Struggle in Russia

Chapter 688 A proud person

Friedrich I was still in a very good mood, and the reason was very simple. Julianne had been very enthusiastic to him these days and almost responded to his requests, which almost made him feel happy. More importantly, the Russians seemed to have stopped bothering him and seemed to have given up on their plans to continue financing.

If everything went on so smoothly, Friedrich I felt that he was already in heaven.

"Ball?" Frederick I asked his valet in confusion, "Russians are still in the mood to have a ball?"

"Yes, Your Highness. Count Speransky has extended an invitation to you to attend his grand ball specially held to celebrate the independence of Wallachia."


Friedrich I ridiculed with disdain: "What a mess. The war situation is stalemate and you are still in the mood to make such superficial remarks. The Russians simply don't know what to say. They replied to the count for me and said that I was ill and could not attend."

The footman hesitated for a moment and then reminded: "Your Highness, I think it is better to attend. You still need to maintain relations with Russia..."

Frederick I immediately became unhappy: "What are you saying, Mr. Calalente, are you teaching me how to do things?"

Calalent quickly lowered his head and replied: "Of course not, it's just...just..."

Friedrich I said impatiently: "Just what?"

Calalent said in panic: "It's just that our business in Wallachia has been greatly affected in the past few days. The Russians are obviously warning us!"

Frederick I frowned and asked after a while: "Are you sure? They expressed it directly?"

"No, but the signal is clear. Almost everything we could easily get before is now affected. Even some local snakes dare to cause us trouble."

"The Russians don't care?"

"The Russians didn't say that," Calalente said with a wry smile. "They said they would try to solve it, but...but for some objective reasons, they are too busy to take care of it for the time being. I hope we can wait patiently..."

Friedrich I was speechless, because this excuse was exactly the same as his response to Alexey's financing requirements. If he really waited stupidly, these troubles would never be solved.

Suddenly he became irritable and impatient, and scolded: "You didn't go to Count Speransky to report the problem?"

"I went," Calarent replied weakly, "but His Excellency the Count didn't see me at all. He said he was busy with official business and asked me to wait, and then nothing happened."

At this time, Frederick I was really angry, because he felt that although Calarent was just his servant, what was his identity? He was the Crown Prince of the Grand Duchy of Baden and the future Grand Duke, and he might even marry a Prussian princess. Why? Seeing that he was much nobler than a mere governor of Wallachia, sending Calalente was enough of a reciprocity.

But what is the attitude of the Russians? Just leave Calalente alone, almost saying that you, a stinky servant, have no qualifications to see the Governor, let your master do it by himself!

To Friedrich I, this was like being slapped in the mouth. Naturally, it was burning and painful. Can he be happy?

He stared at Calalente for a while, wanting to lose his temper, wanting to withdraw the mouth directly, but his remaining reason quickly stopped his impulse, because thinking about it carefully, he really didn't There is no way to withdraw it, because the Russians can indeed deny him face.

The Grand Duchy of Baden is too small and too weak. If it hadn't saved Prussia's thigh, it would have been like a mosquito. The Russians are solid polar bears, although it is impossible to really invade the Grand Duchy of Baden or let them invade. They couldn't bear to walk around in circles, but it was still relaxing and pleasant to indirectly teach him a lesson. At least it can put enough pressure on Prussia and give him some color.

Frederick I knew very well what Prussia's current foreign policy was. He would neither offend Britain or France nor worsen relations with Russia. If Prussia felt that Baden was a troublemaker that would affect their international situation, then it would severely A knock on the Grand Duchy of Baden is entirely possible.

Considering all things considered, Friedrich I could only swallow his anger, and at most he would be snitching to his future father-in-law.

However, he felt that even if he made a small report, it would not have much effect, and if the Russians were not stopped quickly, Prussia's interests would definitely be affected, which would definitely make Prussia very unhappy. In short, in the end, It was he who suffered the loss.

After thinking for a while, he endured this tone and ordered Calarente very unhappily: "Go and reply to Count Speransky, I will attend the ball on time!"

Friedrich I decided to go to the ball to have a good talk with Alexei, and he must let the Russians know that they could not afford to offend the Prussians, and that there was no point in engaging in unsavory tricks.

It's just that this feeling stuck in his heart made him very unhappy, so much so that he was a little absent-minded during his tryst with Julianne.

Julianne asked softly: "My dear, what's wrong with you, you are so worried?"

"Sorry, dear." Frederick I sighed, "The Russians caused me some little trouble and made me a little irritated."

"Is it serious?" Julianne asked with great concern.

Friedrich I quickly pretended to be a man and said disdainfully: "They are just some minor problems. They are all cheap tricks. They do not constitute a threat and can be easily solved... In fact, I believe that today I only need to mention the problem to that count at the ball tonight and the problem will be solved!"

"Really?" Julien asked, pretending to be very concerned, "You know how barbaric those Russians are, and it's not easy to deal with them at all!"

Frederick I smiled manly and said: "Of course I know how uncivilized and barbaric they are, but believe me, dear, I am good at taming barbarians, and I will let them know how a real gentleman does things!"

Julianne kissed his cheek with admiration, and then suddenly asked pretending to be curious: "By the way, you just mentioned the ball? Is the governor planning to hold a ball?"

King Friedrich I looked at Julianne, whose eyes were full of "I want to go" and laughed and said: "Do you want to go? My dear, although the barbarian dance is not up to par, but it is fun to watch jokes, isn't it?"

Julianne did not agree directly, but said in a desperate manner: "If I go, I won't bring you any trouble or trouble, right?"

Friedrich I replied with a smile: "Of course not, don't worry, my baby, let us enjoy the dance tonight!"

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