Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 380 Howard's Memories (Part 1)

The silver-haired man Lin Suo is a very confident person with great strength, and at the same time he has gathered a group of elite forces.

But he acted very cautiously and did not do things he was not sure of.

Although they discovered this seabed ruins a long time ago and have been implementing a strategy plan for it, they have not made much progress.

However, the Americans also discovered here a long time ago.

They used their own advantages to occupy the archipelago near this underwater relic, and established a military base there, which also made this underwater relic a restricted area, and no one dared to take risks easily.

Undoubtedly, the No. 17 military base established by the Mi Army here is clearly a strategic deployment for the entire Pacific region and belongs to the national strategy.

But in fact, in the strategic deployment of the Mi Army in the Pacific Ocean, this No. 17 military base is dispensable. After all, there is a military base with a greater deterrent force near the Indonesian archipelago.

And this No. 17 military base seems a bit tasteless, but the Mi Army still makes such a deployment, and the real reason is naturally because of the underwater ruins on the seabed near the base.

In this way, after the Mi Army took control of this place, although they have been exploring, they have not made much progress, and they have not even opened the door exposed at the undersea ruins, which is the one that was abandoned outside the huge pit. Mi Jun did not salvage the shell of the tattered mecha for research.

In fact, it's not that Mi Jun doesn't want to get those things back for research, but that Mi Jun has scruples in this regard.

Because their intelligence department has some important secrets left over from World War II. As the victorious country during World War II and also the largest military power, their goals are too big. The threat of reprisals is also the greatest, so they dare not act rashly against the underwater ruins. It is because the Americans are afraid of a huge power and are afraid of making wedding dresses for this power.

For Lin Suo, in fact, he is a middle-level elite belonging to this hidden force that even the Americans fear.

Although he was only a middle-level elite of the force, Lin Suo controlled a rather powerful and terrifying team. His team had a total of 365 members. Equivalent to the establishment of a company.

However, the members of this team. No matter which one has very strong strength, it is the existence of the top soldier king in the special forces of any country.

In addition, this force also has the most cutting-edge technology in the world. The weapons and equipment they developed will make Americans very afraid, but on the other hand they are friendly with them.

Maintained close cooperation and contact, obtained a lot of cutting-edge weapons and equipment from this force.

After all, this world, whether it is wealth or technology, is absolutely in the hands of such a small number of people.

And this small group of people hides behind this world, and they can be said to indirectly control the lifeline of this world in terms of finance, economy, technology, and weapons and equipment.

However, this small group of people controls the lifeblood of the entire world. But they have great constraints, because many countries do not want their lifeblood to be in the hands of these people, so they will want to use countless methods to regain their rights. The struggle in the dark between the two parties has never stopped.

Therefore, the power formed by this small group of people will not easily surface under normal circumstances. They often make plans and decisions that are customized by others to help them implement them. They run the show behind the scenes.

But this time, the exploration mission performed by Lin Suo was not directly assigned by the high-level executives of the faction he served.

Although this underwater ruins has always been a decision made by this force a long time ago. At the same time, its exploration plan was also secretly implemented and paid attention to by this force.

However, since the Mi army occupied the island near the underwater ruins and established the No. 17 military base, they also wanted to profit from it, which caused the force's exploration plan to be extended indefinitely. After the two sides formed a tug of war, neither Dare to act rashly, that's why the undersea relic has not been captured until now, and finally Yu Xiaohu took advantage of the loophole.

But this time, the exploration plan that Lin Suo and the others carried out was a private operation. It was Lin Suo's request to the crutch old man, Mr. Howard. The mystery in his heart can be said to be just to fulfill a wish.

Lin Suo doesn't have any relationship with that old man on crutches, Howard. It's just that Lin Suo's grandfather is Howard's brother and comrade-in-arms. This kindness must be repaid under any circumstances, and the other party must not refuse any request.

So in response to that Howard's solemn request to him, Lin Suo agreed to Howard, and led his team to carry out the exploration plan.

Because it is a private action, it is naturally impossible to let the high-level forces they work for know what they are doing, and they want to obtain some resources and conditions. Without the help of the organization, they can only implement it by themselves, so they It will hijack a submarine that the Mi army is supplying to carry out the exploration plan.

The reason why he was able to successfully hijack a military submarine of the Mi Army also has a lot to do with that Howard. Win over an important person.

Howard was only a soldier in the Nazi army seventy years ago, but he was considered an elite among the soldiers. He was the youngest, the smartest, and the most scheming. When the Nazis were about to be defeated, he chose to participate in the high-level A customized secret plan.

Although Howard didn't know what this secret plan was, he still participated in it without hesitation.

After participating in this project, Howard came into contact with many secrets that he never knew.

At that time, he could not have imagined that the Nazis held many secrets that the world did not know. With a strong military force, it will still be defeated.

But later, Howard came to the Far East theater when implementing this plan. When they used a batch of secret 'biological weapons' and were preparing to carry out a secret exploration plan for the ruins of the seabed, Howard inadvertently got the reason for their implementation of this plan from a high-level mouth.

The reason was that one of the senior leaders at that time had inadvertently received revelations from aliens, and the revelations given to him by those aliens were that they were looking for host successors for a strategic platform.

As long as the host meets the conditions of this strategic platform, then it can inherit everything in this strategic platform, including those weapons and equipment of alien technology.

