Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1065 Scared

Upon hearing the name Countess Maria Murapova, Alexander II narrowed his eyes and stared at Count Shuvanov suspiciously.

Apparently he was a little unhappy about this. After all, everyone knows about his relationship with the countess and that he loves the countess very much.

Although Countess Maria Murapova did make him very angry this time, there is a saying that Alexander II was still somewhat obsessed with her and did not intend to give up on her.

Therefore, Count Shuvanov actually said that Countess Maria Murapova was a serious suspect, and Alexander II would definitely not be happy.

He asked solemnly: "Why do you say that?"

Count Shuvanov's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly thought that something was wrong. According to his original estimate, he thought that Alexander II would hate Countess Maria Murapova very much, so he pointed out that person as a suspect.

But the expression of Alexander II made it clear that the Tsar was still obsessed with that woman. Isn't this a mistake?

However, Count Shuvanov's mind was spinning very fast, and he had to stabilize his position at this time. If he messed up first, he would be really doomed next!

He composed himself and replied: "Your Majesty, I know you may not like to hear this, but I must say it! In my opinion, Countess Maria Murapova is very suspicious! Even Vladimir The Duke was hidden by her!"

Alexander II's face was gloomy and uncertain. He stared at Count Shuvanov like a vicious wolf for a while, and then he suspected that something was really wrong with Countess Maria Murapova.

After a long time, he said: "What's the reason? There must be a reason for you to doubt Countess Maria Murapova, right?"

Count Shuvanov's guess was almost the same as Li Xiao's. He believed that Countess Maria Murapova's special identity made the third part afraid to really investigate her carefully, which gave her a way to get through. Chance.

Alexander II thought for a while and replied: "You mean, Countess Maria Murapova should be searched carefully and thoroughly, right?"

Count Shuvanov immediately replied: "Yes! All persons related to Countess Maria Murapova must be thoroughly investigated immediately!"

Alexander II frowned, obviously he heard what Count Shuvanov meant. He was obviously not satisfied with just looking at Countess Maria Murapova herself. His desire was to be the same as Maria Murapova. A thorough search was carried out on all persons connected with Countess Murapova.

In other words, Count Shuvanov thought that just searching Countess Maria Murapova might not yield any results, and he wanted to expand the search!

Should the search be expanded?

Alexander II was very hesitant. He was always a tsar who wanted stability. Stability is more important to him than anything else!

If the scope of the search is expanded, the results will be difficult to predict!

After all, Countess Maria Murapova is a woman with a wide range of friends, and she has close ties with many nobles. If you conduct an indiscriminate investigation, a large number of people will definitely be involved.

In this case, no matter whether something is found or nothing is found, there may be no way to end it!

Why, you ask?

Think about it, if you check so many people, if you really find out something, wouldn't it be known to everyone on the street?

Alexander II didn’t want his shameful hating to become public knowledge!

On the contrary, nothing was found, but so many people were involved and nothing came of it. Wouldn't this cause a lot of complaints?

Alexander II didn't want to turn into a clown after struggling for a long time. Naturally he could not agree to Count Shuvanov's suggestion.

"Let's check Countess Maria Murapova first, and we'll talk about the rest later!"

Count Shuvanov was not surprised by this result at all. From beginning to end, he knew that Alexander II would not be able to obey him. For a superior, whether or not he should listen to the advice of a subordinate depends entirely on his mood and interests.

Obviously his suggestion was not very beneficial to Alexander II, so naturally it was normal for others not to listen.

"Your Majesty!" Count Shuvanov bowed and replied. After a slight pause, he still felt that he should add something: "But I must remind you that it is a bit late to check on Countess Maria Murapova now. , it’s very possible that nothing can be found!”

Alexander II looked at him and asked: "Then do you have a better way?"

Naturally, there was no better way. Count Shuvanov smiled bitterly and said: "Unless your Majesty agrees to expand the scope of the search...".

Alexander II immediately interrupted him: "This is impossible, stability trumps everything now!"

What else could Count Shuvanov say? There was no need to say anything. He could only bite the bullet and lead his troops to the residence of Countess Maria Murapova. I hope he can have good luck!

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

Faced with Countess Maria Murapova's question, Count Shuvanov replied with a smile: "Madam, this is your Majesty's order. You also know that St. Petersburg has not been peaceful recently, and His Majesty is worried about your safety. So I sent us to check it out, and I hope you can forgive me!”

"Your Majesty's order?" Countess Maria Murapova said with a playful smile, "I think some people fanned the evil wind to light a will-o'-the-wisp!"

Count Shuvanov did not argue with her, but replied calmly: "This is His Majesty's love for you, Madam. I hope you understand. If you have nothing else, please allow me to start working!"

Countess Maria Murapova snorted: "Whatever, you can search as much as you want, but if nothing is found, then I will ask your Majesty for an explanation!"

Count Shuvanov glanced at her and replied calmly: "That's your right, I'm sorry! Countess!"

Countess Maria Murapova was frustrated by Count Shuvanov's lack of food and salt. She actually wanted to anger Count Shuvanov. As long as she made the matter bigger, there would be no good consequences in the end. Not her.

But Count Shuvanov was not fooled, which left her with no choice. Before telling the truth, Li Xiao told her that someone would definitely doubt her. At that time, she was a little disapproving. She always felt that she was no less capable than those who stood at the pinnacle of power, and that she could do what those people could do.

But now, even the low-ranking Count Shuvanov can see through her intentions and ignore her provocation at all. This level is a bit scary, isn't it?

If Alexander II was surrounded by such people, wouldn't what she did be a joke? Suddenly she shuddered a little!

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