Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 388: 1st battle

Xiao Yu was so quietly lurking 100 billion kilometers away from this star, staring silently here, watching the spaceships in this star system shuttle between day and night.

This is the benefit of hiding in the dark. Xiao Yu could plan and move, but the Merian civilization could only be beaten passively. Even without being aware of the Merian civilization, a total of 865 special commanders relied on the individual survival system equipped by them to sneak into this star system. And the remaining 135 special commanders have been sacrificed. Negative matter is not antimatter, and the annihilation of negative matter and positive matter does not emit any energy, nor does it leave any trace after annihilation. They have completely disappeared from the universe.

This is the special task force, which is responsible for performing the most dangerous and difficult tasks, bearing the highest risks and obtaining the most generous returns. Every piece of intelligence they can potentially save thousands of spacecraft.

The 865 special operations team sacrificed more than 300 in the next operation. In the end, less than 500 special operations team successfully failed to cause the alarm of the Morian civilization. Below, they approached their mineral transport spacecraft, and embarked on an unknown journey with their spacecraft.

Xiao Yu is still waiting here quietly. Xiao Yu will not take any action until sufficient information is obtained to confirm where the main planet of the Merian civilization is. Subsequent tracking ships have set off, but these ships cannot be too close to enemy ships, and beyond a certain distance, tracking will be extremely difficult. At a critical point, they assumed responsibility for guiding the way forward for follow-up tracking ships.

In this starry sky, there is a turbulent undercurrent fluctuating. But before it broke out, no one could detect, at least not even the Merian civilization.

"Identify a target. The coordinates are ... this appears to be a dwelling planet with unknown military power, but it is not expected to be too strong."

"Identify a target. The coordinates are ... This is an industrial planet with strong military power. At least 200,000 spacecraft took off and landed in three days."

"Target 1 confirmed! The coordinates are ... The galaxy has three planets, the main star is a stable yellow dwarf, and the one closest to the star among the three planets is the capital star. The remaining two planets are large-scale dwelling planets The stellar system is so strong that it cannot be approached by special forces, and the specific military strength cannot be estimated. "

During this time, Xiao Yu sent a total of three brigades. A total of 30,000 special operations personnel carried out a comprehensive inspection of the Merian civilization in various ways. The effect is remarkable. Xiao Yu at least understood the distribution of the strength of the Merian civilization from at least the general. Military arrangement. But the losses were also heavy. More than half of the 30,000 special combat team members have been sacrificed, and more than a dozen members were caught by the Morian civilization under the surprise. Fortunately, Xiao Yu responded quickly enough and quickly activated the self-destruct device. Civilization catches alive.

Only negative matter can destroy itself so thoroughly, and master the civilization of negative matter. At least five civilizations. Xiao Yu speculated that the Morian civilization already knew that there was a malicious fifth-level civilization peeping at itself, but they could not find out where they were.

But secretive reinforcement is inevitable. Subsequent intelligence confirmed Xiao Yu's opinion. Among the reports submitted by the special combatants, the movement of the Merian civilization military spacecraft became more frequent. Defenses such as the Industrial Planet and the Inhabited Planet have also improved significantly.

"I don't need to get too clear information. The current information is enough for me. After all, my strength is better than that of the Merian civilization. Then, it is time to launch a total attack. Luca II, leading Your army, set off to the galaxy of the Merian civilization capital. When you march, pay attention to concealment, and you can launch an attack only after receiving my order. If you disconnect from me, you must wait until their strength is reduced to a certain level before launching an attack . Finish. "

"Okay, master, obey your order. The route has been determined, please review."


In the void of 300 billion kilometers away, the spacecraft Tianguo slowly started, and after half an hour entered the curvature of the voyage, heading for the ordinary yellow dwarf star nineteen light years away. past.

This voyage will last for more than a year. During this time, the front battlefield led by Xiao Yu will contain most of the military forces of the Merian civilization. When they were empty behind them, the army led by Luca II would launch surprise attacks on the Morian capital galaxy.

"So ... let's go. The time has come to scrub the shame. This first battle must be won cleanly! All spacecraft, disguise, and move at full speed!"

