Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1091 Big mistake

Yes, Dmitri was not completely passive in this matter. He also had some methods that made people unhappy. Of course, it’s best not to use this method if you don’t need it. Once used, it will easily become the target of public criticism!

However, Li Xiao was not entirely a threat. What he just said had a second meaning. Ukraine has become a mess. There must be some people who cannot keep their official positions, and naturally a group of people will have to be vacated.

Dmitri certainly did not have the power to decide on these vacant positions, but he had the power to recommend. As long as he tells Alexander II that so-and-so has performed well in countering the rebellion, do you think Alexander II will look at him differently?

The more critical the position, the more important it is to look at it differently. For Duke Alexander, although he has basically been determined to be the prime minister, nothing will count until this matter is settled.

Therefore, he needs to win over as many people as possible. The more friends he has, the less resistance there will be, and some key locations in Ukraine can be used to win over friends.

If this matter can be handled through Dmitry's connections, it can be said that his chances of becoming prime minister will be much greater.

Suddenly, Duke Alexander became agitated. Ukraine was indeed a mess. Supporting Dmitry in countering the rebellion did bring a lot of troubles, but these troubles would not disappear on their own, even if the person who countered the rebellion was not Dmitry. Any other general will have as much trouble as he deserves for the money he has to spend.

Considering this aspect, this is a path that must be taken, and it is impossible to avoid it.

What's more, if the general who countered the rebellion was replaced by someone else, such as someone from Baryatinsky's side, Duke Alexander would not be able to take advantage.

After hesitating for a moment, Duke Alexander sighed: "The situation in Ukraine has affected my whole body. Even if I want to help, I will be in huge trouble!"

Li Xiao looked at him, a little unsure of what Duke Alexander really meant. Is this person trying to get more benefits out of trouble? Or is it really a big trouble and difficult to handle?

After pondering for a moment, he tentatively said: "But this is both a trouble and an opportunity, isn't it?"

Duke Alexander glanced at him and said calmly: "There are opportunities, but it's hard to say whether you can seize them or not! If you don't do it right, your reputation will be ruined. Is it worth it?"

Now Li Xiao understood what he meant. Emotionally, Prince Alexander wanted to eat chicken but was afraid of being beaten at the same time. He probably felt that the Prime Minister was in sight and did not want to take risks, so he was just waiting for Neserrodie to retire and take over the throne!

This mentality is the most fatal in Li Xiao's opinion, because after all, Alexander II did not explicitly say that the position of prime minister must belong to Duke Alexander, he just had this intention.

It is not easy to turn an intention into reality, because Alexander II can change his mind at any time as long as the stone falls.

At this time, what Duke Alexander needs most is not to be cautious and do nothing, nor to passively wait for the pie to fall from the sky.

The more cautious he is and the more he does nothing, the more restricted he will be. Even if he really becomes prime minister in the future and wants to do something, it will become more difficult.

What he needs most now is to calm down and do whatever he needs to do. The more he takes things lightly, the harder it is for others to control him.

After understanding this, Li Xiao said bluntly: "Duke, why do I feel like you have changed since you took over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! You are so timid that you even speak louder. What are you worried about? ?What’s there to be afraid of?”

Duke Alexander was stunned. He didn't expect that Li Xiao would suddenly say such a thing. He was a little unhappy at first. He felt that Li Xiao was so offensive. How could he talk to him like this?

But he quickly controlled his emotions and began to analyze himself involuntarily. Did he really become timid during this period?

There's nothing wrong with the overall situation being this way, right?

This thought flashed through his mind, and he immediately realized the problem here.

There is nothing wrong with being a little bit stubborn, but there is a problem with being unprincipled.

Think about it, in order to avoid being involved in the battle between reformists and conservatives, he dared not do or say anything. He finally came back and took control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to his ideas, he must have some influence on this department. The great reforms eliminated Neserrodie's influence.

But he was frightened by the situation and did nothing after taking over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He did not take any action against Neserrodie's disciples. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was still the same as it was in Neserrodie's time, and it was still as annoying as ever.

Is this really what he wants to see?

Obviously not.

So will it be a big problem if he eliminates Neserrodie's influence?

Actually no.

Because everyone knows that Neserrodie is a thing of the past. Even Alexander II deprived him of his power. So what if a dead dog steps on it?

But for the so-called "overall situation", he foolishly did nothing and just waited so foolishly.

But after waiting for these few months, has the news of Neserrodie's resignation or retirement arrived?

No! Nothing works!

Neserrode was like a tumbler, staggering and refusing to really fall down, which made him become more and more anxious and angry. He was indeed becoming more and more passive!

Duke Alexander figured it out. Although Alexander II was interested in making him prime minister, how he really became prime minister depended on his own efforts. He had to prove that he really had this ability.

The first thing to do is to oust Neserrode from power, or to be polite and allow Neserrodie to retire with honor!

If you can't even do this, why should you be the prime minister? It's hard to find a lot of Russians with two legs who can be the prime minister for three-legged toads. You have to prove that you are better than other toads!

Duke Alexander breathed a long sigh of relief. He realized that he had made a big mistake. The reason why Neserrodie had not been able to retire was probably because of his lack of effort.

When Alexander II promoted him to the position of Foreign Minister, he probably hoped that he would put pressure on Neserrode like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. Not to mention beating the shit out of him, at least let him know that he was no longer suitable to continue. To stay in the position of Prime Minister, it is best to retreat bravely and retire voluntarily.

But his weakness and inaction did not put enough pressure on Neserroddie. The old man continued to be his prime minister leisurely without any pressure at all.

In this case, why should he take the initiative to retire?

Duke Alexander, who wanted to understand this, was a little regretful. He knew that he had missed the best opportunity. If he had acted vigorously and resolutely as soon as he came to power, I am afraid that Nesselrodie would have gone back to Vienna to retire.

His hesitation allowed Neserrode to see an opportunity and see through his true and false intentions. Even if he applied crazy pressure to repel the old man in one fell swoop, it might not be that easy...

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