Struggle in Russia

Chapter 749: Superior Skills (Part 2)

The Chancellor of the Finance has a bottom line. Before, everyone thought Alaska was a barren land and selling it for money means everyone is happy and good. What he meant was that as long as the Americans didn't go too far, he would be willing to listen to any offer.

But after Count Rostovtsev's torture, this diorama was revealed. He really wanted to say if we could stop talking about this and talk about something else, such as romance and the like, how comfortable and comfortable that would be!

It's a pity that Count Rostovtsev has no interest in romance. He just wants to talk about money, so he directly reprimands the finance minister to the point where he can't get off the stage. What an embarrassment!

And now even Count Uvarov can't help smooth things over. After all, you can barely cover up the situation for not having 10 million, but you have no bottom line at all, so that's really unjustifiable!

Nicholas I's face was naturally even more ugly. Before, he was full of joy and thought that the Chancellor of Finance could exchange him for 10 million US dollars. The money was a little less, but at least it could alleviate his urgent need a little!

But now it seems that let alone 10 million, I am afraid that the possibility of 5 million is not high. When he thought that more than one million square kilometers of land had been replaced by just three melons and two dates, he felt his blood pressure soar.

"What on earth did you talk to the Americans about?" Nicholas I couldn't help roaring.

The finance minister was frightened and replied hurriedly: "I... only made intentional contact. The Americans expressed a certain interest, and the rest did not go into in-depth discussions."

This is actually not true, there is a lot of water in it. It's true that they had contact, but it's false if they didn't talk about it in depth. Without in-depth conversations, how could he know that Americans were interested, and how could he know that Americans were willing to pay?

Obviously the Chancellor knows that he can only go back now. It is best to say that the contact is not too deep and he does not know the bottom line of the other party, so that his performance just now can be explained.

It’s just that Nicholas I was not a fool, and this kind of lie would definitely not fool him. But he didn't reveal it, because he knew that if it were revealed, the matter of selling Alaska would be really dirty.

"That's right..." he said slowly, "Then get in touch slowly and find out what they mean."

After speaking, he turned to Count Rostovtsev and said: "Count, you see the situation is not clear now. Let us wait and see."

Well, Nicholas I was also forced to panic. When did he discuss this with his ministers?

It's just that this trick is useless to Count Rostovtsev. He knows very well that as long as he doesn't continue to be serious today, Nicholas I and Uvarov's gang will immediately make trouble, and they will definitely do it secretly behind his back. Sell ​​Alaska.

So Count Rostovtsev bowed slightly and replied: "Your Majesty, I can completely understand your mood. I am also worried about the current tight financial situation! But rushing to seek medical treatment for a fever will not solve any problem. "

After a short pause, he replied sternly: "Selling Alaska is not the solution to the problem. Let's not talk about what use such a little money can do. Let me ask one thing: the money from selling Alaska has been spent. what to do?"

As he spoke, he said in a very stern tone: "Are we also selling the Far East? If that's not enough, why don't we go on to sell everything east of the Ural Mountains?"

The imperial study room was quiet, no one dared to speak, including Nicholas I, who was stunned because the label was too heavy. Anyone who dared to say that it was okay to sell the country would definitely be a traitor to the country!

After a long while, Count Uvarov asked: "Count, since you said selling Alaska is not the solution to the problem, and we people really can't think of any other way to solve this problem. Do you have any idea?"

Count Uvarov's move was damaging enough. He knew that if he defended the sale of Alaska head-on, Count Rostovtsev would definitely criticize him, which would definitely bring humiliation to himself. So he did the opposite, didn't you say selling Alaska wouldn't work? Then help me think of a better way, otherwise don't push me here!

Is there anything Count Rostovtsev can do?

Don’t even say it exists!

He smiled at Count Uvarov and said: "Of course there is a way. Selling Alaska to the Americans will definitely not work. What is the difference between this and betraying the country?"

"But we could sell Alaska to someone else, such as the Russians who are interested in it. Wouldn't that be betrayal?"

Count Uvarov's mind was buzzing. He really didn't expect that Count Rostovtsev would come up with such an evil idea, because he immediately realized that Count Rostovtsev might have more deceptive methods behind him. Wait for him.

Sure enough, before Count Rostovtsev finished speaking, the Finance Minister was the first to object: "Count, you are completely fanciful. Let's not say that no one among the citizens is interested in Alaska. To say the least, even if there is interest, I’m afraid I can’t afford so much money!”

The finance minister felt that what he said was too right, and finally gave Count Rostovtsev a blow, which was considered a bad breath. But the face of Count Uvarov next to him turned darker than the bottom of the pot, and he looked at the Minister of Finance with a very unkind look!

Sure enough, the finance minister had not been happy for two seconds when Count Rostovtsev's counterattack came: "Who said no one is interested in Alaska? I am personally very interested in it, and I believe that as long as you are a true patriot, We will donate generously to the country at this critical moment!”

Well, this is Count Rostovtsev’s killer move. Yes, Alaska is indeed desolate and worthless, but why do patriots like us buy Alaska? Not for the sake of the country!

This is actually Hong Guoguo's moral kidnapping, which is to let the rich and powerful people in Russia raise funds to buy Alaska.

In this way, there will be no problem of betrayal and the imminent fiscal crisis can be alleviated. More importantly, this is not a free donation, but everyone raising funds to purchase national assets. Although the value of these assets is indeed a bit rubbish, at least they have something. Unlike donating money, you can only say thank you at the end.

Nicholas I was also enlightened. Why didn't he think of this good idea? By selling Alaska to our own people, we can show who is the true patriot without betraying our country. This is killing three birds with one stone!

When the time comes, let’s see who pays less, or who is the most opposed, or who is not loyal enough. What qualifications does such a bastard have to continue to be an official, and what qualifications does he have to stay in St. Petersburg? Just do it!

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