Super Anti-war System

Chapter 865: I want to fight you

Thinking of the danger of fighting persistently, Kameda wanted to retreat.

However, the power of the sky is right in front of him, and he is reluctant to give up this fighter.

Also, it was hard to find the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army and successfully attracted it. If it retreats, this is not a waste of all previous efforts, what is it?

Risks and opportunities coexist!

The sky will not fall down for no reason.

Even if it is dropped, it is difficult to fall on one's head.

To achieve good things, you have to rely on personal efforts.

The Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army is just ahead, and the judge is leading them to fight.

If you want to annihilate them without paying a heavy price, you don't have to think about it.

Li Qingshan's brigade was maimed, and they couldn't count on them to be cannon fodder anymore.

His own casualties are not small, and now, the only thing that can be counted on is Shigeto Detachment.

What if one's own side suspends the offense and lets Shigeto Detachment continue to increase the offensive?

Looking at the battlefield filled with cigarettes and explosions one after another, Kameda Mayu quickly rejected this plan.

Looking at this posture, Shigeto Detachment will be wiped out in less than twenty minutes.

Also, like their own, they are too passive, and the initiative is in the hands of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army.

Kameda Mayu could not have imagined that the weapons of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army were so advanced and the tactics were so insidious!

In addition, he had to wait for his own three-way army to approach him before he could fight back with all his strength and easily grasped the initiative.

Stay with the green hills, no worries about no firewood!

Don't retreat at this time, when will you wait! ?

Seeing that the battle situation was becoming more and more passive, the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army was about to launch a counterattack, Kameda Mayu did not neglect.

Without any hesitation, Kameda Mayu asked Lingbing to quickly find Liang Yi and Long Siyu.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them fled the battlefield like lightning under the **** of the squadron that was used as the reserve team.

Of course, before that, Kameda did not forget to inform other traitors and let them continue.

Obviously, at this time, Kameda Mayu does not expect them to perform meritorious service, but expects them to escape and fight for themselves.

What I have to say is that Kameda Mayu will not be punished when he escapes.

In fact, before he took over this force, the big devils gave it this right.

Also, in the eyes of the big devils, the Iron and Stone Independent Detachment was established to annihilate the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army.

The fighting power of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army is so powerful that the independent iron and stone detachment wants to annihilate them, and the difficulty is not ordinary.

Before they annihilated them, one after another, there were tens of thousands of casualties.

In fact, in these situations, the big devils have already formed a consensus after war chess deduction.

In the mode of rapid march, after rushing to five kilometers away, he felt that he had been evacuated from the dangerous area, and Kameda signaled to take a break for a while.

He listened and found fierce fighting in the rear. Without hesitation, Kameda Mayu ordered the telegraph operator to report to Matsui Iwane.

In the telegram, Kameda Mayu reported the battle to Matsui Iwane.

Most importantly, Kameda Mayu asked Matsui Iwane to immediately coordinate the Navy Air Force of the Third Fleet and the Army Air Force of Matsui Iwane to carry out indiscriminate bombing of the battlefield.

On the other side, when I learned that the remnants of China's 98th Division, especially the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, were there, Ishigen Matsui's eyes brightened.

Military emergency!

Once the two forces are dispersed and withdrawn, oneself will miss a good opportunity.

Without hesitation, he immediately entered the role.


What makes Ye Tian happy is that the battle is progressing smoothly, and the traitor’s frontline troops have been in a pattern of large numbers of casualties.

Most importantly, the number of traitors is decreasing.

After thinking about it, without hesitation, Ye Tian took the lead and started an extended shooting.

Naturally, the number of traitors continues to decrease at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Concerned about the battle situation on the 98th Division, Ye Tianfen used half of his firepower and aimed at the traitor infantry brigade directly in front of the 98th Division.

In fact, the 98th Division also controlled the initiative.

Also, let alone traitors, even devils, who are bullied by nature and afraid of hardship, and are absolutely passive in the battle, will have a psychological breakdown.

These traitors came from an occupied area that had been occupied by devils for decades, and under normal circumstances, they were similar to real devils.

Seeing that they are so passive, they have long wanted to escape.

However, under the roar of devil officers at all levels, especially the threat of shooting, the traitors can bite the bullet and rush forward.

It is conceivable that their combat effectiveness can not be displayed much at all.

On the other hand, the 98th Division, after confiscating the weapons of some traitors from the Li Qingshan Brigade and Shigeto Detachment, had already changed shotguns.

Therefore, their combat effectiveness has increased a lot.

The most important thing is that there is also a plundering formation of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army nearby.

This is not to mention, as the commander of the 79th Army, as a lieutenant general, General Xia Chu has been charging forward.

Therefore, the morale of the 98th Division was like a rainbow.

Naturally, when Ye Tian and the dead men opened fire together, they were flanked back and forth, and this traitorous infantry brigade quickly entered the rhythm of being annihilated by the regiment.

At the same time, Shigeto Detachment is also in this mode.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that the dead men were still consuming a lot of ammunition because they didn't get his own order.

The 88mm anti-aircraft gun, anti-aircraft machine gun, MG34 general machine gun, under the control of the dead men, the picture is very touching.

Because there are no longer any groups of traitors, but when you see a living traitor, even if it's a single traitor, the dead are still unceremonious.

The pouring rain of bullets and even shells are naming the traitors.

Ye Tian couldn't laugh or cry in such a big scene, and the 98th Division's expression was even more complicated.

Yes, such a squandering of ammunition, except for the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, is really no one.

Even, watching the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army play like this, the 98th Division said that they couldn't stand it at all.

Under Ye Tian's gaze, he found that the traitors were almost dead, and General Xia Chuzhong ordered the soldiers to clean the battlefield quickly.

Immediately afterwards, he walked towards him quickly.

Upon seeing this, considering that Xia Chuzhong was a national hero and a lieutenant general in charge of a military-level force, Ye Tian hurried forward.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian didn't forget to turn his head and issue an order to the dead.

It's very simple Some dead men continue to shoot the fish that slipped through the net, and some dead men begin to search for living traitors.

Ye Tian's purpose is obvious, in order to kill a hundred people, try to prevent any Chinese traitors from being traitors, and let the dead men give these traitors too late!

Ye Tian emphasized that dead men are not allowed to pick up the weapons of traitors.

Obviously, Ye Tian planned to send all these weapons to the 98th Division.

What made Ye Tian and Xia Chuzhong wonder is that before they got together, they became noisy around them.

At this moment, the gunfire just stopped.

Therefore, the noise is harsh.


"Yours, not the samurai!"

"I want to fight you!"


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