Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 50 Expansion of the Cultivation Center

"I plan to expand the air-purifying plants on a large scale. Establish starry sky creature cultivation centers all over the world to expand production on a large scale." Chen Qiang expressed his thoughts.

Chen Qiang went on to say: "The construction of 1,000 square kilometers is not a one-time investment. Now the company's research and development is on the right track. When will it develop desert greening plants is still a problem, so what we need at this stage is to find a suitable place. "

"Okay, I'll arrange it now and let them have a field trip." Anderson gritted his teeth and said. To be honest, this time the starry sky creatures took a big step, but Chen Qiang had no choice, because Chen Qiang asked Xiaolong to scan the contents of the Prime Minister's tablet, which made Chen Qiang a little creepy, because it contained all the information he had since childhood, very detailed . There was even a dialogue between Chen Qiang and the two academicians.

If Chen Qiang hadn't started studying in high school by leaps and bounds, completed all the courses in the university in two years, and showed the appearance of a genius, Chen Qiang should have been studied in slices by now.

After the meeting, everyone left after knowing Chen Qiang's plan. These people are now tied to Chen Qiang with a rope, so Chen Qiang will discuss with them about the company's major events.

"Chen Qiang, are you really ready?" Kong Ru didn't leave, and asked after the others left. There was worry and distress in his tone.

"Teacher, there is no way. The plan can't keep up with the changes. The country pushed me out. He wants me to become China's Musk, but I want them to know that I am not Musk, but Chen Qiang." Chen Qiang just started His expression was a little lonely, but his tone became more and more excited as he spoke.

"No, I'm talking about the one thousand square kilometers of land." Kong Ruo interrupted Chen Qiang.

"What else can I do? With the country's scientific and technological strength, I should understand that I can develop clean air plants and desert green plants. As long as we succeed and complete the construction of this thousand square kilometers, the country can get a city for free , The abacus is pretty good, but do I still have a choice, but at that time, is that city really important?" Chen Qiang murmured, as if to Kong Ru or to Chen Qiang himself explain.

"Okay, let's do it." Kong Ru also went all out. Walked out of the conference room under Chen Qiang's astonished eyes, and Chen Qiang who reacted immediately showed a happy smile.

The entire Starry Sky Creatures has started a large-scale recruitment again, but this time the recruitment is not limited to Huaguo, it is recruiting from all over the world. Such a large-scale recruitment has shocked the whole world. What also shocked the world was that Xing Kong Biology only recruited fresh graduates, and this requirement turned away many people who wanted to apply.

In addition to the waves caused by the starry sky creatures around the world, in Huaguo, the starry sky creatures even wiped out almost all the fresh graduates who studied biology this year.

This has caused many affiliated companies to complain, but there is no way around it. Xing Kong Biological offers very good treatment. If it weren't for the restriction of fresh graduates, I think more people would quit.

This is not to blame on Chen Qiang, because if you want to build a large-scale cultivation center, you need a large-scale personnel. The cultivation center is equivalent to a factory, and the factory needs workers.

This large-scale construction of the cultivation center also made the entire staff of Starry Sky Bio cheer, because this time the heads of the cultivation center were all selected from the company. This is also the benefit Chen Qiang gave the company.

As for Chen Qiang's flying in the world, it's okay, because the company has already purchased a business jet, so Chen Qiang can fly whenever he wants.

Chen Qiang's first stop was Germany, and the minister of the German Ministry of the Environment came to pick him up. Why did you come to Germany, because the first batch of air-purifying plants exported by Xingkong Biology was Germany, and this is Anderson's motherland.

"Mr. Minister, I am a little flattered by your pick-up." After Chen Qiang got off the plane, he greeted the Minister of the German Ministry of the Environment.

The minister brought an interpreter, and after the interpreter finished speaking, the minister nodded and said: "Mr. Chen's company's products have brought fresh air to our Ruhr area, and we need more of this plant."

After listening to Anderson's translation, Chen Qiang also understood what the minister said. It's not that Chen Qiang didn't bring a German translator, it's just that Anderson seemed to be doing the translation himself, so there was no need for a translator.

In fact, it's not that Chen Qiang doesn't understand moral education, because Chen Qiang has a little dragon on his wrist, which is basically a simultaneous translation. But Chen Qiang didn't want to be exposed, so it was better to use a translator.

"We are here today to solve this problem in Germany. We plan to build a huge cultivation center in Germany to cover the entire European region." Chen Qiang said again.

"Oh, welcome, really welcome, I will fight for the most favorable conditions for you." The minister did not expect that Starry Sky Bio would directly build a factory in Germany. In the past ten years, Germany's economic growth has been slow. If such a product covering Europe is built in Germany, it will be a huge tax.

"Then thank you, Mr. Minister." Chen Qiang thanked.

After the German government knew that Chen Qiang planned to build a factory in Germany, the entire government gave the green light to Xingkong Bio. Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel received Chen Qiang and had a series of talks with Chen Qiang. Because both parties attached great importance to it, the contract was signed very quickly.

The German government showed unprecedented efficiency. It took three days to select the location of the cultivation center, and all the certificates were purchased. Now it only needs to sign the contract.

However, on the day of signing the contract, Merkel, who was going to attend the press conference, did not come because of something, and the German side was signed by the minister. As for the star creatures, it was signed by Anderson.

Next came the questioning session. These reporters were all gearing up and prepared a lot of questions. Chen Qiang, the founder of the star creature, is really too mysterious. So far, there are only a few photos, and Chen Qiang only showed his face in the last press conference.

When the host announced that he had entered the opening session, all the reporters at the venue raised their hands. Of course, the first question must be from the German media.

A reporter from the Süddeutsche Zeitung asked: "Mr. Chen, why did you establish a training center in Germany?"

This question is quite satisfactory, so Chen Qiang also answered very simply: "Germany is the place with the highest level of education in the world, and it is also a country other than China that grows clean-air plants. The weather is good, which is very suitable for the growth of clean-air plants."

The second question was asked by French Reuters: "Mr. Chen, Xingkong Biology has recently recruited talents in the field of biology worldwide, but why is it limited to fresh graduates?" The reporter was a little awkward when talking about fresh graduates , because this word is only used in Huaguo.

Chen Qiang thought for a while and said: "The company's strategy is to establish five cultivation centers around the world, two of which are located in Asia, one in Europe, and two in North America. These four cultivation centers require about 20,000 employees. The production efficiency of plants is low, so we need to conduct tissue culture to maximize the potential of the original seeds, and this experiment does not require high academic qualifications, but it has high technical requirements, and fresh graduates just meet this requirement .”

For these reporters' questions, Chen Qiang was able to handle them with ease. After answering a question, Chen Qiang ended today's press conference.

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