Struggle in Russia

Chapter 620: Kuza's Plan (Part 2)

Kuza is very smart. He knows how difficult it is to break through when facing an enemy siege that is ten times larger than his own. Even if he created a lot of chaos, it's hard to say how much influence he can have on the Russian army.

Placing hope on breaking through is really a matter of luck, but he is not a person who likes to take chances, he prefers to make decisions before making moves. So the so-called army-wide breakout plan is nothing but a cover, an illusion.

Kuza himself had no intention of breaking out at all. He had already prepared a secret hideout in the city. After the breakout operation began, he would take a few cronies to several hiding places to hide. In other words, he didn't intend to force his way in at all.

But someone has to ask, Duke Mikhail and the Russian army are not fools. Even if Kuza did this trick, he would definitely conduct a city-wide search in the end. But Kuza has another trick, that is, he has already made an agreement with Kogalnicianu

Once he heard the news that he led the troops to break through, Kogalniceanu publicly released the news that he had safely broken through and joined him after a period of time. In this way, the Russian army thought that he had escaped from birth, and naturally the so-called search and arrest came to nothing.

So did Kuza's trick work? Don't tell me, it's really useful. That night, when the whole city of Bucharest was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and when Kuza's remnant troops desperately broke through the encirclement, the Russian army was indeed caught off guard.

Because the Russian army was completely unprepared for this, because whoever shouted in the morning to fight until the last soldier lived and died with Bucharest, it is absolutely impossible to turn around and start to break out of the siege shamelessly at night. At least in this day and age, no one is so shameless.

So when Kuza's troops first broke through the siege, the Russian army was really unprepared and a little rushed, but, as Kuza himself expected, the Russian army has an overwhelming force advantage after all, even if the front line is beaten. A little flustered, there are second and third line reinforcements behind, so Kuza's remnant army was quickly overwhelmed by the swarming Russian army.

In fact, this is not entirely the advantage of the Russian military's naval tactics, but more because the Wallachia National Self-Defense Forces are not good at fighting serious battles. Seriously playing field battles or offensive operations, their military quality and weapons are too poor, and they are not opponents of the Russian army at all. In the past, it was only by relying on strong fortifications that they could hold a stalemate with the Russian army. Now that they broke through, without the bonus of the fortifications, they immediately returned to their original shape, and they showed their timidity in minutes.

The Russian army was busy all night in this battle. First, they were busy catching the remnants of Wallachia like rabbits, and then they were busy putting out fires everywhere. How tiring! However, apart from being tired, most of the Russian army was also relieved. For them, this arduous battle was finally over. Enjoy the beautiful scenery and good life in Bucharest.

For ordinary soldiers, what they want to hear most is the news of the end of the war, which means that they can save their lives, and they occupy an international city like Bucharest, which means great honor and rewards, and they can get a fortune It's not much, but you can drink several vodka bonuses, and you can also loot Bucharest for an extra profit, in short, it's beautiful!

In fact, many impatient Russian soldiers couldn't control their hands and feet and started looting when they were putting out the fire. Thanks to Duke Mikhail's rule of the army, he was strict with the army, and he was clear about the virtues of these old fritters, so he sent them out early. A large number of gendarme inspections stopped this unhealthy trend.

However, Duke Mikhail was still full of doubts, because Kuza's flamboyant operation really made him puzzled. If Li Xiao knew how to read minds, he would probably hear him sighing up to the sky: "What the hell are you doing!"

The keen Prince Mikhail felt that something was wrong, and immediately called a meeting, and asked Lazarev, Ermolov, and Alexei to help the staff. Of course, it is the first two that can really help the staff. Alexei is completely making up the numbers. In other words, what Duke Mikhail and his future governor really want to talk about is how to restore the normal order in Wallachia and Bucharest as soon as possible. .

Lazarev also felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. He just felt that Kuza's operation was as fierce as a tiger. up.

Ermolov also held the same opinion, and he put it more bluntly: "If Kuza's remnant army does not choose to break out suddenly, but continues to resist, the most optimistic estimate is that we will need half a month to occupy Bucharest. , and can cause us more casualties, from a military point of view it is more beneficial to stick to it, breaking out is the worst policy!"

Duke Mikhail also thinks so, because according to the data he has, more than 3,000 Wallachians were killed in the breakout last night, and more than 4,000 people were captured. Twelve out of ten. The result of such a breakout is simply unsightly, it is a big failure!

But Kuza chose this unconventional approach. Duke Mikhail really couldn't figure out why?

In fact, no one in the room could figure it out, so after chatting for a few words, everyone started staring, and no one could tell why. This made Duke Mikhail even more headache, because whether it was military or political, what he was most afraid of was the situation in front of him. If he didn't know what the enemy wanted to do, he would be hard to guard against!

Fortunately, although the people in this room couldn't analyze why, they were not all in a daze. First of all, Alexei said: "Why don't you invite His Excellency Grand Duke Andrei Konstantinovich to discuss it together. He has a flexible mind. Maybe you can guess what Kuza is trying to do?"

Lazarev also laughed when he heard this, "Why did you forget about that ghostly cleverness? That kid has a bad stomach. Even if he can't guess Kuza's intentions, he still has a way to crack it!"

The only one who didn't say anything was Ermolov, but he didn't disapprove, but he didn't want to express his appreciation for someone in public. As for the reason why Prince Mikhail didn't immediately agree, it was because he was similar to Ermolov, and he had to avoid suspicion. It was okay to talk to someone in private, but it was not so good to be in public, and it was easy to be caught in Nikolai. Make a small report in front of the king.

However, since both Lazarev and Alexei have brought it up, he can't object strongly, so he can only say: "Okay, let Leonid bring His Excellency the Grand Duke over here, just as I have something to ask Leonid..."

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