Struggle in Russia

Chapter 678 Helenson and Julianne (Part 1)

Juliane Angnescu is one of the most unknown ballerinas in Wallachia. As a ballet dancer, her body is too concave and convex, which greatly limits her dancing skills. Fortunately, she is not a girl who really likes to dance. Even if she can never dance well, it doesn't matter to her.

It can even be said that ballet is just a bridge or a tool for her to lead to a better and happy life.

Let's put it this way, as a girl from an ordinary small businessman's family, if she doesn't dance ballet, she will never be able to enter the upper class society. She can only marry the son of another small businessman from a well-matched family early like her sister.

This is simply unacceptable to her, because she is very confident in her appearance. She believes that she has the natural capital to live a better life, and the only thing she needs to do is to use this capital wisely.

For example, ballet dancing is a shortcut to get acquainted with the nobles of the upper class. She believes that she can make these nobles fascinated, and then one day in the future, not only become a noble lady, but at least become a noble's mistress.

It’s just that this road is more difficult than Julian imagined. The competition is too fierce. The assets she is proud of have almost no highlights in the National Ballet. Some are younger and more beautiful girls than her, even her The proud curves have become a burden. The noble men of Wallachia seem to prefer girls with fat figures and dislike cows like her.

As a result, poor Julianne could only watch helplessly as many of her peers and even younger actresses overtook and realized her lifelong dream in one fell swoop, while she, at the age of twenty-five or six, could still only play a small role in the group.

To be honest, this hit her hard and made her despair for a time, until Frederick I, who liked cows, appeared out of thin air, and then Julianne was resurrected with full health.

Yes, the would-be Grand Duke of Baden didn't like girls with fat figures and coveted Julianne's superb figure. After seeing Julianne only once, he launched a crazy offensive.

Of course, saying crazy is a bit exaggerated, because he seduced Julianne without any effort. The only thing worth mentioning is that he did not hold up his pants and refuse to admit it. On the contrary, he was deeply obsessed with this woman and was really crazy about her. Crazy.

This was naturally great news for Julianne. Like every girl who was hit by a pie falling from the sky, she began to swell rapidly, and her desires became more and more intense.

She was no longer satisfied with just being the mistress of Frederick I. She wanted to get more, and this directly led to her destiny becoming completely different.

She spent money like water, and her extravagant spending not only emptied the wallet of Frederick I, but also accumulated debts. Then she fell into a terrible trap and became a prisoner of the Austrians.

"Miss Angnescu, your work progress is really unsatisfactory. We have repeatedly reminded you to destroy Crown Prince Ludwig's marriage as soon as possible... Our patience is very limited, you must hurry up!"

Julianne pouted and said: "Mr. Helenson, please don't be so impatient. This is not an easy thing, and you also ask me to do it skillfully, which requires even more effort!"

Helenson's face was very dark. He squinted at Julianne and said: "But I don't think you are doing your job well at all. You only need to inadvertently expose your relationship with Crown Prince Ludwig in public, and the matter will be done. , is this difficult?”

Julian said in peace: Do you think I am an idiot? It's easy enough to do, but what good will I gain afterwards? No need to think about it, the Prussian royal family will remember me and hate me, and Friedrich will also think that I am a disaster and will only stay away from me. If I do that, I will have nothing left, which is what an idiot would do.

But considering that the person in front of her is the number one creditor, and just one word can make her bankrupt and penniless, she will definitely not give up the money.

She curled her lips and complained deliberately: "It's not that simple. You don't know how cautious Crown Prince Ludwig is. He won't take me with him in public. What can I do?!"

Helenson said angrily: "Use your charm, madam! We all know how attractive you are to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. As long as you hook your finger, everything is done!"

Julianne snorted deliberately and retorted: "I've hooked my fingers countless times, but it's useless. Mr. Ludwig is more cautious than you think. I have to do it bit by bit, there's no rush!"

Helenson was almost angry to death. After several months and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent, he could only gain one. Take your time, even if he agreed, the boss would not agree!

What's more, he knew that the woman in front of him was full of tricks and cleverness, and she didn't try her best at all.

Suddenly he became angry and threatened: "Miss Angnescu, I must remind you again, if it weren't for me, you would be bankrupt and your reputation would be in disrepute. Not to mention continuing to maintain a close relationship with Crown Prince Ludwig, I'm afraid you would be directly punished." It's normal to be thrown into debt prison. You don't want to go there, I assure you, it's not a suitable environment for a smart and beautiful lady like you!"

Julian was about to defend herself, but Helenson interrupted her impatiently. He added fiercely: "Crown Prince Ludwig will soon be engaged to Princess Louise of Prussia, and once they are completed, If you get engaged, then you are worthless to me. Think carefully and don’t do anything stupid!”

Julianne's heart suddenly tightened. She had not heard any news about this, at least Frederick I never mentioned it to her. She thought about it and replied calmly: "Where did you get the clue?" News? Why didn’t I know!”

"Of course you don't know!" Helenson smiled evilly, licked his lips and replied: "You are completely immersed in shopping and salon dances. Otherwise, if you are not concerned about your new drama, you would not pay attention to such trivial things! "

Helenson deliberately bit the trivial skin very hard, obviously to ridicule Julianne. Not surprisingly, the latter was angered and roared on the spot: "You lied to me! You lied! Friedrich would not lie to me!"

"Really?" Helenson shrugged contemptuously and sneered: "I thought only men in love were brainless, but it turns out that women are the same!"

Julianne's face kept changing, sometimes red and sometimes blue, and it took a while before she asked: "Can you swear that this news is true?!"

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