Struggle in Russia

Chapter 834 Reactions from all parties (Part 1)

The news that Count Rostovtsev was invited to the Winter Palace could not be hidden from anyone. In fact, Alexander II did not intend to hide it. He wanted all Russia to know about it. Only in this way can he achieve his goal of checking Count Uvarov.

Overall, the effect was pretty good. Those messy conservatives immediately calmed down and stretched their necks one by one to wait and see, probably wondering whether Count Rostovtsev would really replace Count Uvarov as the new leader. The Tsar's new favorite.

For conservatives, it would not be unacceptable if Count Rostovtsev really came to power. After all, the count does not appear to be a liberal and has nothing to do with the reformists, because normal people cannot imagine that a traitor who "betrayed" the Decembrists would support reforms.

For most conservatives, the most criticized thing about Count Rostovtsev is that he is difficult to deal with. This person barely makes friends and doesn't attend any parties. It's not uncommon to have a relationship with him.

Of course, despite this problem, for conservatives, Count Rostovtsev coming to power is better than reformists gaining power. Since Alexander II likes it, everyone should slowly adapt.

What? You ask Count Uvarov?

Haven't you heard that there is one emperor and one courtier? It's time for Count Uvarov to step aside and cool down, and the scene this bastard did before caused them heavy losses. Don't they need to pay the price?

St. Petersburg soon forgot about Count Uvarov. The conservative nobles tried their best to find ways to get close to Count Rostovtsev, especially the families of the nobles who were arrested and imprisoned. They were particularly enthusiastic and almost defeated Rostov. The threshold of Count Vtsev's house was a lively one.

But one thing is very interesting. Count Rostovtsev does not keep people away from him as before. He welcomes all visitors warmly, and it doesn't even look like him anymore.

But when these enthusiastic visitors returned home to recall their interactions with Count Rostovtsev, they found that the count seemed not to agree to anything. He was really just accepting the courtesy and not doing anything!

When Duke Ordorf reported the matter to Alexander II, the new tsar couldn't help but secretly laugh. He had heard his father say before that Count Rostovtsev was very special and smart. Now it seems that this evaluation is very appropriate. Isn't he smart and special?

He cleared his throat and told Duke Ordolph: "Always pay attention to the movements of the earls. If there is any situation, you must report to me as soon as possible!"

Duke Ordov keenly noticed that Alexander II was talking about the counts, which meant that in addition to Count Rostovtsev, he must also pay attention to Count Uvarov. He was not surprised by this. Nicholas used to This is what I did in my lifetime. As long as they are czars, they cannot really trust anyone completely. They will always find ways to make everyone check and balance each other so that they can feel at ease.

The only thing Duke Ordorf is a little worried about is who will be the person who will be used to check him? Count Rostovtsev’s opponent is Count Uvarov. Who will his opponent be?

To be honest, he was very curious about this and also very worried. He was not worried that his opponent was too powerful, but that Alexander II could not find someone who could check and balance him. Once there was no such person, it would mean that he Orndorff's political career will soon be over, and he will have no choice but to go home and retire!

Of course, Duke Ordorff didn't want to go home to retire or be idle. After all, he was still young. The most important thing was that after tasting the delicious taste of power, he really couldn't bear to give up.

After returning to the office and instructing his subordinates to continue to observe Count Rostovtsev and closely supervise Count Uvarov, Prince Ordov began to write letters to Prince Alexander and Prince Mikhail.

Now the three of them have formed a strong alliance of interests. As the only person in St. Petersburg, he must regularly write letters to the two brothers to inform them of the situation.

and ask for their opinions.

The main purpose is to ask Duke Alexander for his opinion. After all, Duke Mikhail is better at military than politics. Only Duke Alexander can control the overall situation better.

Sometimes Duke Ordorf wanted to suggest Alexander II to call Duke Alexander back. It was a waste of time to write letters from all the way. It would be easier for Duke Alexander to sit directly in St. Petersburg.

But this is just a thought, because he also knows that once he recommends Duke Alexander to Alexander II, Alexander II will definitely think that they are a party and will definitely be on guard against them in the future. How can they be like everyone pretending to do now? It doesn't matter, but I'm actually wearing a pair of pants secretly, how cool that is!

And now that Duke Alexander is recalled, what position should he be brought back to hold? Take over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Nesserrodie would definitely not agree. The lame prime minister could only manage his own headquarters, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 81 Chinese w

Once there is no more Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it will be equivalent to completely leaving him alone. At that time, Neserrodie will definitely give up the job or simply give up the job.

Now, if we are trying to negotiate peace with Britain and France, we must use Neserrodie. This old guy has extensive connections in Austria. He can help Russia do Austria's work and try to get Austria to help negotiate peace.

Therefore, Prince Alexander, who is not dealing with Neserrodie at this moment, will definitely not be able to take over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

What's the point of just letting Duke Alexander come back to rest?

After thinking for a while, Duke Ordov gave up the idea, and introduced Duke Alexander to the latest situation in St. Petersburg in a strict manner, telling him to pay attention to Count Rostovtsev. He felt that there was a high chance that this count would be very favored in the future, and he must advance it in advance. Take precautions.

After writing the letter, he couldn't help but take out the latest battle report. Wallachia was still a pool of stagnant water. Duke Mikhail relied on the fortifications of Wallachia and the natural barrier of the Danube to firmly block the Turkish army. There should be no need for it for the time being. What's the big problem?

But the situation in Crimea is not optimistic. As the fortifications on Inkerman Mountain are successively captured by the British and French coalition forces, Sevastopol has been completely exposed to the gunfire of the coalition forces.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, it is really only a matter of time before Sevastopol falls. If we cannot negotiate a peace with Britain and France before Sevastopol falls, I am afraid that the peace terms provided by Britain and France in the future will be very harsh!

It is conceivable that if Russia is forced to sign such an unfavorable treaty, it will cause a fatal blow to the authority of the Tsar and domestic stability. At that time, I am afraid that Alexander II will not be able to confuse things by being ambiguous...

"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road, whenever he meets someone he knows, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There was no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they were indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. The main responsibility of uu Kanshu is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

Then he will be promoted step by step, and he is expected to eventually become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Department, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possessing the memory of a previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that were full of chills, the attic here seemed to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, making him frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to cleanse away the smell of blood on everyone in the Demon-Suppressing Division.

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