Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 282: Armed satellite

After Xiao Yu observed the arrival of the Morian Civilization Fleet, Xiao Yu received a message sent in the form of a super-light broadcast.

The content of this message made Xiao Yu sneer.

"Dammit, don't play with me, who is dead is not necessarily alive!" Xiao Yu shouted in response, "If you want to fight, fight! All spacecraft, enter the state of war! Give these **** guys a lesson ! "

Xiao Yu has been suppressed for a year, and has been preparing for a year. During this year, Xiao Yu was fully prepared to teach a lesson to the Merlian civilization.

The fleet of the Merian civilization was 17 billion kilometers away from Xiao Yu, and was approaching Xiao Yu at the speed of sub-light. Calculated at this speed, they will arrive in a day's time. Xiao Yu did not intend to go out to meet the enemy. This year, although urgent, was enough for Xiao Yu to build many simple fortifications. These equipments have a certain effect on Xiao Yu's combat effectiveness.

There were 40,000 warships in the Merian civilization, and Xiao Yu had a million warships. However, more than 600,000 of these battleships are purely small ultra-small spacecrafts. Their combat effectiveness is much worse than that of village-level spacecrafts. In addition to giving Xiao Yu a strong momentum and causing certain disturbances to the enemy , Will not play any role. Of the remaining 400,000 ships, more than 300,000 are small village-level ships with extremely limited combat effectiveness.

Because there are a total of 80,000 large spacecrafts hidden by Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu is waiting for a suitable time to let these ships join the war.

This is what happened with Xiao Yu. Moreover, with the exception of the newly built ultra-small spaceships, the rest of the spacecrafts were all tattered from the outside and seemed to be seriously damaged.

However, these injuries will not cause Xiao Yu's spaceship to lose combat power. The reason is simple, these injuries. They were all deliberately disguised by Xiao Yu in order to match the lie that his fleet was severely damaged in the planet explosion, so as not to make the Morian fleet suspicious.

"I sincerely cooperate with your civilization. Everyone said that after killing the aging ghosts, they will die forever, but how can you be so shameless! You, you actually detonated a planet directly, causing damage to my fleet. With such a great loss, I, I must make you look good today, without killing you all. I can't get the bad breath in my heart! "

Xiao Yu shouted pretending to be very angry.

"Hahahaha!" Xiao Yu was greeted with anger by the commander of the Morian Fleet. "The confrontation between civilizations does not require morality or integrity. As long as you can rid you of this abomination, The eater civilization is gone. What if we are despicable ten times more? Today is the day of your extinction! Kill your monster that is a soul and computer together. I do n’t know how great it will be for us. Good luck! Our Morian civilization will always be strong. It has reached the pinnacle of the universe! "

"No more nonsense!" Xiao Yu roared, watching the Morian Fleet, which was still five million kilometers away, and issued an attack order.

The first to welcome the Morian Civilization Fleet was the attack of countless small negative material cannons. Countless tachytonic torrents are flying at the speed of light toward the Morian civilization spacecraft, consuming the shield energy of the Morian civilization spaceship.

Yes. Xiao Yu has achieved miniaturization of the negative material cannon. However, the miniaturization of such negative material cannons has no meaning, and only in this special case can they play a certain role.

Xiao Yu's miniaturization. Not really miniaturization. The real miniaturization is to reduce its volume and mass while retaining its power, rather than shrinking its power along with the shrinking of volume and mass.

For example, the firearms of the Earth era can be regarded as the miniaturization of ancient large trebuchets, because their volume and mass have been reduced many times, but their power has not been greatly reduced. The miniaturization that Xiao Yu pursues is such a real miniaturization, not a miniaturization of a catapult into a slingshot in the hands of children.

What Xiao Yu can do now is to reduce the large catapult of the negative material cannon into the current toy slingshot. But with more slingshots, they have power. The most important point is that they have a speed of attack that is faster than the speed of light, and they are easy to manufacture.

During the year, Xiao Yu was orbiting this gaseous planet, and a large number of such small negative material cannons were arranged on each satellite. The large numbers gathered together will continue to consume the Merian civilization spacecraft. Shroud energy to facilitate your subsequent battles.

