The headquarters of the association, which is a steel fortress.

By the window, Shinomiya Yanan looked out the window, wiping the hot sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief from time to time.

It’s not that the hero association picks the door, and even the money for air conditioning is reluctant to spend.

The heat in the association mainly comes from the magma pool outside the association, and it is the magma that creates the stuffy heat inside the association that even the air conditioner cannot save.

By the window, the Four Palace Yanan stood with their hands in their hands.

At this time, if someone approached him, it would not be difficult to find that the hands of this old fox who had been fighting for a long time were trembling at a slight frequency.


More powerful than anyone.

This is his most intuitive feeling after seeing Shiraishi Xiu’s move.

Although a total of a few seconds passed from the time Bai Shixiu put on a hand pose, the weirdo escaped, and then dispersed the skill, the terrifying power displayed at that moment still made Shinomiya Yanan couldn’t stop being excited.

This is the power he has been looking for!

With this power, the Four Palaces Foundation can truly stand at the apex and overlook the world!

Take your gaze off Shiraishi-hide.

Looking at Ai Hawasaka, who was like a small follower and silently followed behind Shiraishi Hide, Shinomiya Yanan nodded.

Sending women to pull relationships, this is one of the means of capital.

It’s ugly, but it’s always good.


Entering the association, Shiraishi first went to see the purpose of his coming this time.

In the freezer.

Looking at the blood and flesh of a ghost-level weirdo who was frozen in ice and had about eight or nine hundred pounds, a smile appeared on Shiraishi Xiugujing’s face.

Very good.

He was satisfied.

Bai Shixiu clenched his fist gently, and in an instant, a bone explosion sounded.

It had been a month since he last tested his strength, and during this time, he had consumed a complete ghost-level weirdo, and his strength had at least doubled compared to before.

Looking at the ghost-level weirdo who was frozen in ice, Shiraishi Xiu had some expectations.

When the gourmet cell completely digests this ghost-level weirdo, how much will his strength increase?

On the side, Siqi quietly glanced at Bai Shixiu, although the smile looked a little terrifying, he was undoubtedly smiling.

This made Xiqi’s heart that was a little hazy due to the arrival of the Four Palace Yan’an much relieved.

If you have money, you can do whatever you want?

I’m sorry!

Sometimes having money really can’t do whatever you want!

In this world, only the Hero Guild has the ability to supply weirdo corpses in large quantities, as long as the Heroes Guild holds the trade and storage of weirdo corpses.

Then, there is no possibility of KING being pulled away!



Bai Shixiu nodded, “You’re in trouble.” ”

Someone helped transport the meat back, and he was naturally happy.

Leave the freezer.

Head to the drawing room on the top floor of the association.

In the living room, the Four Palace Yanan has been waiting for a long time.

Because of seeing her sister blowing snow, coupled with a slightly awkward relationship with Shiraishi-so, Tornado ran to give her stupid sister ideological education.

As a result, there were only four people coming.

Shiraishi Hide, Sich, Bungu, Ai Hayasaka.

Shinomiya Yanan was not disappointed.

It doesn’t matter if the tornado comes or not, he doesn’t expect the tornado to give him face.

Shinomiya Yanan knew that if he hadn’t helped the Hero Association pay a lot of economic losses caused by Shiraishi Xiu this time, Shiraishi Xiu might not have given him face.

However, there are no ifs.

The truth is, he managed to seize this opportunity.


Shinomiya Yanan had a friendly exchange with Shiraishi Xiu.

I won’t go into too much detail here.

In short, it is probably, Shinomiya Yanan said, Shiraishi Xiu listened.

Finally, at the ‘unintentional’ suggestion of Shinomiya Yanan, Shiraishihide accepts the offer to make Ai Hayasaka his maid.

End of exchange.

Shinomiya Yanan and Xiqi walked out of the living room one after the other.

Sitting on the sofa opposite Bungu, Shiraishi Xiu looked at Ai Hayasaka, who was sold by Shinomiya Yanan in two words.

It has to be said that with the mixed world plus him as a traverser, many plots have begun to fall apart a long time ago.

According to the plot, Ai Hayasaka should have become Shinomiya Kaguya’s kimin a few years ago, but the established plot was deviated due to the chaotic ‘Yuki Asuna’.

So much so that Ai Hayasaka failed to become Shinomiya Kaguya’s closer, but was sent out as a bargaining chip by Shinomiya Yanan.

The plot has fallen apart, and it is simply miserable.

However, Shiraishi Xiu didn’t care.

After all, he is different from those crossers who rely on the plot to eat, and it doesn’t really matter to him whether the original plot collapses or not.


Looking at Shiraishi-so, fingers crossed, holding his cheeks, Bangu smiled and said, “How about going to my dojo and taking a seat?” ”

Shiraishi nodded, “Good.” ”

It just so happens that he is a little interested in “Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist”.

Bungu had something to deal with, so he made an agreement with Shiraishi Xiu that after he finished his affairs and went to his dojo together, Bungu left leisurely.

Only Shiraishi and Ai Hayasaka were left in the living room.

Looking at the expressionless Ai Hayasaka, Shiraishi took out a manga and watched it with relish.

There was no idea of comforting Ai Hayasaka at all.

It’s okay to choke him, let him go and comfort people….

For Shiraishi Show, it is better to play games and read comics.

Neither of them spoke, and the living room gradually fell silent

After a long time.


She took the initiative to provoke the topic that had rejected her before.

Shiraishi raised his eyebrows, “Yes, then what?” ”

Ai Hayasaka: “…”

The girl said a little helplessly, “But didn’t you say that before? You’ve ‘thrown away the mask’, huh? ”

Shiraishi nodded, “I said so. ”

“But ahhhhh

Without waiting for Ai Hayasaka to speak, Shiraishi continued, “When I see something interesting, I don’t mind putting on the ‘mask’ again. ”

Ai Hasaka was a little puzzled, “Is there any difference?” ”

Shiraishi nodded, “Of course there is a difference, such as you, in order to cover up your weakness, you put on a false ‘mask’ called ‘strong’; while I picked up the ‘mask’ again in order to see interesting things and ‘pleasure’. ”

Ai Hasaka’s face froze, and then she was a little puzzled, “Interesting thing? ”

Bai Shixiu said, “For example, just now, a good show of ‘capital giants’ was staged on the scene, isn’t this interesting enough? ”

Ai Hayasaka sighed a little and said, “You are such a bad man. ”

Shiraishi put down the manga and grinned.

The angular face with three scars looks a little hideous, terrifying, and domineering because of this smile.

“So I’m offstage, and you’re on stage.” Shiraishi said, “However, as long as efforts are made, the dramas on stage may not be able to become audiences and watch the world; At that time, wearing a ‘mask’ or not, for you, it will no longer be a ‘burden’, but an ‘entertainment’. ”

Looking at the girl’s calm and beautiful face that gradually collapsed, Shiraishi Xiu said, “Bonggu’s ‘Flowing Water Crushing Rock Fist’, the victory is to defeat the strong with weakness, which is quite suitable for you; I will help you fight for the opportunity, whether to completely hand over the future to others, or to hold a part of the future in your own hands, it is up to you to decide.” ”


PS: It’s the beginning of the month, everyone’s monthly passes have been refreshed, kneel for a monthly pass!

The state is not very good these days, I don’t know how to write, I am afraid that the writing is not good, and I will drive the reader away (with a desperate face, looking at the sky).

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