Struggle in Russia

Chapter 625 Who will be the Governor (Part 2)

The question raised by Nicholas I made the meeting room silent for a while, because this issue had actually been discussed when Duke Mikhail besieged Bucharest. It's just that Nicholas I didn't ask his courtiers to recommend candidates, but said that it was necessary to station troops in Wallachia and Moldavia and send governors.

At that time, what Nicholas I meant was that I had already released the news, and you, the courtiers, should start your activities. Whether it is recommending a nephew or a friend, you can come to my ear and let me have a psychological preparation.

After that, these ministers did take action one after another and recommended a group of candidates, but most of them were escorts, and there were only those who could really make Nicholas I look up to.

The governor of Moldavia is basically in the pocket of Count Peter Shuvanov. As for the commander-in-chief of the garrison over there, Nicholas I, is going to let his youngest son, Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich, go for training .

So Moldavia is basically fixed, and Wallachia is a little bit more serious. After all, Wallachia is richer than Moldavia, and the climate and environment are quite pleasant. Unlike Moldavia, which is full of mountains, being a governor there is a fat job.

And the several contenders for this position are not small, and the one who bears the brunt is the young Adlerberg. Although the old Adlerberg has not been favored so much recently, he is still the Minister of Palace Affairs after all, and it is convenient to greet and blow in every way. He even took advantage of the good relationship with the queen, and made a lot of pillow complaints.

However, little Adlerberg also has a lot of problems. He didn't have many footsteps in the military, and he didn't have any special achievements before. He didn't even hold a post in the local area, and his resume was blank. No matter how you look at it, it is not a good idea to let such an airborne son go to the governor of Wallachia who has just put down the rebellion.

Apart from little Adlerberg, Alexei was the most popular candidate. Among his supporters were the Dukes of Ordorf and Peter Volkonski. There is no problem with his abilities at all. He has practiced in the third part for many years, and this time he went back to Wallachia to engage in secret activities. They have recruited a large number of pro-Russian leading parties in Wallachia, and they have done a great job!

If there were no strong opponents, it would be no surprise that the governor would belong to Alexei, and even Nicholas I liked him very much. But the problem is that there was an accident. Uvarov strongly opposed the appointment of Alexei as the governor of Wallachia.

Uvarov's obvious reason was that Alexei was too young to be able to do things well, but in fact only he himself knew that the root cause was Alexei's father. For the reformers, especially the descendants of Earl Speranski who tried his best to reform the serf system, Uvarov, a staunch supporter of the serf system, hated it to the bone and regarded it as a thorn in the flesh, which must be eradicated!

Uvarov managed to beat Count Speranski to death with great difficulty, and he still wanted to kill the weeds! How can we allow the enemy to skyrocket in his official career in the future? That must be resolutely suppressed!

And Uvarov's influence on Nicholas I is obvious, so even if Nicholas I likes Alexei very much, with Uvarov's strong opposition, he still hesitates to make up his mind.

And today's imperial meeting exploded Duke Mikhail's thunder, making him very irritable. And he can't directly criticize and teach Nesselrode a lesson, so he simply throws out another issue that everyone is concerned about to divert attention, and by the way, he also sees which side has more supporters, and then decides who to choose.

As he expected, the dispute over the governor of Wallachia quickly made everyone forget about Duke Mikhail. Those who supported little Adlerberg and those who supported Alexei were fighting in a ball.

Apart from his father, little Adlerberg's supporters are Menshikov and Chernyshov the most active.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the supporter behind Adlerberg Jr. is actually Crown Prince Alexander. This group of people are all loyal to the crown prince. Without the crown prince's nod, how could Menshikov and Chernyshov speak for him.

Since there is the shadow of the crown prince behind the little Adlerberg, it goes without saying that Grand Duke Constantine must sing the opposite. Moreover, Grand Duke Constantine and Menshikov have always been at loggerheads, and now the old eunuch is openly supporting the person he wants to firmly oppose.

In terms of status and weight alone, Adlerberg Jr. is going to have the upper hand. The Minister of Army and Navy, the Great Hatred of Court Affairs, the Crown Prince, and Uvarov hiding behind him are enough energy. In Russia it's turned upside down.

To put it bluntly, almost no one can oppose them, but Alexey is not bad here, Peter Volkonsky and Ordorf are the kind of existences with inconspicuous positions but huge influence, With the addition of Grand Duke Konstantin who is a shit stick, and another Count Rostovtsev who hides deeper, as well as the brothers of Prince Gorchakov and the former supporters and friends of Count Speransky, This force is not small.

Anyway, it's good that Nicholas I didn't bring up this issue in the imperial meeting. Throwing it out is like throwing a detonator into the cesspit. The effect can't be said anyway.

After arguing for two full hours, both sides had various reasons and excuses, all of which seemed reasonable at first glance. This was tantamount to creating a huge problem for Nicholas I, making it even more difficult for him to chosen.

In the end, the imperial meeting ended amidst the noise, and no consensus was reached. After Nicholas I returned to his study, he still had a headache, because after thinking about it, he found that this matter was really difficult to handle.

Choose the little Adlerberg. This guy’s ability and qualifications are really not enough to convince the public, and he has no understanding of Wallachia. Nicholas I was really afraid to let such a melon take such an important position. If he stabs the enemy, then he and Russia will become an international joke.

But let's choose Alexei. Although the ability is fine and he knows enough about Wallachia, what will the crown prince do? Everyone can see that he supports little Adlerberg, and Grand Duke Constantine blatantly disagrees. If Alexey is really chosen, will there be some bad misunderstandings in the outside world?

After being reminded by Uvarov, Nicholas I paid great attention to this issue. He really didn't want to cause a scandal of fratricide after a hundred years...

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