Super Anti-war System

Chapter 828: Choose the target

As we all know, many devil soldiers have good marksmanship.

This is not only reflected in stationary shooting, but also in mobile shooting.

The vast majority of devils, when shooting still, within 300 meters, can basically do what they want to hit.

In a high-speed car, or on a three-wheeled side fight, or on a galloping horseback, most devils can still accurately hit human-shaped targets within 100 meters.

After generally receiving basic education and long-term rigorous training, Guizi is far superior to Chinese soldiers in terms of the level of operation and maintenance of technical weapons.

The reason is simple. Most Chinese soldiers are illiterate, and it is difficult to write their own names.

The most important thing is that China's national strength is weak, and recruit training can only take the form.

Especially during the most difficult period of the Anti-Japanese War, with the gradual casualties of most of the veterans, China basically did not have much training for recruits.

Of course, the island countries are not very popular either.

The Huaxia Army's single-soldier combat capability is not good enough, and the team combat capability is not comparable, and it lacks various heavy weapons.

In desperation, the Huaxia troops had to use the human sea tactics.

Although the casualty rate of the Huaxia army is staggering, it also caused a lot of casualties to the devils.

Gradually, the island countries have also entered a mode of exhaustion of troops and cannot extricate themselves.

In desperation, the island country had to take various measures:

Such as extending the service life;

Recruit veterans who have been retired for many years into the army;

Large numbers of child soldiers are enlisted;

Even seeing the battle situation getting worse and worse, the island nation automatically abandoned its extreme male superiority and inferiority, and enlisted a large number of female devils to join the army;


In this way, among the devil troops, the combat effectiveness gradually declines because of the older ones, the younger ones, and the many women.

That's not to say, these devil recruits cannot be guaranteed in terms of training time and training quality, so their military literacy is getting worse and worse.

Thinking of these, Ye Tian's expression is very complicated.

Right now, the all-out war of resistance has just begun.

Take this Xiashan Chun squadron as an example. All the devils are elites because they come from the Division A division.

However, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army and to ensure that the boat can maintain its advantage of turning around, Ye Tian does not intend to absorb all of it.

These first-class soldiers, first-class soldiers, and second-class soldiers were all included in the death list by Ye Tian.

Those who were put on the list of dead men by Ye Tian have these parts;

The Corporal Corps, the leader of the five-man combat team;

Sergeant, who is the deputy squad leader of the sergeant;

Cao Chang is the squad leader of the sergeant who led 12 devils;

Ensign squad leader commanding 54 devils;

Lieutenant, also known as deputy squadron leader, also includes military academy graduates;

Of course, there is also the captain of the squadron, Jun Xiashan!

Under Ye Tian's gaze, he went down the mountain and ran over with all his subordinates.

With extreme flattery on his face, he ran to Ye Tian, ​​and after a military salute, Chun Xiashan immediately began to explain.

"Report, the 102nd squadron, the 13th squadron of the sixth wing of the fifth brigade of the third division, the captain of the lieutenant squadron Jun Xiashan came to report, please direct!

I have to say that the Third Division is also called the Nagoya Division.

Like the Shanghai Dispatch Army and other divisions of the Tenth Army, this division also participated in the Nanjing Massacre.

The most important thing is that this third division, as the Grade A division, is the only division that has been fighting on the battlefield of China!

The last battle they participated in was Operation One, which the island nation named to open up the communication lines of the mainland.

However, in China, this battle is called the Battle of Yuxianggui.

And this time is from April 17th to December 10th, 1944.

In this battle, the purpose of the island nation is:

Ensure that along the railway from Hankou to Vietnam, destroy the U.S. B-29 bomber airfield stationed in South China.

In this battle, the island nation invested a total of 410,000 troops, 800 tanks, and nearly 70,000 military horses!

The shocking thing is that the battle front is very long, 2400 kilometers long!

Therefore, this is also the largest offensive operation of an island nation in history.

In the end, the island nation succeeded in occupying the bases of the Citigroup air force at the cost of tens of thousands of casualties.

Of course, it also brought great human and material losses to China.

Specifically, after this battle, the devils killed and wounded China’s 600,000 soldiers, and occupied 7 air bases, a total of 36 airports!

That's not even counted. In the largest battle in this war of resistance, the island nation also occupied hundreds of cities in China.

The three provinces of Hunan, Guangxi, and Guangdong were all in the rear area, and one-third of China's factories gathered.

Unfortunately, these factories have fallen into the hands of devils.

Most importantly, the island countries have opened up the channel connecting India and South China.

In fact, in this battle, the island nation seemed to have won a glorious victory, but it can only be described as a glorious victory.

After this battle, the devil’s forces became more dispersed, creating greater space for Dai Li, Ba Ye, and their respective armed forces to launch activities behind enemy lines.

Although it has lost so many airports in southern China, Citi has occupied the Mariana Islands and established many airfields.

In this way, the Citigroup Army Air Force has a better base to bomb the mainland of the island nation.

In other words, the island nation has occupied so many airports, and it does not have much practical significance.

Although this battle ended with the victory of the Japanese army, it did not achieve the expected goal strategically, and instead accelerated the island nation’s defeat.

At the same time, because of insufficient military strength, it is difficult for island countries to expand their achievements.

Naturally, next, the island nations have to be forced into a defensive posture.

It must be mentioned that although they failed in the battle of Henan, Hunan and Guangxi, during this period, the Chinese government forces achieved brilliant victories in western Yunnan and northern Myanmar.

Since then, together with the Allied forces with Citi State as the backbone, China has also begun the stage of strategic counter-offensive against the island nation!

On July 7, 1937 and October 1938, it was the strategic defensive phase of the all-out war of resistance.

From 1938 to the end of 1943, it was the stage of strategic stalemate in the all-out war of resistance.

This stage is also the longest stage.

Ye Tian knew that this third division, on the way back to Shanghai after the end of the battle of Henan, Xianggui, and according to the order, raised its flag and surrendered to the Chinese government.

Hearing that the Third Ye Tian was in a daze for a while.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Tian quickly returned his consciousness to reality.


"Who are your division chiefs, chiefs of staff, brigade chiefs, and wing captains, hurry up!"

The Xiashan Chun squadron was already under control. Before closing the net, Ye Tian didn't mind flicking down the mountain.


The commander of the 3rd Division is Lieutenant General Fujita Jin, and the chief of staff is Toshio of Osada.

The brigade commander of the 5th Infantry Brigade was Major General Satoshi Ichiro Katayama.

The wing captain of the 6th Infantry Wing is Osakura Etsuji.

Among the various units of the island nation, the concept of superiors and superiors is very strict.

Not dare to neglect, Xiashan Chun hurriedly reported to Ye Tian.

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