Super Copy World

Chapter 146: Progression 1

Dr. Ooki was puzzled. Wang Yu's physical strength data showed only one level, but it was immune to electric shock.

"This and that ... Dr. Ogi! I have something to tell you!" Wang Yu wondered if he should tell Dr. Ogi. After thinking about it, Wang Yu decided to tell Dr. Omu and tell Dr. Omu that he had practiced internal exercises and had internal body protection.

After all, if Dr. Oki does not understand the situation, it is estimated that he cannot proceed again.

"What do you want to tell me?" Dr. Oki asked.

"That Lotto! Please test my energy level." Wang Yu asked Lotto to test what level of internal force he can reach.

"Understand! Lotto! Scanning begins! Scanning ends! Target energy level 100. Lotto!"

"! What? Energy level 100?" Dr. Oki didn't believe his ears. He dug out his ears and wanted to confirm again whether he was hearing.

"Nothing wrong. Lotto! Wang Yu has an energy level of 100."

"No, I have to test it again." Dr. Ogi began quickly typing instructions on the computer. He intends to use the computer to test Wang Yu's energy level again.

The results came out soon. The computer shows that Wang Yu's energy level is still 100.

"How is it possible!" Dr. Oki still couldn't believe it was true.

昱 At this moment Wang Yu lying on the platform jumped up! Then he slaps a hand toward the door of the laboratory.


There was a loud noise. The laboratory door was not opened by Wang Yu. But Wang Yu didn't want to open the door. Instead, I want to leave a palm print on it. The result did not surprise Wang Yu. Wang Yu took a deep palmprint on the metal door with one palm.

"..." Dr. Ogi was staring at the prints Wang Yu had taken.

"Dr. Ogi!" Wang Yu shouted.

嗯 "Huh? Ah! What's going on? Tell me what's going on? Why can humans have such a destructive power without relying on weapons?" Dr. Oki looked excited. He felt that he had discovered something remarkable.

"It's like this! I have practiced something that can increase the energy in the body. I call it internal work, and I call it the internal energy." Wang Yu said.

"Practice? Internal power? Internal power? In this case, if everyone learns internal power, not everyone can reach an energy level of 100!" Dr. Oki was a little surprised when he heard what Wang Yu said.

"It works in theory. There are all kinds of difficulties when practicing. The most important thing is that the internal cheats are difficult to understand. I don't know if you can understand the meaning of these contents." Wang Yu said.

"Tell me! Let me see if I can understand!" Dr. Oki said.

"The Way of Heaven ..." Wang Yu memorized a section of the Jiuyin Zhenjing.

"... ha ha ha ... probably understand that a little bit. It seems that this internal skill is really not suitable for us to practice." Dr. Ogi said with an awkward smile. He heard so many words that no one could understand. But he would not tell Wang Yu about it.

Wang Yu watched Dr. Oki's performance. I knew that Dr. Oki didn't understand it.

Don't actually say that Dr. Oki doesn't understand what these words mean. Even when Wang Yu saw the content of Jiuyang Zhenjing, he was aggressive. If not for a martial arts master Wang Yuyan to guide him. He received the Jiuyang Zhenjing as if he had received the **** wipe paper, and he could throw it into the trash can. (Now take a book of internal skills in front of the author and the author probably ca n’t learn it. The main reason is that I do n’t understand it! So I often imagine that a friend who lost a cheat book in the sky and a master while dropping a cheat book. Give a recommendation ticket.)

"Well! You tell me the principle and function of internal power!" Dr. Oki said ~ ~ This internal power ... "Wang Yujie explained internal power.

"There are so many benefits after the completion of this internal practice. First of all, the Jiuyang Zhenjing that you said will have King Kong's intact body. Then the internal force will recover at an extremely fast speed. No disease, no poison, no invasion. And There is also automatic protection of the internal force. So the lightning strike of the lightning bird has inspired your active protection of the internal force. So low power is not useful for you. "Dr. Ogi has a certain understanding of Wang Yu's current situation after listening to Wang Yu's words .

"Yes! A low-power electric shock is like tickling to me." Wang Yu said.

照 "As you say! You want to maximize the power directly at the beginning! Then you slowly control your own internal force. This can also achieve the same purpose." Dr. Ogi said.

"Well! That's what I originally thought." Wang Yu said.

"Everything is your inference. Let's do this! Let's try it out and know." Dr. Oki asked to start the experiment directly. After all, no matter how much is the theory. Only practice can yield true knowledge.

"Okay! Let's try it with full power." After Wang Yu said, he went straight to the platform and sat cross-legged. At the same time start to run their internal forces.

那么 "Then the lightning bird is full of power with electric shock!" Dr. Oki said.

"Lightning!" This time, the lightning bird fired a full electric shock.

"Crap!" I saw that Wang Yu was quickly drowned in the flash.

"It's so cool! It would be even better if there was another recommendation ticket." Wang Yu said after being shocked.

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