Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1233: Meet the Izumo again

I have to say that there is a reason why Ye Tian recognized this fleet as the third fleet of the island nation.

The reason is simple. Before the Battle of Songhu began, Ye Tian risked a life of nine deaths and fought against this fleet.

Of course, because the strength gap is too big, the fight is a sneak attack.

What impressed Ye Tian most was the flagship of the Third Fleet, the Izumo.

Speaking of it, the history of Izumo is relatively long.

The most important thing is that the construction of the Izumo has a lot to do with China.

During the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, China’s Beiyang Fleet had to accept a sad fate facing a well-trained, more advanced equipment, and more powerful island fleet.

The point is that after the war, the Manchu Qing government continued to cede land and pay compensation.

In fact, it was with these huge war reparations that the island nation became stronger and stronger.

Part of this indemnity was used by the island country in the Six Sixth Plan.

What is the Six Six Plan?

It's very simple, it is to build six battleships and six armored cruisers.

The Izumo is an armored cruiser and part of the Sixth Plan.

In fact, the Izumo has a sister ship, the Iwate ship.

The landmarks of Izumo are four large-caliber naval guns with a caliber of 203 mm.

The four large-caliber naval guns are located at the bow and stern, and are housed in two large turrets.

This naval gun is very flexible.

If you rotate it horizontally, you can rotate 150 degrees to the left and right.

The pitch angle can be 30 degrees.

In terms of rate of fire, it is not generally fast.

Although the shell is extremely heavy, it can fire two rounds in one minute.

Since the successful construction of the Izumo, it has been continuously participating in various wars.

For example, the Russo-Japanese War, the Battle of January 28th, the Battle of Songhu...

During the Battle of Songhu, more than 30 large and medium-sized ships of the third fleet of the island nation gathered in Shanghai.

Although the Izumo is an armored cruiser, its status is higher than the aircraft carriers Kaga, Akagi, and other battleships.

The reason is simple, Izumo served as the flagship of the Third Fleet.

When the Battle of Songhu began, under the order of the Izumo, the Third Fleet went crazy, pouring large-caliber artillery shells on various positions in China.

Large-caliber shells are very powerful, and the effect is naturally very good.

It is matched with the aircraft of the naval aviation on the huge ships, as well as the aircraft of the army aviation of the Shanghai Dispatching Army and the Tenth Army.

As a result, the Huaxia Army, which was seriously lacking in heavy weapons, had to suffer an extremely sad fate again and again.

Specifically, even if China’s most powerful German machine division is faced with such a three-dimensional attack, it is difficult to hold on for a few days.

The point is that in the end, if you don't quickly withdraw from the position, you will definitely be annihilated.

The German weapon divisions with strong combat effectiveness are like this, and the other Huaxia troops are even more passive.

To put it ugly, they couldn't hold on to it for a day.

In fact, these warships of the Third Fleet were not limited to bombing the Chinese troops.

Many Chinese people also unfortunately died under the indiscriminate bombing of the Third Fleet.

Facing an extremely passive situation, the Chinese army gave full play to its fearless spirit.

On August 14, 1937, Sun Tonggang, deputy captain of the 2nd Brigade of China Air Force, led 21 bombers, took off from Guangde Air Force Base in Anhui and successfully arrived over Shanghai.

Their main goal is to bomb the Izumo.

After all, this is the flagship of the Third Fleet.

Once it was sunk, the Third Fleet lost its soul.

After many days of bombing, they finally severely damaged the Izumo.

It is a pity that the Izumo is an armored cruiser, not as strong as usual.

Most importantly, China's air force is too weak.

Specifically, although Huaxia’s pilots are highly skilled, they are seriously lacking aircraft.

Therefore, after so many bombings, the Izumo was not sunk.

What I have to say is that a torpedo boat of the China Navy also carried out a wave of sneak attacks on the Izumo.

It is said that a torpedo they launched successfully hit the stern of the Izumo.

However, it still has not been sunk.

Their efforts have not received very good results, but for Ye Tian, ​​they risked it.

Very simple, in the form of a human-shaped torpedo, after a thrilling dive, Ye Tian placed the torpedo on the weakest part of the bottom of the Izumo ship.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian designed a timed torpedo.

As a result, the Izumo was finally sunk.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that at this time, the devils explained again how the wretchedness was made.

Concerned about the face problem, the island nation tried every means to conceal the fact that the Izumo was bombed by Ye Tian.

In addition, Izumo's sister ship, Iwate, was regarded as the new Izumo.

Of course, before carrying out this kind of operation, Guizi didn't forget to play a wave of paint on Iwashou.

Afterwards, the Izumo continued to be arrogant, haunting the estuary of the Huangpu River and the Golden Waterway, which is the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Especially in the magnificent Jiangyin defense battle, the Izumo continued to be the flagship and led other ships to destroy China's navy The old saying goes, if you do anything wrong, you will die.

In December 1941, the Izumo hit a torpedo and suffered another severe damage.

In desperation, the Izumo had to be towed by a tug to the island's mainland and used as a training ship for the Devil Navy recruits.

In July 1945, Izumo enjoyed indiscriminate bombing by the Citigroup Air Force.

In the end, unable to withstand the bombing of these heavy aviation bombs, the Izumo had to sink to the bottom of the sea.

In fact, in the third fleet, in addition to the Izumo, there are two large warships, which are also very famous.

One of them is the aircraft carrier Fengxiang.

I have to say that in the history of aircraft carriers, the Fengxiang has a special status.

The previous aircraft carriers were mostly derived from the modification of various large commercial ships, so that they could be turned into aircraft docked motherships.

However, these aircraft carriers are called first-generation aircraft carriers.

In a word, it is very unsuitable for war.

In other words, the mission of an aircraft carrier cannot be fulfilled.

Therefore, although aircraft carriers have been produced, the navies of various countries still rely on battleships with strong guns to speak.

This situation finally changed after the second-generation aircraft carrier was born.

And, with the passage of time, the former fearless and terrifying battleship gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

Among the second-generation aircraft carriers, the Fengxiang was the first to be built successfully.

Although the British aircraft carrier Jessica was launched in September 19, its service time was still later than that of the island nation’s Fengxiang.

Therefore, the world's number one hat was still worn by Fengxiang.

On the deck of the Fengxiang, there is a small island-shaped superstructure.

In addition, there are three chimneys on the deck of the Fengxiang.

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