Summon the Emperor System

Chapter 458 In the eyes of the deity, you are far inferior to dogs!

"Why is the imperial god of war in this world like a dog with a broken back under my feet?"

The skinny man of the Haoyue Empire looked at Wang Shan, the great general of the Canglan Empire, at his feet teasingly.


Unabashedly full of humiliation and contempt, he laughed again: "Paralyzed dog, as long as you can move one foot and three inches, how about you win this competition?"


The powerhouses of the Haoyue Empire in the nearby stands all burst into laughter.

The people of the Canglan Empire around them were full of anger. The person at their feet was the God of War of their empire, the most prestigious general in the empire, calling Wang Shan a dog was tantamount to humiliating everyone else.

"It doesn't take a foot and three inches."

At this moment, the young man in fancy clothes on the stand smiled leisurely, waving a fan in his hand, and said loudly: "As long as he can move three inches, he will win."

The young man looked arrogant, his brows were full of confidence, and he had a good relationship with the second prince of the Haoyue Empire who was beheaded by Zhao Hao. He was the one who held this competition, the prince of the Haoyue Empire, Chu Feng.


Wang Shan yelled with all his strength, his face was flushed and his eyes were about to burst.

Puff puff puff...

It even exploded blood vessels.

However, under the feet of the skinny man who weighed less than one thigh, he couldn't move even an inch, let alone three inches.

Soon, completely powerless.

My heart was ashamed, and I completely lost my fighting spirit.

"Your Excellency, I lost."

Blood was pouring out of his mouth, and he replied in a painful voice, it wasn't that he didn't have arrogance, but that his opponent was so strong that he simply didn't have the strength to fight.

When had he ever been so humiliated? But right now, he has to obey.


The skinny man let out another long laugh, and exerted all his strength on his feet.


With a dull and loud bang, Wang Shan's chest exploded directly.

On the burly and generous chest, a hole the size of the face was blown out.

The breath on the body disappeared instantly, his eyes were staring, his head was tilted, and he was trampled to death on the spot.

They all conceded defeat, and even wanted to kill them.

The people watching around the ancient battle platform all turned pale with astonishment.

But no one dared to speak.

The number one fierce general of the Canglan Empire, Wang Shan, was trampled to death! These foreign powerhouses are so terrifying that I can't even imagine them.

The strong invaded, forcibly suppressed! This is also the purpose of the Haoyue Empire to set up this arena, to show its strength, to shock all directions, to suppress all living beings, and to make the world submit.


The man who weighed less than eighty pounds stepped on the dead body, laughing constantly: "The strongest existence in this world, under my feet, has no chance to survive, and can only be a dead dog."

Another 'bang' kick.

Wang Shan's body flew out of the ancient battle platform, flew across the sky, and hung on the flagpole that read "The Great Shocking Heaven and Earth Surrender to the Holy King".

Show it to the public and deter the world.

As a result, two corpses were hung on the flagpole, one was Feng Xiaotian, the number one master of the Canglan Empire, and the other was Wang Shan, the great general of the Canglan Empire.

The people around were all trembling with trembling expressions.

"In the second round, the Haoyue Empire won."

The skinny man laughed again, clapped his hands, and flew back to the group of Haoyue Empire powerhouses in the stands.

"The third game, who wants to go up and play?"

Chu Feng laughed, as if those around him were destined to win no matter who came up.

On this celestial sphere, the strongest existence is the peak God of War, and the hundreds of people who escaped from the Sky Demon Star and came here, except for him and Chutian, the prince and the second prince, the weakest of the others are all in the battle spirit state. It is easy to suppress this world.

"I, Zhang Mang, have been there to enjoy myself."

A strong man from the Haoyue Empire quickly flew down from the stands, with an excited face, and flew into the ancient battle arena.

"Hurry up."

"Grass, you have already prepared."

"Damn, take a step slower."

The other powerhouses were all depressed for a while, and they all had the same idea as Chu Feng. They just abused food and pretended to be the limelight. Don't want to go up and show off?

"I am a strong man of the Haoyue Empire. In this world, I am invincible to anyone I choose. It doesn't matter who I am."

Chu Feng waved his folding fan and looked around again: "The third round, who dares to challenge?"

The square, surrounded by thousands of people, was silent.

Feng Xiaotian, the number one master of the Canglan Empire, was beaten to death with three punches, and Wang Shan, the general of the empire, was knocked down with one punch, and then trampled to death with one foot. These two are the strongest figures in the Canglan Empire. Come down, there is no one who is qualified to challenge.

"What? No one dares to go up?"

Chu Feng laughed again: "This time, I planned to play five rounds, but this is only two rounds."

There was still silence all around.

In the entire Canglan Empire, I am afraid that no one stronger than Feng Xiaotian and Wang Shan can be found.

Besides, even if there is someone stronger than Feng Xiaotian and Wang Shan, so what?

Right now, a foreigner like this is extremely powerful, even if he goes on stage, he will still be beaten to death with three punches and two legs.

"Is there really no one left?"

Chu Feng looked at the four directions leisurely: "How about this? Five battles, as long as people in your world can win one battle, then you will win. My Haoyue Empire will immediately withdraw and leave the celestial sphere."


There was still silence all around.

It is impossible to win one of the five battles.

"In that case."

With a smile on Chu Feng's face, the folding fan in his hand suddenly pointed to the side that read, "The weak are slaves, the strong save themselves, and the saints save people!" 's banner, the sound resounded in all directions: "Since you are powerless to save yourself, from now on, we will be saints, and you will be slaves. In front of my Haoyue Empire, the world will submit." , showing an expression of 'invincible so lonely'.

There was a burst of excitement in my heart.

This feeling of looking down on the world and despising all living beings is really refreshing, and this pretentious feeling makes him want to stop.

Everyone in the audience gritted their teeth, extremely ashamed and indignant.

Who wants to be a slave?

Absolutely not!

But in this world, fists have the final say.

The heart is full of despair, at this moment, everyone can't help but think of a person.

It is not that there are no mythical figures in this world. The legendary Shenlong Emperor may be able to fight against these foreign powerhouses. Since his rise, Shenlong has repeatedly created myths and has never been defeated. To get back to the situation, only the Dragon Emperor Zhao Hao appeared here, maybe there is still a turning point.

But the Dragon Emperor is not here...


Seeing that no one dared to challenge, Zhang Mang in the ancient battle stage also laughed loudly: "This continent is full of shrinking dogs."

Just then...

"Paralyzed dog, dead dog, broken-backed dog, shrunken-headed dog, I'm fucking your mother, how did the dog offend you?"

At the end of the dense crowd, an extremely angry voice sounded, and said coldly: "In the eyes of this deity, you are far inferior to dogs."

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