biotechnology of the base island.

But Yu Xiaohu deliberately made it so complicated, moved out the products from Octopus Island in a timely manner, and even put some modified marine creatures made by the base island around this sea area to show their faces, which triggered the gang of super rich and rich Our conjecture was confirmed again.

And all of this is a scene created by Yu Xiaohu in advance, in order to let the representatives of these super families and the leaders of the enterprises go back after this investigation and visit, and disclose these relevant information.

With these people doing live advertisements, coupled with the promotion of several world-leading enterprise groups to set an example to establish a city of biotechnology in the northern city of Octopus Island, Yu Xiaohu does not believe that he will not be able to attract the strategic investment attention of a large number of businessmen. .

On the other hand, even if those businessmen don't see the business opportunities and are unwilling to invest, the average life expectancy of the aborigines on Octopus Island is over 130 years old, which is definitely a breaking news.

He is letting the whole world know that Octopus Island has animals and plants with mysterious genetic components, which can increase human life expectancy, plus the beautiful natural and primitive scenery, ancient customs, and historical relics here. Thereby attracting a large number of tourists to come to visit or immigrate to live for a long time. They want to try their luck to get some longevity secrets from the indigenous people and increase the development of the tourism industry chain.

Therefore, all of this has preparation and planning in advance. Only then can it be successfully deployed.


At about four o'clock in the afternoon, after a period of slow sailing, under the leadership of the maritime guard sent by Octopus Island, the local tyrants on the cruise visited the wonderful seascape in the waters of Octopus Island,

Several super cruise ships finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

but. When several cruise ships berthed at the large port pier of Octopus Island, those super local tyrants were shocked to see even just a corner of the entire island on the bow deck.

"Oh God, this island is so beautiful, so beautiful!"

"All the original natural scenery can be seen here, and the air here is very fresh and humid, and there is no pollution. This place is simply a paradise..."

"Yeah, we used to wonder if it was too backward and poor. The environment is harsh, but we found that we were wrong, and the speed of development here is also very fast, which is beyond our imagination.

Look at those villa-style residential buildings that are neatly planned and unified, and you can see the ancient palace in the city at a glance, the flat and wide roads, and the modern energy-saving and environmentally friendly modified vehicles driving on the road. , this is incredible..."

While the local tyrants were amazed at the appearance of Octopus Island, the foreigners saw a group of people coming out of the port waiting room.

This group of people looks very special, and their clothes are also very distinctive. Especially the majestic old man with a different temperament and demeanor who was guarded in the center, as well as the guard team and support team around him, made these well-informed local tyrants quickly guess. This should be the mysterious old king who made the whole world wonder.

Unexpectedly, the old king would come out to greet them in person. These people were all of noble origin, so naturally they had to maintain an elegant demeanor and politeness, so they quickly started to disembark.

"Distinguished guests from afar, welcome to Octopus Island!"

But what surprised those local tyrants was that the old king was waiting for them to disembark. And when meeting them, he spoke fluent English, which immediately made these European local tyrants feel a kind of intimacy spontaneously.

As a result, these local tyrants maintained their aristocratic demeanor, and used their highest standard of ceremony to greet the old king and express their respect.

Especially the little Swedish princess, she was a lively, cheerful and enthusiastic elf before, but now she maintains a ladylike and dignified aristocratic demeanor, and solemnly responded to the old king with the highest etiquette of the Swedish royal family.

However, among this group of people, the two who were most puzzled, and who were full of question marks after seeing the old king's appearance, were Song Ziqiao and Yun Xiangrong.

Song Ziqiao and Yun Xiangrong were the ones who knew the details and secrets of the old king, but when they got off the boat, they saw Yu Xiaohu by their side and shook hands with the old king, the old king appeared in front of them. When they are in front of them, they always feel that all this seems unreal.

What is going on here, is Yu Xiaohu lying to them?

Yu Xiaohu naturally wanted to show his respect for the old king and maintain a friendly and cordial state, but when he noticed that the two girls around him were watching the old king in a daze, in order to prevent their weird behavior from attracting other people's attention, Yu Xiaohu Xiaohu reminded the next two with his elbow.

The two of them were pushed down by Yu Xiaohu's elbow, and then they came back to their senses, realizing that they had almost lost their composure in front of those local tyrants from various countries, so they hurriedly expressed their greetings to the old king according to the polite way Yu Xiaohu taught them before.

Especially Yun Xiangrong, she was Princess Liuqiu, although it was the first time she met the old king, but they were related by kinship, so they had to express their intimacy, and when they met, she approached the old king and called him uncle affectionately.

It's just that although she was very decent when doing these things on the surface, in Yun Xiangrong's heart, when she thought of the old king suddenly changing into Yu Xiaohu's appearance, that uncle's name made her feel very weird, with a taste It's unspeakably awkward.

However, those local tyrants were always curious about the old king. After they were grandly received by the old king, when the old king led them away from the pier, they would ask some questions from time to time, but they always maintained a polite demeanor and held a certain degree. Don't ask random questions.

