Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1104 Everyone has their own plans

Feeling guilty?

I feel really guilty. After all, although Count Uvarov is dead, his past resume and experience are still worthy of trust. Although his method treats the symptoms rather than the root cause and cannot solve the attacks of the reformists, it can at least temporarily defuse the immediate crisis.

Duke Dolgoruky, on the other hand, went to war directly with the reformists, and it would be extremely confusing to defeat the reformists from the front.

After all, this is not a time when they could push the reformists to the ground a few years ago. Now that their strength has increased greatly, they can almost push them down and rub them in turn.

At this time, if you rush forward and fight hard, you really don't have much chance of winning!

But Count Uvarov left so resolutely that he left them on the spot. If he retreated at this time, he would definitely offend Duke Dolgoruky. In other words, he was neither staying nor leaving. He was too passive. Got it!

"Gentlemen, calm down! Silence!"

Duke Dolgoruky immediately stood up and knocked on the table. At the stall where Count Uvarov was speaking just now, he was really worried that these grandsons would be pulled over by the old guy. In that case, all his previous efforts and preparations would be in vain.

Fortunately, these bastards in front of me are stingy and unwilling to pay, otherwise today would be all over.

As long as he takes advantage of Count Uvarov's exit to stabilize the situation, it can almost be announced that from today onwards Count Uvarov's leadership of the conservatives will become a thing of the past, and the next step will be the rule of their young faction!

This made him full of confidence and high morale. He said loudly: "Some people are just unwilling to face up to the fundamental problem! The fundamental problem is those liberal elements. It is precisely because some people do not work well and allow them to cause harm to everyone, and now we need to correct this problem and solve the root problem once and for all!”

Although he did not mention names, everyone knew that some of the people he was talking about were Count Uvarov.

Did Count Uvarov really do so badly that he allowed the reformists to grow and develop?

Definitely not. If it weren't for Count Uvarov's reformists, they would have been cornered long ago. At least the reformists would not have been suppressed so miserably in recent years, and they should be able to compete with them in all aspects.

It can be said that without Count Uvarov, the conservatives would not have achieved more than 20 years of glory!

There is no way to deny this, but Duke Dolgoruky must deny it, because the first thing the new king does when he comes to power is to liquidate the old king, erase the traces of the old king and deny everything about the old king, otherwise how can the new king command the world.

It is very necessary to completely deny Count Uvarov, discredit him and belittle him!

Duke Dolgoruky acted decisively, but the effect was not particularly good or even effective.

Because he clearly saw that the following group of people did not particularly care about this issue. They were more concerned about an all-out battle with the reformists.

"Of course we know how hateful the liberal elements are, but it is undeniable that they are now very powerful and we are at a disadvantage. Isn't it a bit too risky to start a war at this time?"

Duke Dolgoruky took a deep breath and continued loudly: "How can this be an adventure? The whole country has suffered miserably from this group of free elements. We don't like them, and His Majesty doesn't like them either. It's just that It's just that His Majesty is single and weak and can't do anything to them. As long as we unite as one and as long as we show His Majesty that we are not afraid of those bastards, Your Majesty will be on our side. Are you afraid that there will be no chance of winning at that time?"

These words made many people's eyes light up. Wasn't Alexander II on their side?

With this His Majesty and the few free elements they want to deal with, it's not easy to catch them!

Suddenly the thoughts of this group of people came to life. Looking at it this way, they have no chance of winning this time. If the bet is right, the reformists will not be able to stand up again in the next ten or twenty years...

There are many people who are ready to act, but there are still people who are clear-headed, such as old Adlerberg and Pobedonostsev.

The one in front is an old fox. Even though he was optimistic about Baryatinsky and Pobedonostsev and abandoned Count Uvarov, his experience and keen sense of smell in the officialdom over the years told him that Just do what Duke Dolgoruky said, it’s very dangerous!

If nothing else, just say that Count Uvarov decisively chose to leave and left so resolutely. Do you think he couldn't see that Alexander II was on their side? ..

Of course he could see it, but he probably thought that even if Alexander II leaned towards them, they wouldn't have much chance of winning!

Otherwise, he will stay and replace Duke Dolgoruky to call on everyone to fight to the death with the reformists!

So old Adlerberg immediately realized something was wrong and said immediately: "Gentlemen, I think this matter is of great importance. It is best to seek the opinion of Duke Baryatinsky before making a decision. We must not make a hasty decision." !”

Duke Dolgoruky was unhappy. Just now, old Adlerberg did not leave with Count Uvarov. He thought that the old man had a vision and knowledge of current affairs, but this guy caused trouble for him in the blink of an eye. This is What's the meaning? They are simply pig teammates!

What was even worse was that the reason he came up with was so cunning that he even said that he wanted to seek the opinion of Duke Baryatinsky, which made it very difficult for him.

He wanted to finalize the decisive battle plan immediately, but Duke Baryatinsky was far away in the Caucasus, and it would take months to write letters to him. Given the current situation, how long can he wait?

He immediately objected: "Time waits for no one! Your Excellency the Duke advocates attacking the liberal elements, but he will not object to a decisive battle with them!"

Old Adlerberg replied without giving in: "Then we should first seek the opinion of His Excellency the Duke. Only if he agrees can we take action, otherwise it will be reckless!"

Duke Dolgoruky was very angry. Old Adlerberg always used Duke Baryatinsky to block him, making it clear that he did not want to listen to him. But he couldn't openly oppose it. After all, he was able to stand here and speak entirely because of Duke Baryatinsky's relationship. In the eyes of everyone, he was just Duke Baryatinsky's spokesperson.

Old Adlerberg must respect one thing and another. If he strongly opposes it, it will give people the feeling of disrespecting Duke Baryatinsky. This is the following crime, among conservatives who value rules. , people who have been labeled with the following crimes are not welcome!

But he was unwilling to ask him to wait for news from Duke Baryatinsky. After all, he had spent so much effort to drive away Count Uvarov. This was how he established himself as a leader within the faction. How can you be soft-hearted at this critical moment of status?

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