Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 58: Moscow's transfer order

With the outbreak of the war and the fall of Lviv, the Lviv People’s Committee of the Interior, which Victor finally integrated, fell apart. Except for Kulkin who remained with him, the rest, whether it was Boris or Sophia , All have their own future.

The encounter with Sophia solved the problem of Victor's night accommodation. He and Varenka temporarily stayed in the living room of Sophia's dormitory. However, he basically didn't sleep much that night, and chatted with Sophia in the middle of the night.

From Sophia's mouth, Victor learned that Diana had accompanied the school to Kantemirovka along the Don River, a small city on the Russian-Ukrainian border, nearly two hundred kilometers west of Kharkov.

Boris was transferred to Stalino, and Antip went to Sevastopol. The entire former Lviv People’s Committee of the Interior was dismembered, but the Kiev Committee’s intention seems to be to retain the establishment of the Lviv Bureau. If this is the case, Victor is likely to be sent to the German theater of Lviv to be responsible for the guerrilla struggle there.

Well, this is definitely not good news for Victor. What he has pursued in the past two years is to move to the back of the battlefield. Is it possible that not only can he not move to the rear, but he has to run behind the enemy to die?

But the question now is, once Kiev's order is issued, can he not accept the transfer? Obviously, he couldn't. Therefore, Victor started to worry. He had known this. He might as well accept Lieutenant Colonel Serov's suggestion and transfer him to the National Security Council.

The night passed quickly, and when the day was dark, Victor, who was not sleeping well, got up early. He wanted to walk around to relieve the depression in his heart.

Kiev in the early morning is a bit refreshing, and the sultry heat of summer seems to dissipate here.

Although the tweeters on the street were reporting the German treachery, large-scale sneak attacks on the Alliance, and the news that the war ahead was tight, the citizens responded that there was not much panic. After all, the German fighters had not really arrived in Kiev. In the sky above, those huge air-proof **** did not play a role. Moreover, according to the broadcast, the People's Committee for National Defense has deployed more troops and more tanks on the front line, and the brave and proficient Red Army soldiers have the ability to stop the German offensive in the outlying areas of Kiev.

If there is any difference between the present and the front of the station, it is that the supply of materials is no longer sufficient. There are a lot of things missing on the shelves of state-owned stores. The vehicles of various agencies are also strictly limited, and the saved fuel needs Transported to the front line for military use.

Strolling in the peaceful streets of Kiev, looking at the citizens with children and girls, laughing and laughing, Victor's psychology unexpectedly has a trace of envy, a certain idea of ​​avoiding the world appeared in his heart very suddenly, and he also wanted to take it with him. A woman who lives in seclusion and makes trouble, then has a pair of children, and spends this life normally, it is not a kind of happiness.

But this idea was quickly choked to death by Victor, a completely unrealistic fantasy, there is no need to spend more time on it.

After clearing his mind full of distracting thoughts, Victor began to consider the report he had been preparing, which can also be said to be a summary of Rudki's battle.

In this report, Victor intends to add the last part of the content, and this part of the content is about setting up a purge camp behind the battle line, promptly accommodate the defeated and escaped soldiers, and purge military discipline.

During Rudki’s war command, Victor felt that some soldiers, especially those newly enlisted militias, were seriously lacking in fighting spirit, unorganized and disciplined. Soldiers like this are not only passive in combat, always thinking about fleeing and getting out of the battlefield (although he is the same), but they also complain and complain, saying that the German firepower is so fierce that it is difficult for him to resist. If it is when the war is going well, complaints like this are not important, but when the war is unfavorable, it will seriously affect the strength of the troops.

Of course, the reason why Victor included such content in the report was not with the idea that he would be public. After all, this is not his responsibility, but should belong to the political department. The reason why he mentioned such content is just because Just add points for yourself.

Sophia told him that Lieutenant Colonel Kobrov had a bad impression of him and might arrange for him to go to Lviv to preside over guerrilla work behind enemy lines. Victor didn’t want to go this way, so he needed to think of ways to come out as much as possible. The result, of course, was to leave Ukraine and escape from the clutches of Lieutenant Colonel Kobrov.

After going around the apartment where Sophia lived, Victor turned back and ate a simple breakfast, then hurried to leave Valenka before eight o'clock, and went to the People's Committee of the Interior to inquire about the news. Although I was a former colleague with Sophia, it is not an option to always stay in someone’s home. There are too many inconvenient places. According to Victor’s idea, whether or not Lieutenant Colonel Kobrov is back today, he has to ask the committee. Arrange a temporary residence for him.

