Struggle in Russia

Chapter 739 Flexible Tactics (Part 1)

Count Provence and Razet did not disappoint Vishniak. After holding it in for months, they were like wolves released from the cage. They were ferocious at first, but miserable at the other after being messed up by the Turks' logistics lines.

For a time, the central area of ​​Bulgaria was full of their rampant activities, and the supplies that the Turks could send to the front line were instantly reduced by almost 30%.

Don't underestimate this 30%. The British and French coalition forces plus the Turkish army gathered along the Danube River, with more than one million troops.

Just eating for so many people is an astronomical amount, not to mention that these people are risking their lives on the battlefield. If you don’t have enough food and ammunition, what can you do?

Anyway, Duke Mikhail's feeling was particularly obvious. In the previous month, he was really forced by the coalition forces to the point where he could barely breathe. But after entering this month, the pressure suddenly eased.

In the past, the Turks could attack for five or six rounds in a day without stopping, but now they only attack for three rounds at most, and they will wilt after the round.

What's even more obvious is the artillery of the British and French forces. In the past, explosive shells were thrown down as if they were free. Now they have to think about it for a long time before firing. Most of the time, they can only make up for it with old solid shells.

He could guess the reason. It must be a logistical problem.

Although it is true that it is easy for problems to occur in the logistics supply of a million-strong army, but if it happened so suddenly, there must be a big problem in the rear.

"It's the Count of Province again. This week he has attacked three of our convoys, causing us to lose hundreds of tons of supplies!"

"Didn't you say that it would be easy to deal with him before? Why haven't you arrested him after more than a month? Instead, he has become more and more rampant and started plundering everywhere. This is all your responsibility!"

The Turk, who was scolded so badly, was also very angry, but he couldn't vent his anger yet. After all, it was indeed the Earl of Province who caused the trouble. Who would have thought that he could be so upbeat after letting this guy run away before?

Naturally, the Turks could only promise repeatedly that they would solve this small problem immediately. They thought it was not difficult. Isn't it just a lesson to some stupid noble who doesn't know how high the sky is?

It turns out that the Turks thought of the problem too simply. It is indeed not difficult to solve the Count of Provinces, but only if the method is correct.

And what about the Turkish method? It’s hard to describe!

It is nothing more than dispatching a crusade force of more than 10,000 people from the front line to search the location of the accident. But the problem is that Count Province and Razet followed Vishniac's suggestion to shoot and change places. He would stay in one place and wait for the Turks to catch him.

Another half month passed like this, and the Turks were in a state of embarrassment. The number of attacks on logistics convoys did not decrease at all, and the troops they sent to clear them up failed to catch anything and were exhausted.

Anyway, the commander said that his troops are in urgent need of rest and recuperation. If they continue to run around like headless chickens, his soldiers will rebel.

This is not the worst. The domestic logistics support has not been substantially improved. The pressure exerted by Britain and France is naturally greater, and the Turks will be caught and scolded every now and then.


That’s so shameless!

The Turks, who were cornered, immediately took the risk and simply mobilized another 50,000 troops and lined them up along the transportation hub. They still can't believe they can't catch those pesky Bulgarian flies!

This situation was quickly discovered by Count Provence and Razet's spies in Turkey, and Vishniak and Boris had also focused on the mobilization of the coalition forces before. Not to mention that they could detect any trouble, at least The large-scale mobilization and assembly of tens of thousands of coalition forces cannot be hidden from them.

"The Turks are coming with great force!" Razet lamented. "They have gathered 60,000 people and are stationed in Blagoevgrad, Plovdiv, Gabrovo, Shumen and Edirne. In this city, traffic lines are strictly monitored, almost like a dragnet investigation!"

Count Provinces also said: "My acquaintances there also said that the Turks were really angry this time. It is said that even the passing caravans were severely damaged."

After saying this, the two men looked at Vishnyak together. It was obvious that they meant to take a moment to avoid the limelight and not to be caught by the Turks. And didn’t you just say last time that you would give up if you were happy and not get carried away?

We have grabbed enough things now, let's take a rest!

But what they didn't expect was that Vishniak said: "Very good, this proves that we have hurt the Turks this time. We will continue and we must let them taste the power!"

"Continuing?" Earl Province and Razette were stunned and didn't understand why Vishniak had changed so much.

"Of course we have to continue!" Vishniak smiled and said, "But the method needs to be adjusted. Most of the targets we targeted before were the logistics fleet. Since they are now staring at the fleet, we will change the target."

Count Province and Razette asked cautiously: "What target?"

Vishnyak smiled and said: "Our next targets are Turkish nobles, wealthy businessmen and landowners. We will deal with them with all our strength and drive them out of Bulgaria!"

Count Province and Razette were stunned, never expecting that Vishniak would do this. But after a brief moment of surprise, they all began to feel a little happy.

Why? The reason is very simple. As a vassal of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, Bulgarians naturally enjoy few personal rights. Even nobles like the Earl of Provence and Lazette still bowed their head when meeting the Turks.

For hundreds of years, the Turks have continuously settled and multiplied in Bulgaria, and inevitably had conflicts and conflicts with the Bulgarians. Naturally, the Bulgarians were the ones who suffered the losses. However, although the Ottoman Turks were lonely, they were still more skinny than horses. Although they are big and cannot defeat the Western powers, it is still easy and pleasant to deal with the Bulgarians.

As a result, elites such as Count Provence and Razette have been annoyed. Now that Vishniak has given them a chance to vent publicly, do you think they can be unhappy?

What's more, openly attacking the Turkish nobles will help improve their reputation in Bulgaria. It can not only attack the Turks, but also improve their reputation and gain substantial benefits. Why not do such a good thing?

"But we have to do it more skillfully," Vishnyak was very happy that the two men agreed to his plan. He warned: "This time we cannot gather on a large scale, otherwise it will be easily discovered by the Turks. Siege, and secondly, we don’t need too many people to deal with the wealthy businessmen and local tycoons. We have to break them into pieces and attack in four directions, so that the Turks can’t cope with it..."

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