Struggle in Russia

Chapter 669 Hopeless Stupidity

The sky was getting darker little by little, and Lucien's mood became more and more uneasy. If it got really dark and the superiors decided to retreat, they might really become outcasts.

He felt uncomfortable when he thought of all the barbaric rumors about Russia, fearing that he would fall into the clutches of a polar bear and suffer the consequences.

"Claude, think of a solution quickly. I think Abel and the others are leaving soon. We must get out of this hellish place!"

Claude glanced at him. Although his face wasn't very pretty, he was still much calmer than him, at least that's what it looked like.

"How to withdraw?" He replied angrily, "If we retreat now, Abel will never agree. Do you think he will watch us escape?"

"Then we can't just wait around!" Lucien went crazy.

Claude snorted angrily: "Now we can only wait!"

After saying that, he ignored Lucien and just quietly observed the movements of Abel and the Russian army, as if they were the most beautiful girls.

The sky finally turned dark, and there was deathly silence on the battlefield. With Abel's retreat, the coalition's offensive for the day came to an abrupt end, and just like before, they still achieved nothing.

This did not surprise Lucien or the other soldiers. They were used to returning without success every day. It would be a surprise to them if one day they suddenly got wild.

Lucien and the others, who were forgotten behind the small slope, felt heavy in their hearts because they all understood that they had been ruthlessly abandoned. In this horrific battlefield, they were helpless and could only wait quietly for their fate.

It's just that they all feel that fate will not arrange good things for them, and everyone thinks that they are doomed.

A soldier asked: "What should we do? How about we simply surrender?"

No one said anything about this proposal, but everyone knew that it was not good, because the Russians were too barbaric and terrifying, and surrendering to them was tantamount to seeking death!

"Or we can stay put?" a soldier said.

This suggestion was immediately met with unanimous ridicule: "Are you crazy? Are you on standby in this hellish place? Do you think the Russians will give you a chance to stand by? They will use bayonets to bleed us one by one!"

"And even if we can survive until dawn, so what? Even if Abel and the others come back, it won't be the same as today. We still have to die!"

Everyone criticized in unison, and they almost started arguing first. Only Claude did not speak. He had been silent, but his appearance was very familiar to Lucien, and he knew that he was deep in thought.

"Claude, you must have a way, right?" Lucien asked hopefully.

"We can only retreat!" Claude explained his point of view simply and directly, but this made many people frown, especially Bertrand, who had been holding back his anger towards him, immediately started to sarcastically say:

"How to retreat? Do you think the Russians will watch you escape?"

Claude sighed and said: "The Russians won't watch us escape, because they can't see at all. It's dark, what do you think they can see?"

This seemed to be the truth, but Bertrand laughed and taunted: "Are you stupid? The Russians should clean up the battlefield when it gets dark. Do you think they are all blind!"

Indeed, according to general tradition, after dark it is time to clean the battlefield. Both the enemy and ourselves will clean up the front lines of their positions, count the results of the battle, and treat the wounded.

If the Russians follow tradition, then Claude and the others who are under their noses will definitely not be able to escape, but Claude has his own theory:

"That's usually the case!"

He replied calmly: "But it is a special situation right now!"

Bertrand said angrily: "What's so special! Why didn't I see it?"

Lucien was the one who believed in Claude the most, and he had long disliked Bertrand, so he immediately scolded: "Shut up and listen to Claude, you have no right to speak here!"

Bertrand suddenly became angry and roared: "I am the company commander, you all should listen to me, why can't I speak!"

Lucien immediately said sarcastically: "You are a shitty company commander, you are a useless soft-legged shrimp. The reason why we are in the current predicament is entirely because you, a bastard, listened to Abel's will. It's all your fault." !”

Bertrand was naturally even more angry. He wanted to shake the officer's dignity, but soon he found that the soldiers around him looked at him very wrong. Apparently they agreed with Lucien's words and thought it was all his fault!

Although he didn't think he was really at fault, given the way these people looked at him, he knew that he had better shut up, otherwise he would first be dealt with by his own soldiers before the Russians came to deal with them. .

Bertrand's timid look made Lucien a little happy, and he said in his heart: "Your grandson will also have this day!"

After criticizing Bertrand a few more words, he said to Claude: "Go on, Claude, why is it special?"

Claude remained as calm as ever. He said slowly: "The environment here is too special. You have all seen that the Russians planted a lot of explosives. Although I don't know how they detonated, I know that they are very special." It's possible that we stepped on it. I think if these explosives really work like this, then there is no reason why we can explode them, but the Russians can't, right?"

Lucien asked blankly: "You mean, the Russians will not take the risk to clean up the battlefield because they have planted explosives?"

Claude nodded, that's what he meant. It's just that this statement is a bit too out of the norm and beyond their understanding. Everyone fell into deep thought, wondering whether it was true.

At this time, Bertrand couldn't help but find fault again: "It's extremely ridiculous. I have never heard of such a weapon. This is all your imagination and it is not true at all!"

Lucien suddenly became angry: "Then tell me what happened to those brothers who had their legs broken! We have all seen that they were not injured by shelling. Tell me how their injuries came from!"

Bertrand was startled. Lucien's furious look was really scary. He was worried that this arrogant man would rush up and beat him up, so he suddenly didn't dare to speak.

But Lucien did not let him go, and continued to criticize arrogantly: "You idiot, no! It's you officers who are idiots. You can't hear the correct advice, and you think you are just messing around. As long as you have eyes, you can see Russia." Man has indeed invented new explosive weapons, but only your shit-filled brains refuse to believe it and keep asking us to risk our lives. You idiots really make me sick, your stupidity is simply hopeless!"

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