"Don't struggle, surrender obediently, we can give you a way of life, and we will assign you a minimum configuration personal computer as your shelter? Do you really think these toy weapons can defeat our Merian civilization? In the communication channel, the commander of the Morian fleet laughed wildly.

"Hum, a bunch of silly birds." Xiao Yu snorted and didn't respond.

The fleet of the Morian civilization was approaching quickly. The distance between the two had been shortened from five million kilometers to 400,000 kilometers.

"Material disintegration rays, high-energy laser weapons, all ray weapons, all fired!" Xiao Yu ordered.

These ray weapons are all moving at the speed of light. They are not only equipped on Xiao Yu's spacecraft, but also in various satellite bases and space turrets. After Xiao Yu gave the order, countless visible and invisible rays quickly rushed towards the Morian Civilization Fleet.

Both sides have the same understanding of war. Xiao Yu chose to use ray weapons above this distance, and the Merian civilization also chose to launch fire at this distance. Just when the two sides were hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart, the confrontation between the two sides had begun.

"Anti-material weapons, gravity bombs, all physical weapons, all fired!" After approaching again within less than 50,000 kilometers, the physical weapons began firing.

At this moment, the originally dark universe was illuminated by the light emitted by various shell explosions, like little stars one after another.

"Cannon fodder, come on!" Xiao Yu roared, and hundreds of thousands of ultra-small spaceships burst out.

Both sides have entered the stage of close fight.

This is the real spaceship graveyard. Spaceships are exploding every moment. Various artillery shells and various rays come from all directions. They may come from above or from below. The direction of attack is almost all-weather. In this huge battlefield, the power of any spacecraft is small , But at the same time they are great. It is the small powers of these numerous individual spacecraft, one small advantage after another, that have accumulated into victory at the last moment.

Xiao Yu's situation is not optimistic. Xiao Yu's own technological strength is worse than that of the Merian civilization. Although in these years, Xiao Yu has some understanding of the multi-layer shroud system and applied it to his own spacecraft. The fierce firepower of the Morian civilization is still somewhat unsustainable.

Xiao Yu's small spacecraft was rapidly depleting, and ground defenses were being rapidly destroyed. Some Merlin spacecraft have broken through Xiao Yu's defense circle and launched attacks on various fortifications arranged in space or on satellites.

This is a very shocking scene. One of the planet's satellites has a dense atmosphere, and in the past, there is a lot of water in the form of water ice. But as the star swelled, it received more heat, so all the ice melted and turned into liquid water, forming a raging ocean above the satellite. Just above this ocean and some land, Xiao Yu deployed a lot of ground defenses. There are small laser cannons, ground missiles and more.

Now, all of these facilities have been devastated.

At this time, it was daylight above this satellite. A huge fireball hangs above its pale red sky ~ ~ emits endless light and heat, the ground is screaming with wind, and the waves are undulating. Just in the waves, but steadily floating a lot of things that look like science and technology creation. These things are large and small, and their shapes are different, but one thing is the same. They are constantly firing various energy weapons into the sky. These weapons passed through its light red sky, and flew into the void space. After finding their enemies, they exploded and released their lethality to the fullest.

Moreover, they also have the ability to change their position as the satellite rotates, always including the battlefield within their own attack range.

These ground defense facilities contributed considerable attack power.

But the good times didn't last long. After some time of their attack, dozens of shuttle-like Merlin spacecraft penetrated the star's atmosphere and reached the near-Earth space of the satellite. Immediately, they acted like magnetic magnets, attracting all attacks to themselves.

These small devices are all intelligently operated, and they do not require Xiao Yu to consume additional computing power. After detecting the arrival of enemy ships nearby, they launched an attack almost immediately.

Some attacks came out of the water, some attacks came from the water, some came from below the horizon, and there were mountains, caves ... Some were ray weapons and some were physical weapons. There are traces of weapons everywhere in the sky.

These weapons, like mosquitoes smelling blood, spread over the sky.

A Merian township could not withstand this endless attack, and it exploded.

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