Struggle in Russia

Chapter 682 Who comes first and who comes last (make up for yesterday)

Vishniak felt that Li Xiao was the kind of person who made decisions before taking action. In the current situation, it was better to be still than to move. He had to figure out what the man and woman wanted to do before taking measures. Blind actions were likely to alert the enemy.

He said: "I think we should continue to observe and see what their intentions are before taking action!"

But Fontana didn't see it that way. After listening to Vishnyak's words and being silent for a moment, she suddenly raised her head and looked directly into Vishnyak's eyes and said decisively: "I don't think it's appropriate to do this! If it's An His Excellency Grand Duke Andrei Konstantinovich, he will not wait any longer and will take decisive action to nip the threat in the bud!"

Vishniak was stunned. He didn't expect Fontana's view of Li Xiao to be like this. This made him frown, because he felt that Li Xiao was not the kind of impulsive person. In the past, someone didn't care. Whatever you do, you will make detailed plans and consider all aspects of the situation before taking action.

He wanted to say that Fontana was wrong, but before he could open his mouth, Fontana said first: "It is true that His Excellency the Grand Duke is a person who makes decisions and then acts, but in my opinion, he is particularly decisive and good at Someone who seizes opportunities. Especially under the current circumstances, he will never just sit back and watch our enemies carry out their evil plans!"

Vishniak was stunned again and was greatly touched by Fontana's words. It was true that Li Xiao was good at planning, but what was even better was his principle of always being one step ahead and always taking the initiative.

He is by no means the kind of slow person who waits for things to happen before slowly solving them. If he feels that there is a problem or danger, he will definitely take the initiative, even if it means taking great risks. This is him!

Vishniak was convinced by Fontana just by these words. He was about to express his agreement with Fontana but continued: "I feel that the situation has become urgent. I feel that these two people are plotting a conspiracy, and it is very possible that They will cause us great trouble, and we must take decisive action to solve them!"

The tone and demeanor of Fontana's words reminded Vishniak of one person - Li Xiao.

Once upon a time, Li Xiao used this tone and demeanor to convince them again and again, allowing them to take risks and succeed together. There was even a moment when he felt as if Li Xiao was talking to him and explaining the necessity of action. This feeling was really weird.

Fortunately, Vishniak's receptive ability was relatively strong, and he quickly adjusted without letting Fontana see anything.

He nodded and said: "You are right, I thought too much. Under the current situation, it is indeed necessary to act decisively. We can't wait any longer!"

Now it was Fontana's turn to be surprised, because just now she was mentally prepared to slowly convince Vishnyak, because the other party's previous statement seemed to have been well thought out, and logically it should not be just a few words. Just be shaken.

But Vishniak's transformation happened to be so fast, which caught her off guard, as if she had charged up an attack and used it empty.

"Uh... Okay, since you agree, let's arrest that woman immediately!"

After saying that, Fontana was about to take action, but Vishniak stopped her: "No, I think that woman cannot be touched, and Helenson should be arrested immediately!"

Fontana was dumbfounded. The joy that Vishnyak expressed his agreement was extinguished in an instant. It was obvious that the two of them had great differences, or to put it simply, they were completely inconsistent.

Fontana knew that she must not be impatient or reckless at this time. Although Alexey was standing behind her, Vishniak was Alexei's closest friend after all. If he disagreed, he could only be persuaded slowly and could not act impulsively. .

"Why?" she asked calmly.

Vishniak slowly explained: "It's very simple, that woman's identity is too sensitive. Considering her influence on Crown Prince Friedrich, we must be cautious in taking action against her, otherwise it will easily attract the attention of that woman." Strong reaction from the Crown Prince.”

After Fontana finished digesting this sentence, Vishniak continued to explain: "But Helenson is different. No matter which force he serves, after all, he has no power in Wallachia. Backer, catching him will not trigger a chain reaction, and..."

Fontana immediately asked: "And what?"

Vishniak smiled and said: "And according to our inference, Helenson should be Julianne's top line. No matter what they want to do, they can't do without Helenson's command. To capture the thief first, capture the king and kill him Julianne." Nothing can be done!"

Fontana was shocked for the simple reason that Vishnyak's analysis was so right. On the contrary, she had previously felt that there was a hostile force behind Helenson, and her identity was too sensitive to be touched casually, while Julianne was just a local socialite in Wallachia, so she would be arrested if she was caught.

I have to say that this way of thinking is extremely problematic. Vishniak is right, Helenson is indeed important, but precisely because he is important and in a commanding position, he must be dealt with first.

Catching him would mean that the hostile forces behind the scenes would take action, but so what, since they were all hostile forces, neither Wallachia nor Russia needed to give face.

But Julianne was different. In a sense, she was a woman who was an important economic partner of Wallachia. Friedrich I had a particularly sensitive status, and even Alexei could not be offended casually.

If Julian is captured, whether Frederick I was deceived by Julian or he originally disliked Russia and Wallachia, it will cause him to explode.

If he were to step aside due to his sensitive status, the consequences would be very serious. Now Wallachia is preparing to raise funds from the Union Bank of Prussia. Offending Friedrich I, who has a huge say in it, may directly cause the financing to come to an end.

So it seems that Julianne has a lower status, but she can't move casually. And Vishniak is right when he says, to capture the thief first, capture the king, shoot the man first, shoot the horse, we have to hit the seven inches, right?

Fontana felt a little embarrassed when she thought about the mistake she had just made, because Vishnyak's previous performance made her feel that Alexei's friend's ability seemed to be very ordinary, at least far from that of Li Xiao.

But inadvertently, she was taught a lesson, telling her not to underestimate anyone. The reason why Li Xiao handed over his share to Vishniak was definitely not a mistake!

"You are right!" Fontana replied sincerely, "We should arrest Helenson's group first. If we catch them, we can at least make the enemies hiding in the dark busy for a while!"

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