Struggle in Russia

Chapter 618 You Go First

Li Xiao also took great pains in order to carry out reforms, and he did everything he could to deceive and deceive him. Anyway, he didn't even want his face. It's just that he felt that Alexei was still too naive, and he knew that the child still owed society's education to him just blurted out.

Because there will never be a day when Lao Cai, the landlord of Wallachia, sees the promulgation of the serf reform decree. Things really can't be done like that!

Li Xiao said flatly: "There is no such day."

"What?" Alexei asked happily before he could hear clearly, "Nothing?"

Li Xiao looked at him meaningfully and replied: "I said that there will be no day when the serfdom abolition or reform decree will be promulgated!"

Alexei was stunned, staring at Li Xiao innocently with his big blue eyes, and asked in a daze, "Why? Didn't you just say you wanted to abolish the serf system? Why? It changed in the blink of an eye!"

Li Xiao had no choice but to explain patiently: "Abolition of serfdom must be done, but the abolition of serfdom does not mean that relevant laws and regulations must be promulgated publicly, at least not all of this will be announced all over the world!"

Alexei was at a loss, and didn't understand what the hell it was. His simple little mind was full of thoughts: "Didn't you just say that you want to abolish it? Why didn't you abolish it publicly? What on earth is this?" What are you doing?"

Is Li Xiao playing tricks?

That's natural, what he's doing is deceiving his ears and stealing his bell. For the extremely stubborn and conservative courtiers of the stubborn Nicholas I-reform, especially the reform of the serf system, is an unacceptable and unforgivable crime. Even if it is done in Wallachia, it is ulterior motives that must be opposed and resisted.

Therefore, anyone who blatantly calls for the reform of the serf system will definitely not get anything good. Even if Alexei adopts Li Xiao's suggestion to share the profits and buy him off, he can't openly call for such a thing.

To put it simply, Li Xiao's plan is not to sneak into the village for those who shoot. Reform and even the substantive abolition of serfdom in Wallachia can be done, but you can’t shout it out. As long as you shout out, the nature will change, and it will arouse Nicholas I’s high vigilance and opposition, even if you buy it with a lot of benefits Those important ministers around Nicholas I were useless.

Because it is politically incorrect to shout it out, it is openly provoking and opposing the three sacred principles advocated by Nicholas I, and it is a public enemy of the state.

Li Xiao's strategy is to switch positions, to substantively complete the reform under the banner of other less attention-grabbing banners, and not to preach that things should be done successfully first.

Alexei was a little puzzled and a little unhappy, and muttered: "Is it necessary to be so cautious? Besides, the reason why we first carried out reforms in Wallachia was because we wanted to experiment. Notice, what's the point?"

However, Li Xiao comforted him and said, "The results of the experiment are not something that people can see by shouting all over the world... People who are interested can see it even if you don't say anything... Those who are not interested in it, even if you shout out their throats, they will only see it." Act as if you didn't hear it!"

Li Xiaoyu persuaded earnestly: "My friend, listen to me. You can't be too cautious about this matter. If you want to carry out reforms in Wallachia smoothly, you'd better be cautious and meticulous in everything. Don't be careless in the slightest..."

"As for promotion, when the time is ripe, there will naturally be people who are interested in promoting it for you. By then, you won't be able to think about being famous all over the country!"

Alexey didn't want this reputation, he just felt that it was too aggrieved to carry out reforms like this, but he turned around and thought: it is extremely rare to have a test field for you to experiment with, so what do you want here? bike? Let's do the experiment honestly first!

After some discussion, the general direction of the reform was basically set. The next step is when Kuza can be eliminated and Wallachia can be completely occupied, and then it can be done. But it's not Li Xiao's turn to worry about it for the time being. After all, he's just a small battalion commander, and it's not his turn to discuss such important military affairs.

At most, it's just a consultant and a dog-headed strategist.

Speaking of it, Kuza in Bucharest is really tenacious. Relying on less than 60,000 mobs, he has stood up and resisted for half a month. Not to mention how many casualties it caused to the Russian army, at least he changed his attitude towards Wallachia to the outside world. view.

Before, when European countries mentioned Wallachia and Moldavia, they thought they were a bunch of rookies, that is, the kind with less than or equal to five combat powers. But this time, Kuza didn’t say how much damage it caused to the Russian army, at least to stop the Russian army, so that the general perception of Wallachia’s subjugation in three months did not become a reality, which naturally made the outside world look at his capabilities with admiration , I think this product is still a bit level, and the Wallachian army is not as good as imagined, and the combat effectiveness should still be higher than five.

It should be said that this basically achieved Kuza's goal. In fact, he never thought that he could really stop the Russian army's aggression and really defend his home and country. He has absolutely no extravagant expectations in this regard. From the beginning to the end, his thoughts are simple and clear:

Create certain troubles for the Russian army, boost the ambition of Wallachia, and win more international sympathy and support, so as to lay a good foundation for using the power of the international community to oppose Russia's restoration in the future.

In a sense, there is actually no essential difference between Kuza and the likes of Jan Constantine. They do not believe that they can accomplish the great cause of liberation of national independent countries only by relying on their own strength. They all believe that the only way to oppose Russia's aggression is to win the support of the country and realize national independence with the help of international friends.

The only difference between Kuza and Jan Constantine is that Kuza also knows that he must have his own power and must work hard, while the latter completely pins his hopes on the so-called international friends.

So Kuza found himself famous, and after reversing the inherent impression of Wallachia in the international community, he felt that his goal had been achieved, and the next thing he needed to do was not to die to the end.

He found Kogalniceanu: "My friend, we have basically achieved our inherent purpose, we have caused great damage to the Russian army, and we have let international friends see the power of our Wallachia... Now it is time to prepare for the future It's time to make plans!"

After a short pause, he said to Kogalniceanu: "Tonight, I will arrange for you and other partners to retreat and leave Bucharest first!"

Kogalnicianu was taken aback. Although Kuza had said similar things before, he did not expect this day to come so soon, and he was unwilling to abandon Kuza and run away alone, so he immediately said: "This is not possible... ..."

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