Super Copy World

Chapter 196: On getting stronger

大 "Brother! Real people! Be careful! The weakness of this thing is at the stem. After cutting off the stem, it will be finished." Wang Yu said aloud. While carrying his sword, he was ready to step forward to support him.

"Xian brother, slow! We need someone to draw these cannibals out! Otherwise, we can't fight them with vines to hurt its body." Qiao Feng saw Wang Yu ready to help and said quickly.

"That's why I'm going to attract the human flower body." After Wang Yu said, he went in the direction of a vine.

Wang Yu soon brought out a cannibal flower. As soon as the cannibal flower came out, the flower full of teeth opened up towards Wang Yu.

Seeing this, Wang Yu immediately rolled away to avoid the attack. Then Wang Yu jumped a sword and chopped it on the flower stem.

I just started attacking on the side of Wang Yu. The little dragon girl, Yang Guo, and grandma-in-law have already begun to lead cannibals to attack.

In the absence of the vine attack, Qiao Feng's four men began to attack the main body of the cannibal.

From time to time, Wang Yu watched a sword on the stem of a cannibal flower. Just then Qiao Feng rushed over. It came up with a sword on the stem of a cannibal flower. As a result, the flower stem was broken by Qiao Feng.

"Ding! Your team kills cannibals to get 15 points."

提示 This reminder sound has been reminded four times.

"唉! It is really thrilling. In fact, this cannibal flower is very easy to deal with. It is swallowed by accident. If it is a single brush, it is easy to get their way." Wang Yu said a little later.

"Well! I don't know how many people will be swallowed by cannibals. This is too uncomfortable. Lower-level people will definitely swallow one if they play alone. Just after I was swallowed. There is nothing to do in it. I was bitten by those teeth. I could only watch myself digested. It felt so helpless. "Yang Guo said.

"Okay! Alright! No more feelings! Just now I discovered something." Wang Yu said.

"Brother! What did you find?" Wang Yuyan asked curiously.

Everyone was very curious about what Wang Yu had found and looked at him waiting for his answer.

"I just discovered one thing. That is, this copy of the game is very demanding on our various consciousnesses. Just as Brother Yang just came to the Tao without a sense of crisis, and I also did not have a sense of crisis." Wang Yu said.

Everyone thinks back to what happened and it seems that it is the same thing. Then nodded in approval.

"Then there is fighting consciousness. We can't exchange our martial arts in this copy of the game. Then it's from scratch. I found that this copy is a good exercise for our fighting skills. Like I leave all kinds of martial arts, everything No. Those skills are forgotten. That ’s why I lay twice in the copy today. ”Wang Yu saw everyone agree, and then he continued.

"Brother! After you say so. I also seem to find that I have forgotten everything after I left the martial arts. I will only attack with a wooden sword and then dodge." Wang Yuyan said.

"Hmm! I also feel the same! I can only dodge and attack by subconsciously against the enemy's experience." Qiao Feng said.

"I have no experience with the enemy so I can only be tough." Yang Guo also said at this time.

"I don't know if everyone noticed it! Is it easier for us to kill monsters than it was before? Also we have fewer attacks on monsters. Is it because our consciousness of fighting has increased and the probability of dodging monsters has increased? Is it? "Wang Yu said.

Everyone thought for a second, and felt that they had a much higher chance of dodging against the agile cat monsters.

At first they all thought that it was the reason for the increase in level. Now after listening to Wang Yu's words. Suddenly it didn't seem to be the reason for the level increase. Instead, the awareness of fighting has increased.

"So, I feel that this system seems to be intended to cultivate our fighting consciousness." Qiao Feng seemed to suddenly wake up at this time.

"Big brother said this! How do I feel that this system is training? Everyone can enter the copy. Then the final selection from the advanced copy is the elite of the elite." Wang Yu heard Qiao Feng's words Then said.

"Xian Brother seems to make some sense to say this." Qiao Feng thought for a while and said.

"I created this copy. It was originally simple to set up. You can upgrade as long as you cut monsters. But after entering the copy, I know that the system has increased difficulty. And we can't exchange our abilities and pets. We can only rely on ourselves." Wang Yu Think about it and say it again.

"Brother! I feel like the system feels that this copy is too simple to hear from you. So the system deliberately does not allow us to exchange power and pets. It is to increase the difficulty of the copy." Wang Yuyan also said at this time.

"And I feel that the system seems to encourage us to go our own way! Do not follow the path of our ancestors. Real people are examples. Homemade martial arts can be used." Wang Yu said ~ ~ Otherwise! I only have Taijiquan and swords I can use. These are all self-made. However, the Taiji Divine Power created by Lao Dao cannot be used. Therefore, Lao Dao concluded that the world only accepts martial arts, and must be self-made martial arts. "Mitutoyo said.

"So the system encourages us to create our own martial arts? That doesn't make sense. At least my talents can be used." Wang Yu said.

"The talented supernatural power is also your own. You first create the method of refining the body. Then you get the talented supernatural power. This is an incredible way to create your own." Mitutoyo said.

"So summing up, I seem to have discovered something extraordinary! The system seems to encourage us to innovate. Like my talents and supernatural powers are the product of my own innovation. Therefore, the system has set a soul binding. To any copy world No points to redeem. "Wang Yu said.

"Encourage innovation. You have to go your own way. What is the system to do?" Wang Yuyan said puzzledly.

"I don't know! But no matter what it does! We must hurry up and become stronger. Otherwise, even if we know the answer, we will be afraid of not having the ability to cope. I have a feeling that our time is tight." Wang Yu said.

After listening to Wang Yu's words, everyone nodded and agreed with what Wang Yu said.

Wang Yu remembers a sentence in the novels of the previous life. "You think you know too little, it must be that your strength is too bad or not strong enough."

Therefore Wang Yu also decided not to think about these things. The current thing is to work harder. Something naturally becomes known.

那么 "So everyone! Let's start our journey to become stronger!"

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