Struggle in Russia

Chapter 701 Bad idea

Alexey and Vishnyak looked at each other again. It seemed that they had the same idea. I am afraid that someone was really unscrupulous and said shameless things so confidently.

However, they didn't mean to complain or criticize. The reason was simple. They knew that Li Xiao was forced to be so shameless. If the situation hadn't been too bad, if the finances hadn't been really tight, he wouldn't have done this.

It's just that Alexei and Vishnyak are worried about whether they can really make money by doing this?

Li Xiao is very confident: "If the organization is properly organized and well-planned, it should not be difficult to make money. If we can really organize and arm the radical anti-Turkish elements in Turkey, the effect will be beyond imagination!"

The reason why he is so sure is naturally derived from the experience of later generations. If the people are awakened, organized and armed, the combat effectiveness will be beyond imagination. At least there is no gap across eras in weapons and equipment. Just relying on attrition and guerrilla tactics can defeat Turkey. And Ying and France can't eat and walk around!

It's just that Li Xiao doesn't think the Bulgarians have that strong fighting capacity, because their attitude towards this war is actually quite ambiguous. You say they don't support Russia's actions, but they verbally express strong welcome.

But if you want to say that they really welcomed it, they didn't really take any actual support actions, not even the action of eating a pot of slurry.

In Li Xiao's view, the Bulgarians are actually just waiting. If the Russians win and help them win independence, that would be great. But it’s not worth paying blood, sweat or real money for it. Anyway, they can live without the Russians to liberate them, especially as Wallachia and Serbia have recently won independence or autonomy. Turkey does not dare to squeeze them too hard. Their lives are pretty decent, so why should they? How about fighting for the Russians?

This mentality has led to more than 50% of Bulgarians taking a wait-and-see attitude towards this war. I am afraid that not even 20% of them support Russia in the war. What Li Xiao means is to mobilize these 20% of people as much as possible, without asking them to cause big trouble to the Turks, as long as they can grab some money to alleviate Wallachia's poor economic situation.

Alexey has no objection to this. Anyway, it’s better to get money if you have dates or not. After all, they only need to break into some broken copper seized from the Turks. Just rotten iron.

"Then you will be responsible for this matter." Alexei quickly agreed, and then directly left this unfortunate job to Li Xiao.

He really didn't want to get involved, because this mess looked very cumbersome at first glance, and it also required being particularly obscene and unscrupulous. He thought he still had some moral integrity, so he couldn't do it at all.

However, Li Xiao did not agree, and instead handed it over to Vishniak: "I think it is more appropriate for you to take charge of this matter. You are good at mobile warfare and flexible in dealing with things. As long as you insist on not confronting the enemy head-on, It should be very simple!”

But Vishniak didn't want to do it either. He shied away: "I'd rather assist Leonid in going to Moldavia to suppress the bandits. That would be more interesting..."

But Li Xiao thought he was the one to do it: "Come on, you just want to be lazy. The suppression of bandits in Moldavia is not complicated at all. Leonid is completely crushing him and does not need your help. But the organization The Bulgarians’ robbery of Turkey is very crucial. I have too many things to take care of. You can’t let Boris do this, right?!”

Vishniak suddenly stopped talking. He sighed quietly and said: "Well, it seems that I can only take the initiative."

This can be regarded as a solution, but Li Xiao believes that open source robbery alone is definitely not enough. In the final analysis, we still have to find ways to raise funds from the financial sector. He continued: "I will continue to do the work in Prussia, but we can't hang ourselves on a tree. We have to find other ways to try to borrow money from the Jews. What do you think?"

Alexey and Vishnyak looked at each other again, because borrowing money from Jews always felt like walking into a tiger's mouth. Those vampires who eat people without spitting out their bones love money as much as their lives. It is easy to borrow money from them, but exchanging money may be very painful.

"Loan shark?" Alexey asked.

Li Xiao smiled and said: "How is it possible? I won't be that stupid!"

Alexey immediately didn't believe it and said sarcastically: "It would be nice if those vampires didn't knock our bones and suck our marrow at this time. You still want to get a low-interest loan from them, how is that possible!"

But Li Xiao was full of confidence: "How can it be impossible? Jews are human beings too. As long as we find the right strategy, interest-free loans are also possible, not to mention low-interest loans!"

Alexey naturally didn't believe it even more. In his opinion, this was like plucking an iron rooster's feathers. He thought that Li Xiao's efforts were completely in vain and he was asking for trouble.

"Then leave this matter to me," Li Xiao replied without hesitation, "Don't be too surprised if I get a low-interest loan from the Jews!"

Alexey frowned. He knew that Li Xiao was not the kind of person to talk nonsense. Now that he said so, he must be certain, or at least have a strategy. Immediately he asked curiously: "Do you have any tricks up your sleeve?"

Li Xiao said angrily: "What is a crooked move? I call this a strategy, okay?"

Alexey continued to ask: "What strategy? Please tell me first."

Li Xiao sighed and said: "Under normal circumstances, borrowing or financing from Jews will be sucked dry as you said. Especially in our current situation, that is even more unfavorable... So if we want to achieve our goals at the minimum cost, we You have to give the Jews some attractive advice.”

Alexei's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously thought that Li Xiao was going to be spoiled, so he quickly asked: "What's your suggestion?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Some suggestions that don't cost money, such as allowing Jews to legalize their identity in Wallachia, allowing them to purchase land, allowing them to be officials, allowing..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Alexei quickly shouted stop, because although these suggestions can please the Jews without spending money, they are completely politically incorrect in Russia. Who doesn't know that Nicholas I hated the Jews the most, let alone let him recognize the Jews? He felt that it was a blasphemy to God to allow the Jews to breathe freely after enjoying citizenship rights.

Nicholas I had a lot of persecution and exclusion of the Jews. Now you tell him that you want to recognize the legitimacy of the Jewish identity in Wallachia and give them political power that they have not had for thousands of years. Then Nicholas I I won’t break your dog’s head in this lifetime!

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