Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1100 Full Firepower

Duke Dolgoruky was stunned. He couldn't hold his head up after being taught such a harsh lesson. How long had it been since he had been taught such a lesson?

But he soon discovered that the situation was very bad. If he allowed Count Uvarov to teach him a lesson, his prestige would suffer a fatal blow.

After all, he now looks like a grandson being trained by his grandfather, and there are so many people watching. If these guys think Count Uvarov can eat him to death, how can they possibly obey him? How could it be possible to follow his baton!

Duke Dolgoruky knew that he had to fight back, otherwise not only his personal prestige would be damaged this time, but Baryatinsky's prestige would also be damaged, which meant that it would be harder for them to defeat Uvarov. Earl, maybe you will squander all the advantages you have accumulated so hard!

Fight back! Must fight back!

Duke Dolgoruki was screaming in his heart, but Count Uvarov's words still made sense, at least his analysis was convincing. For a while, he couldn't find a good excuse.

what to do?

However, Duke Dolgoruky's mind was still spinning very quickly, and he quickly retorted: "According to your wishes, we can't do anything but watch those free elements drive us all away!"

Without waiting for Count Uvarov to speak, he added: "You are right, those liberals have indeed been creating rumors to attack us, but what did you do in the face of this situation? You just looked at them You act recklessly and choose to stand idly by even though you know that we are being constrained at every turn. But now you seem to have taken the moral high ground and instead accuse those of us who do things. Do you think this is appropriate?"...

Is this counterattack sharp?

Not necessarily, but very timely!

Just now, many people began to sway, feeling that Duke Dolgoruky and Baryatinsky were a little out of control. At this time, if Duke Dolgoruky does not stop the momentum quickly, the consequences will be really disastrous.

So the key is not whether the counterattack is sharp enough, but whether it is timely enough.

Even if Duke Dolgoruky is messing around, he has to fight back decisively. This is a matter of attitude. Not fighting back meant that he was afraid of Count Uvarov. The more decisive and even unreasonable the counterattack is, the more it shows that they are not afraid of Count Uvarov.

For these fence-sitters watching, attitude is everything!

It should be said that Duke Dolgoruky performed well, and even Count Uvarov admired him a little.

Why didn't I realize that this guy had this kind of ability before? If I had known that he was so clever, I would have paid more attention and cultivated him.

Of course, Count Uvarov is just thinking about it, because in many cases it is not up to him to decide who will be cultivated.

Conservatives have their own set of rules. To put it bluntly, they are based on seniority. If you want to get ahead, you have to wait for the old guys who hold key positions to retire. Otherwise, you will be lawless and follow the rules!

None of these conservative rules can be exceeded. In a sense, this severely limits the growth of young people. This is why more and more young talents are moving closer to the reformists. Although there is also a hierarchy of seniority there, it is by no means as exaggerated as the conservatives.

Thinking of this, Count Uvarov couldn't help but feel a little sad. He felt that his biggest failure was not to find a group of young people who could take over. Otherwise, the situation would never be so passive, and he would not be forced into a corner and unable to move.

Just now Duke Dolgoruky asked him what he had done. He really wanted to do something, but since he was awarded the title, he found that Alexander II was very prejudiced against him and was trying every possible means to force him to leave. .

In other words, as long as he speaks, the other party will definitely not listen, and it will only have the opposite effect. So it's not impossible for him to stand up and speak, but the effect is definitely not ideal.

For the sake of the overall situation, he could only hold back and say nothing, and now Duke Dolgoruki actually used this excuse to attack him. To be honest, he felt very sad.

After all, he has done a lot for conservatives. Without him, conservatives would not have prospered for more than 20 years. But now these young people are doing everything they can to get the upper hand. They even know his difficulties and use this excuse to attack him.

It’s so chilling!

However, Count Uvarov did not feel sorry for himself, because he knew that the officialdom did not believe in tears, and crying could not solve any problems.

He will not make anyone feel better if he makes him feel cold!

Who has he been afraid of?

Count Uvarov immediately sneered: "What have I done? I have warned you more than once to pay attention to the criticism of liberal elements, and reminded you more than once that you must unite, so that you should not be selfish and only care about your own small stall. Let’s fight in the nest again! Did you listen?!”

A frightening momentum surged from Count Uvarov. He stared at Duke Dolgoruky angrily and asked: "You don't listen to a word. You, Duke Dolgoruky, are busy seizing power. He just wants to seize power. He is full of petty calculations. He clearly knows that I have offended His Majesty, so he cannot say anything about many things, otherwise it will have the opposite effect!"

"But what you just said, asking me why I didn't speak, do you want to completely mess up the situation and make things get out of hand?"

"It is extremely shameful to use such a despicable and ridiculous excuse to cover up your incompetence and dereliction of duty!"

Duke Dolgoruky really didn't expect that Count Uvarov would speak out directly. Isn't he worried about letting the people below see through the truth?

What if the big guy thinks that you have offended His Majesty and won't mess with you? What should you do?

You old guy must be stupid to make such a stupid move, it’s so funny!

Pobedonozev also had similar thoughts. He looked at Count Uvarov suspiciously. He didn't understand what kind of medicine this old fox was selling in his gourd, but he knew that Count Uvarov could never be that simple. , there must be a conspiracy!

Yes, he knew Count Uvarov too well. He had followed this man for more than ten years, and many people who tried to challenge him were manipulated by him. He didn't even know how they died.

He did not dare to look down on Count Uvarov. Even if this old guy looked like he was dying, he had to be careful of him cheating his death.

So he kept his composure and still didn't say anything. Anyway, Duke Dolgoruky was rushing in front, and he would be the one to take care of anything, so he might as well sit back and watch the fight.

Pobedonostsev's calculation was very good, but Count Uvarov did not give him a chance to stay out of the matter. He suddenly turned around and lectured him:

"And you, Earl, don't you want to say something? Or are you satisfied with the current situation and think everything is fine?!"

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