Struggle in Russia

Chapter 805 The perfect excuse

Nicholas I's anger was so urgent and so terrifying that no one dared to say a good word for the old eunuch, but most of the old officials had another thought in their minds - accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger, and God's grace is unpredictable , this His Majesty is really difficult to serve!

Yes, most people are actually a little grievances against Menshikov. Although no one dares to say it openly, everyone knows in their hearts that the reason why Menshikov did not develop steam ships is not because of Nicholas I. There.

Who makes you hate steamships and refuse to build such ships again and again, even if Grand Duke Constantine keeps lobbying you but you are unmoved. If it weren't for you being so stubborn, why would the old eunuch object so strongly?

Now it's good that you put all the responsibility on Menshikov, as if it was all his fault. Isn't it too shameless of you to do this?

Anyway, everyone is murmuring in their hearts, according to your approach, will we all end up like Menshikov in the future?

Nicholas I, who was in a rage, did not realize that his courtier had other thoughts. He was so angry that he only focused on venting his anger, and no longer had the sensitivity of the past.

And all this was seen by Count Rostovtsev. His mood was very complicated, including the pleasure of watching Nicholas I come to an end and worries about the future fate of the country.

Although the current situation was in line with his expectations, it was only when he got to this point that he discovered that he was actually very worried about the future, and he was not as calm as he had shown before.

It's just that he can't stop it now even if he wants to do it. The only thing he can do is to do his job well and try his best to make this old and broken Russian ship move forward according to his command.

After a moment of thought, he said to Nicholas I: "Your Majesty, in addition to allocating troops to continue to reinforce Sevastopol, there is another issue that needs attention! This is crucial to our next battle!"

Count Rostovtsev's words finally made Nicholas I come out of his furious mood. He stared at his two red eyes and asked: "What's the problem? Count."

Count Rostovtsev replied loudly: "The problem of firearms. According to the response from the front line, the reason why our soldiers are not the enemy's opponents is that the enemy is equipped with new breech-loading rifles. Their rifles fire faster and hit harder." Accurate, they can always attack outside our range, leaving us with no way to fight!"

Nicholas I's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to have regained some of his energy. He asked eagerly: "Is this true?"

Count Rostovtsev pointed at Chernyshev and said: "The Minister of War should have data in this regard. I have seen feedback from many generals. The general response is that our rifles are not the enemy's opponent at all!"

Nicholas I stared at Chernyshev viciously and asked grimly: "Is it true?"

Chernyshev swallowed hard and replied tremblingly: "Some generals responded to rifle problems, but I think..."

Before he finished speaking, Nicholas I slapped the table again and said angrily: "Why didn't you say it before! How did you become the Minister of War? You knew clearly that there was a problem with our weapons, but you didn't say anything and just looked around. Watching our soldiers being killed by the enemy, won't your conscience hurt?"

Chernyshev is crying but has no tears. Does he know that weapons are inferior to people? Of course he knew, but it was not his turn to take the blame. After all, Nicholas I felt that his troops were strong enough and there was no need for any new rifles.

The attitude of His Majesty, who has always disliked new things, is clear. He only dared to go to the Army to promote new rifles because he had the courage to do so. What's more, Russia doesn't have that much money. How much will it cost to replace its millions of troops with weapons?

What's more, everyone used the old-fashioned rifles very well before. Who would have thought that Britain and France would suddenly replace them?

Is Chernyshov innocent? Of course, there is a point. Nicholas I used the weapon issue to cause trouble for him, which is the same as using steamships to anger Menshikov.

But if you say he was wronged, he actually deserved it. Previously, Li Xiao had obtained connections with Duke Mikhail and actually suggested to the Ministry of War to partially replace them with new rifles, but Chernyshev flatly refused.

Although he refused under the guise of Nicholas I, in fact everyone can see that the fundamental reason why he opposed the replacement of new rifles was that the 1852-style muskets he strongly admired were being equipped with the Russian army. You can calculate how big the benefits are with your butt.

So now he deserves the beating!

Chernyshev quickly made some excuses, such as the new rifle needed to be tested, there were funding problems, or production could not keep up. But Nicholas I was very cute sometimes. When he was stubborn, he wouldn't listen to your nonsense at all. He just wanted results.

"Then why don't you respond to me!" Nicholas I asked angrily, "If you can't solve these problems, then let me solve them myself. When will a rifle be able to stump Russia!"

Nicholas I's words were very threatening. If Chernyshev can't solve the problem, I will solve it for you. Anyway, Chernyshev was frightened and hurriedly said that he would do it immediately, determined to use the new weapons as quickly as possible for the soldiers on the front line.

Seeing this, Nicholas I's expression softened a little, and after beating him a few more times, he turned to Count Rostovtsev:

"Earl, you have done a good job, but you should have responded to key issues in a timely manner. We cannot make any more mistakes in this war!"

It can be seen that Nicholas I was serious when he said this, probably because Count Rostovtsev gave him the most comfortable step. Because the last thing he can accept is that he is inferior to others in strength. Now Count Rostovtsev tells him that the reason for the failure is actually a weapon problem, which can cover up a lot of black materials about the Russian army before.

Such as military discipline, such as military literacy, such as morale, such as officers fearing the enemy like a tiger.

And these problems are the most critical. Anyway, if they are these problems, it can only be said that there is something wrong with the leadership of Nicholas I.

And if there is a problem with the weapon, it is a result of a strange skill or a moment of negligence. Maybe our Russian army can change its previous eye-catching performance by replacing it with a new rifle?

Anyway, Nicholas I paid great attention to such minor problems. As long as there was no problem with his leadership, it means that Russia is still great. The temporary failure is just a small problem of individual people. It can be better if it is corrected a little!

Naturally, he likes Count Rostovtsev, a courtier who can discover the fundamental problems very much!

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