After the leader was reminded of this information, he was afraid that such important information would be forgotten, so he secretly recorded it. At the same time, I also have a different heart, and I don't want to follow Hitler to fight the world. He also knew that Hitler was doomed to fail, so in the middle of the war, he began to secretly deploy this plan.

Because this person is also a careerist, he naturally doesn't want to be inferior to others. He is also very clear that as long as he obtains the technological inheritance of those stars, then after he has those extremely powerful armed forces, he can completely rely on those armed forces to rule the world and become the king of the world.

Therefore, in order to become the successor of the host, this careerist suggested that Hitler carry out a massacre. At the same time, he closely strengthened the relationship with the Far East theater and established close cooperation with the Japanese islanders. At the same time, they secretly carried out some business dealings with the powerful Americans and Russians at that time.

Since the ruins were in the Far East, he feared that the successor of the host would have a great relationship with the Chinese or South Asians, just to be safe. He encouraged the Japanese islanders to continue to implement the policy of massacres when they visited Huaguo and South Asia.

In the course of the war, the ambitious man sent a secret force to South Asia, and began to launch an exploration plan targeting the strategic platform suggested by the aliens.

However, the exploration program did not go well.

The careerist managed to get in touch with the only intelligent robot representative on this platform through the tips given by the aliens, but when the other party conducted a genetic test on him, he decided that he was not suitable for the successor of the host. Characteristics. He will not be eligible to inherit the inheritance of that relic, so he will be rejected.

Subsequently, the representative of the intelligent robot from alien technology forcibly deleted the memory of the careerist.

However. Although the careerist's memory was forcibly deleted, this person is an extremely cunning person. He had recorded the secret before. When the robot deleted his memory, the armed force deployed by the careerist also targeted the robot. Launched a destructive attack.

In the end, the intelligent robot and the careerist's armed forces were destroyed together, and the two sides died together, but the careerist got the parts of the robot.

Afterwards, this ambitious man purchased advanced submarines from Russia, and bought atomic bombs from the Americans at a great price. Afterwards, he set up a secret laboratory to carry out experiments on the fragments of robot parts from aliens. At the same time as the research, a small team was dispatched again with the biological weapon they developed to attack this underwater ruins.

At that time, Howard became a member of the team of this exploration plan, and came into contact with the exploration mission of the relics inherited from third-party alien technology.

It was only during that exploration mission that Howard witnessed the power and horror of that alien technology.

Their biological weapons were useless against the defenses of their opponents, and being at the bottom of the sea made them more difficult and restrictive.

The opponent just sent out an armed mecha, and it took less than five minutes to completely wipe out all their armed forces.

After all, the wisdom of human beings cannot be underestimated. After paying a huge price of casualties, the exploration team only caused damage to the armed mecha, causing the firepower system of that mecha to fail to work normally.

The only people left were afraid that the aliens would send out that terrifying mech to fight again. At the same time, they used countless methods, but they couldn't even conquer the gate of the ruins.

Finally, when they were evacuating, they deployed the atomic bomb and detonated it there.

But it is also very coincidental. In the end, only Howard and his two companions escaped from that sea area alive and detonated the atomic bomb. The Americans also dropped the atomic bomb on the Japanese island country at that time, which made their plan come true. The movement was concealed under the shadow of the Japanese atomic bomb explosion.

However, after Howard and his companions fled, they failed in the mission. Even though the ambitious man fled and disappeared because of the defeat, they knew that the other party would definitely not let them go, and it was impossible for them to know this secret .

So Howard and the others fled to different countries to settle down.

But to his surprise, the only three of them who participated in this secret plan faced two completely different fates.

After one of the companions fled to the United States, he betrayed this secret to the Americans, but at the same time caused a murderous disaster, and also made the Americans know the secret, so they launched a strategy against Indonesia and used their world The battle of strength of the military powers occupied the islands near the underwater ruins, and began to establish military bases there.

However, Howard and his friends were lucky. After they fled to their hometown in Europe, Howard started doing business with each other, and it went smoothly, and the business grew bigger and bigger.

Only about ten years later, one day, Howard's companion, that is, Lin Suo's grandfather, came to him, and mentioned to Howard that although the careerist had died, his descendants had inherited everything. After the descendants of the careerists found Lin Suo's grandfather, they wanted to restart the plan.

As soon as Howard heard the news, he realized that something was wrong, so he suggested to his friend to escape quickly and avoid the offspring of the careerist, otherwise he would be killed.

However, that friend did not follow Howard's suggestion, and instead joined the organization established by the other party under the solicitation of the other party, but in the end, Lin Suo's grandfather was seriously injured when the other party sent him to perform a mission, and eventually died.

After Howard escaped that catastrophe, he lived in seclusion and controlled the family property behind the scenes. At the same time, he has been closely watching the movements of that force.

However, the more he pays attention to this force, the more he discovers the power and terror of the other party. He knows that he may not be able to hide from the other party's investigation, so Howard secretly contacted and cooperated with the Americans until this force investigated his whereabouts. Howard was forced to join the organization when he was recruited with threats and lures.

However, because he was the last person in the world who knew the real secret of the undersea ruins, the senior management of the organization and the descendants of the careerist did not persecute him. Instead, after knowing his relationship with the Americans, they reused him even more. , making his status in this organization rise. (to be continued)

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