And these questions, the old king will answer politely, and introduce the style and history of Lower Octopus Island to the local tyrants.

After leaving the pier, the local tyrants discovered that the vehicles used by the old king to meet them were very special.

Because from these vehicles. They were able to find some shadows of products produced by those European automobile industry groups, but what is surprising is that these vehicles have obviously been greatly modified.

The refitted vehicles seem to use electric energy, a clean and environmentally friendly energy source. When they got into the car, they found that the decoration style in the car was very antique and full of strong exotic flavor.

When the car was started, they felt no jolt at all, they were very comfortable, and they couldn't hear the sound of the car engine at all, they could only hear the tidal wind of the waves hitting the rocky shore outside. It is very quiet, and the speed of the car is not slow, so they can't help but like this kind of car, thinking about whether to modify it like this when they go back.

On the road, when these local tyrants looked at the beautiful scenery outside the car window, they saw some people riding on those public vehicles that looked like public vehicles. Those vehicles seemed to have been modified for environmental protection and energy saving, but driving Still feels smooth and light.

These modern cars are running on the road, and the original lighting methods such as oil lamps or torches are not used here as they imagined. It seems that electric energy has been used here.

Especially the oil prince of the Middle East. He was very curious about the construction of energy facilities here, because he observed the power facilities used here and the scale of the city, which required several large power stations to operate at high power to provide stable power here.

But along the way, he didn't find any industrial power plants. Or the shadow of the power station, that is, the transmission lines can't be seen, nor the legendary electric poles, and it is not known whether the island has laid those lines underground.

The car drove all the way, and the local tyrants also watched the whole way, all in amazement. This is the main city of Octopus Island, and the palace is also here, but it can be inferred from the development of this place that the development speed of the entire Octopus Island has exceeded their expectations.

Soon the convoy drove to the front gate of the legendary palace and stopped. After passing the security check of the heavily guarded guards there, the vehicle drove into the ancient palace.

When other people observe these palace buildings, they can't help but think how long the history of this small country will be, which can be identified through those palace buildings and some traces left over from history.

Among these local tyrants, the one who is most familiar with the palace architecture is the Swedish princess. Through continuous observation, she found that the history of the palace buildings here is at least more than two hundred years old. It is intact, but some traces left over from history cannot be erased. She is very experienced in this area.

After everyone came to the palace, the old king personally arranged their own resting places in the VIP building of the palace, and also allowed these people to visit other places in the palace at will, except for some forbidden places.

In addition to inspecting the investment environment on Octopus Island, these local tyrants have other tasks, which are to comprehensively inspect the old king and some details of this small feudal country on Octopus Island. In the future, they will have more frequent dealings with this place, so they must have a thorough understanding.

So, these people formed a group of three or five, and under the guidance of those guards, they began to tour around the palace.

Because taking pictures is allowed here, those people took out their mobile phones and took pictures in some places they thought were good, as if they were traveling, and they looked very relaxed.

However, Yu Xiaohu was not so interested in accompanying those people to visit the palace. After all, everything here was designed and built by him, and he was more familiar with every plant, tree, brick and tile here than anyone else.

Right now, Yu Xiaohu is staying at the rest place arranged by the old king. He is surrounded by two beauties in the room and undergoing interrogation.

"There is no one around now, tell me honestly, what is going on, why what we saw here is completely different from what you said..."

Song Ziqiao had the deepest resentment, and rose up with a small mouth full of authenticity: "You scoundrel, didn't you tell me that you were playing the role of the old king? Why is another old king appearing in front of us now? Tell me, who is that? what's going on?"

Yun Xiangrong also seemed very puzzled, but she was completely more mature and stable than the immature Song Ziqiao. She thought that Yu Xiaohu's arrangement should have his intentions, so she never brought it up.

But now that Song Ziqiao had brought it up, Yu Xiaohu sat up from the comfortable sofa, and conveniently held Song Qiaoqiao in his arms, stroked his hair and said, "Qiao Qiao, don't be restless, what's the matter with you?" What a fuss, you are usually so shrewd, why have you become stupid now when you arrive on the island, what identity do you think I appear on the island now, if I appear here with my real identity, then if I suddenly appear for no reason Disappeared, what do you think those people will think?"

Hearing these words, Song Ziqiao couldn't help but slapped his forehead, couldn't help poking Yu Xiaohu's finger, and said, "That's right, these two identities cannot overlap. If you have to play, you have to find a replacement, why didn't I think of the problem that you can't appear at the same time..."

Hearing this, Yun Xiangrong suddenly came to a realization. It was the first time he landed on Octopus Island, everything was out of curiosity, but he was all attracted by these curious things, and he lost his calm thinking, and became more acquainted. The little girl also became a little impetuous.

However, when she saw Song Ziqiao acting like a baby in Yu Xiaohu's arms, she couldn't help being a little envious of the sweet two people who were in love with each other.

But suddenly he thought of some things that he was going to face in the future, and he couldn't help feeling hot on his face, and two red clouds rose up, exuding an infinite amorous feelings. (To be continued.)

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