Today's Victor is relatively lucky. Lieutenant Colonel Kobrov has returned, and the first thing in his work arrangement is to meet Victor.

On the second floor of the People’s Committee of the Interior Building, Victor in the waiting room drank half a glass of water before receiving a notice to meet with Lieutenant Colonel Kobrov. Before entering Kobrov’s office, Victor had too much in his heart. Uneasy, he was really worried that he would receive an order to organize guerrilla work behind enemy lines.

But the facts proved that he was really worried. Comrade Kobrov did not arrange any work for him at all. To be more precise, he has no right to arrange work for Victor now.

In the office, Victor didn’t even have a chance to sit down. He just stood at Lieutenant Colonel Kobrov’s desk, threw a bag of papers over to the convenience, informed him indifferently, and told him to rush to Zuhani Airport immediately. , There was a plane waiting for him there, sending him to the Moscow People’s Committee of the Interior to report.

Victor took the bag of documents in a muddled manner, and left Lieutenant Colonel Kobrov's office in a muddled manner. In the process, he even forgot to salute Comrade Lieutenant Colonel.

Leaving the committee building, in the car heading to Zuhani Airport, Victor, who had been in a daze, remembered the file in his hand. He opened the file bag, took out two thin files from it, and looked at it carefully.

The document was issued by the Moscow People’s Committee of the Interior. There are two signatories to the document, namely the first signatory Beria and the second signatory Serov. Victor noted the rank the two signed on the document: Beria is the National Security Councillor, and Serov is the National Security Division-level political commissar.

Victor spit out his tongue secretly, Beria has nothing to say, he is such a bull, a national security commissioner, equivalent to the Soviet marshal in the army. But Serov was only a national security lieutenant colonel before he was transferred from Ukraine, but now he is already a national security division-level political commissar.

From the national security lieutenant colonel to the national security division-level political commissar, there are two levels between the national security colonel and the national security brigade-level political commissar. In less than a year, they all skipped over. Moreover, what position do they have now? The first deputy commissar of the NKVD, this is the first person from Beria in the whole NKVD.

Consider one more thing. As the People’s Commissar of the NKVD, with the outbreak of the war and the establishment of the National Defense Committee, Beria needs to be directly responsible to Comrade Stalin. Basically, Beria serves as a communication between the NKVD and the National Defense Committee. , Serov is actually in charge of the actual work in the ministry.

The document in Victor's hands was obviously not drafted by Serov himself. It should have been written by the secretary of the document. It was a purely official article and very stylized.

The document first stated the importance and complexity of the work of the NKVD during the war, and then it also talked about the current personnel difficulties faced by the Ministry, and then talked about the situation of Victor himself, which is probably his grassroots work. Experienced, young and promising. At the same time, Lviv has now been reduced to an enemy-occupied area. The work of the Lviv People’s Committee of the Interior has been assigned to the Kiev Committee. Therefore, there is no need for Victor to continue. Staying in Kiev, Moscow needs him more.

It’s not very far from downtown Kiev to Zuhani Airport. On the way, Victor is considering the issue of this transfer. He doesn’t know what fate and what kind of work he will face when he goes to Moscow, but he can be sure. The point is that it is better than staying in Kiev, and of course, it is a hundred times better than Lviv who went to the enemy's back.

In the end, he could feel Lieutenant Colonel Serov, ah, no, now he is a member of Serov. He is his old leader and really appreciates himself. For a person who is enthusiastic about his career, what else is there? Is it more worth celebrating than meeting old leaders?

The Zuhani Airport, built in the mid-1920s, was not a military airport, but an authentic civilian airport. However, with the outbreak of the war, especially the advance airports throughout Western Ukraine were destroyed by the Germans, Zuhani Airport It has been requisitioned by the military, and now it has become the main take-off and landing place for Soviet fighter planes to take off and go to the front line.

The plane that Victor needed to board was a military transport plane he couldn't say. Moreover, this plane was not specially designed to send him a person. When he boarded the plane, there were already several people in the cabin.

Seeing Victor, who was wearing a uniform of the NKVD, boarded the plane, the few people who had been chatting eagerly fell silent in an instant, and then they sat upright in their chairs one by one without speaking anymore.

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