Xiao Yu gave an order. Immediately, the stern of more than 3.5 million spacecraft spewed bright flames at the same time, speeding forward. Almost at the same time as these ships removed their camouflage and started accelerating at full speed, there was a reaction in the star system in front of them.

Xiao Yu clearly saw that the speed of the spaceships in this galaxy began to accelerate. Countless spacecrafts hurried off into the air and arranged a battle formation. More spacecrafts accelerated to the rear and fled.

"The first battle must be wiped out. How can I allow you to escape even a spaceship?" Xiao Yu smiled softly.

The only reason that more than 3.5 million spacecraft were launched this time was because the other 300,000 spacecraft had already left the army early and ambushed in another direction of the galaxy. Xiao Yu has already set up the Tianluodi network in advance. In the first battle, he must play beautifully.

Using a combination of curvature navigation and conventional navigation, Xiao Yu can reach the target in less than 20 hours, and 20 hours is not enough for the mineral transport spacecraft in this galaxy. Get far enough away from this star to sail into curvature. What's more, Xiao Yu had already deployed heavy troops to intercept at the edge of the galaxy.

"Who are you? This is the mining base of the fifth-level civilization and the Merian civilization. What do you want to do?"

In the process of high speed, Xiao Yu received a message full of alertness. A dictionary is attached to the message. Xiao Yu shook his head in disdain and ignored.

"Stop! Do you want to violate the Galactic Peace Convention? Become a Level 5 civilization and automatically join the Galactic Alliance. If you attack members of the Alliance without permission, you will be punished!"

"Galactic Alliance? Galactic Peace Pact? What is this again?" Xiao Yu thought with some confusion, "Probably the guardian civilization made it out. I and the guardian civilization are both deadly enemies. Where do you control you?" Small fish and shrimp. "

Xiao Yu still ignored.

It seemed that Xiao Yu's determination was felt, and the Merian civilization no longer had the message. Thirty thousand warships just lined up there silently, waiting for the war to come. Behind these 30,000 warships, there are more than 100,000 rushing mineral transport spaceships.

The mineral transport spacecraft has extremely low combat and defense capabilities, and poor mobility. In front of battleships, they are basically lambs to be slaughtered without any ability to resist. The 300,000 battleships laid out in advance were enough to wipe them out, and none of them could run away.

"We are the Shenzhou civilization. Remember this name." At the last moment before entering the battle, Xiao Yu sent such a message.

The two finally met, and there was a distance of more than 10 million kilometers. The super-light negative material gun had begun firing, and a large number of super-light tachytrons reached the enemy's target in an instant, consuming the opponent's battleship shield severely. energy of. At the same time, Xiao Yu's warships were also attacked by negative material artillery.

"Well? Do you even have the manufacturing technology of ship-borne negative material guns in Merian civilization? But it's useless ~ ~ Your biggest spaceship is just a provincial spaceship, no four maintenance cover, no space arms……"

A distance of 10 million kilometers was crossed in a very short period of time. A torrent of turbulent warships surged up, completely flooding the 30,000 spacecraft. The gap in quantity is vividly reflected. Most of Xiao Yu's spacecraft did not even participate in the battle, and this time the battle has ended. The flagship of the Morian Civilization Fleet, the provincial ship, was cut in half by a space crack attack on the US spacecraft, and the light of the explosion illuminated tens of thousands of kilometers of space.

The battle ended in an hour. The end result was that Xiao Yu's side wiped out all 30,000 spacecraft at the cost of losing more than 2,000 spacecraft, and none of them escaped. The more than 100,000 mineral transport spacecraft were also intercepted by Xiao Yu ’s ambush in advance. The bulky speed was only seven times the speed of light. Even if it entered curvature, Xiao Yu had a negative material gun. It can be used, so in this star field, there are constant light bursts, and each burst of light means the destruction of a spaceship.

Thirty thousand combat ships were wiped out. Hundreds of thousands of mineral transport spacecraft were wiped out, the star base was occupied by Xiao Yu, and all left-behind personnel were destroyed by Xiao Yu. This is the result that Xiao Yu received within three hours. From this moment on, this star system has all fallen into Xiao Yu's control.

"I didn't take the means of communication shielding. I believe that the news of the collapse of the stellar system should soon be passed to the high-level ears of the Merian civilization ... So, how will you respond?" Thinking.

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