Struggle in Russia

Chapter 720 Shock

Matvey hadn't been so embarrassed in years. Having a young boy who was more than ten years younger than him point his nose at him and teach him a lesson made him angry.

But the situation is stronger than the people. If he doesn't agree and the trouble comes to Nicholas I, he will definitely not be able to eat and walk away. What's more, Alexey's words just now did not prohibit him from continuing to smuggle, but only said that he must be informed. Governor's Palace and reports back to the Governor's Palace.

According to his understanding of officialdom, he actually acquiesced in his behavior and took a share of the pie.

Although part of the profit was eaten up, he knew that if he agreed, he would definitely become Wallachia's leading smuggler. There were no concerns and no official agency would trouble him.

To be honest, this benefit alone made him want to nod and agree immediately, but he still wanted to ask more clearly. He had suffered losses in this area before, and he agreed too readily. As a result, the lion behind him opened his mouth to ask for his filial profit. Too much, and the result is wasted work.

After that time, Maria Davydovna warned him that no matter what he did, he must ask clearly about the conditions before agreeing.

He asked cautiously: "Sir, I will definitely learn a lesson and I will try to repay your magnanimity, but I have a little problem..."

"what is the problem?"

"How much profit do I need to give you?"

Alexei suddenly changed his face and said angrily: "Do you think what I want you to repay is the illegal income? Who do you think I am! I don't want any of your dirty illegal income!"

Matvey was confused. He had never heard of such a thing. No money? How is that possible? Which of the Gong Gongs in this officialdom is not a money stringer? Which one has not fallen into the eyes of money? for free? What do you want?

Li Xiao pulled him gently and whispered in his ear: "What the Governor wants is your respect and your cooperation..."

Matvey was stunned and couldn't help but frowned. Respect and cooperation? Could it be that he was asked to follow the orders of the Governor's Palace?

If this is the condition, then he really has to think about it, and he will definitely not agree easily.

Because he knew very well the purpose of Nicholas I sending him here, which was to supervise Alexey. If he obeyed the governor in everything, it would obviously be against Nicholas I's will.

What's more, since Nicholas I was not at ease with Alexey, it was obviously very dangerous to follow him. He is not stupid. Even if he doesn't need this black gauze hat, he can't agree to such dangerous conditions.

Li Xiao saw through Matvey's thoughts at a glance, and quickly added: "Your Majesty the Governor wants you to cooperate with him in managing the affairs of Wallachia. Of course, Your Excellency the Governor does not mean to make it difficult for you. There is no need for you to listen to him in everything, as long as there is a situation involving the Governor, just give him a little notice..."

Li Xiao said this and Matvey hesitated again, because it was still acceptable if it was just like this. It’s not like he hasn’t supervised other frontier officials before, and it’s not like he hasn’t reached a gentleman’s agreement before. Although Alexei’s identity is a bit sensitive, his requirements are not high!

Valley pet

After pondering for a long time, Matvey finally decided to accept it. He carefully replied: "That's okay, but Your Excellency the Governor and the Grand Duke, I am willing to make it easier, but you also have to give me reassurance. Some big things are really serious." It’s so vague!”

After Alexey and Li Xiao looked at each other, they immediately replied: "Of course you can't be vague about right and wrong. I don't ask you, general, to violate your principles. As long as you remain flexible when you don't violate your principles, that's not the case." Isn’t it too much?”

Matvey took a deep breath and immediately replied: "Of course, if that is the case, then I will be happy to serve you."

Alexei nodded and said: "Very good, it seems we have reached an agreement, let's talk about smuggling next!"

Matvey was a little confused, because hadn't this issue been discussed before? Why even talk about it?

"The total monthly business of your people is about three hundred thousand, so as long as your people do not exceed this number, then I will order the relevant departments to turn a blind eye, but what! If you If it exceeds this limit, then you either have to give me a reasonable explanation, or you have to prove that you have greater value, or you can provide me with appropriate value, do you understand?"

Matvey smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew that there was no such thing as pie-in-the-sky pie in the sky. People directly assigned him a share. He didn't care within the share, but if he exceeded the share, he had to pay the price.

As for the price, he knew it very well. It was clearly stated that no money was required, but services were required.

Although Matvey is a little disappointed, it is not completely unacceptable. You get what you pay for, and if he wants to make more money, he must pay the price.

He just thought for a moment and quickly agreed, and then asked impatiently: "What about my subordinates and the goods and funds..."

Alexey replied casually: "I will let His Excellency the Grand Duke explain it to you, but before that I have some small questions that I need your help to answer!"

Matvey asked cautiously, "What's your problem?"

Alexey smiled and replied: "It's very simple. First, is there any recent news in St. Petersburg? In addition, what is your Majesty's attitude towards Wallachia and the war?"

Matvey thought to himself: Sure enough!

He knew that what Alexey really cared about was the attitude of Nicholas I and St. Petersburg's views on the war. But it would be the same for him, and it doesn’t matter if he talks about these things, because Alexei’s network will know it sooner or later, but if he knows it from him, it will be earlier. After all, this is what the third part is about. of.

Matvey answered Alexei's doubts without any hesitation, and Alexei, besides listening and nodding, was also secretly shocked: The third part is really about a place far away in Wallachia with magical powers. The person in charge can clearly know the movements of St. Petersburg and Nicholas I. Just imagine how powerful a third-part giant like Duke Ordorf must be.

However, Alexei did not show his surprise and still asked unhurriedly: "I heard that His Majesty is not very satisfied with the situation in Bulgaria and intends to change the status quo of our inaction in Bulgaria. This time Something?"

This time it was Matvey's turn to be shocked, because Nicholas I's arrangements for Bulgaria were top secret. According to the commissioner, only a few people knew about it. How did Alexey hear the news?

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