Struggle in Russia

Chapter 662 A heavy task

Bertrand's face was darker than the bottom of the pot. Those who didn't know it thought he had just finished working as a coolie in some small coal mine!

One thing is that he once thought that he would stab someone in the back to provoke him, but he never thought that the stabbing person would be Lucien.

Because no matter how Lucien looked at him, he was one of his own, so it was impossible for him to stab him in the back.

But this impossibility happened just like that, and in full view of everyone, catching him off guard.

"Arrest him, damn him! He's so arrogant! He's so lawless. Send him to the gendarmerie!"

But no one was willing to carry out this order. The reason is simple. Lucien is very popular, and what he just said speaks to everyone's feelings.

These days, they are not fed up with the officers' blind orders. They only know how to let them rush, but they don't care about their life or death.

What's even worse is that if you go to them if you have trouble or a problem, it will be useless to keep it, and you won't even get any response.

Such a bunch of losers actually have the nerve to point their noses and spray randomly. It's simply ridiculous!

Although the soldiers don't have the guts to confront the officers directly, they can just be passive and act deaf!

For a moment, Bertrand was even more embarrassed because no one was looking down on him!

This made him so angry that he jumped up and down, almost breathless.

At this moment, a messenger rushed to the scene and shouted to Bertrand: "Second Lieutenant Bertrand, the regiment commander ordered you to launch an attack immediately. In addition, due to excessive casualties, the second company that originally supported you has other tasks. You The mission must be completed alone!”

It happened that the house was leaking and it rained all night. It was Bertrand who was stabbed in the back by Lucien here and Gabriel let go of his pigeons.

You must know that when he took over, there were only 112 people left in the company, and after two days of battle damage, only 780 people were left who could hold a gun.

It is impossible to complete the task with just a few people!

"This... I have a tight manpower here. Without enough manpower, it is impossible to complete the task!"

Bertrand almost cried, but the orderer didn't care so much and replied rudely: "This is the regiment commander's order. He said you must accept it, otherwise someone else will do it!"

Bertrand suddenly didn't dare to say anything. He paid a high price to become the acting company commander. If he didn't do it, it would be nothing.

He immediately replied quickly: "Tell the leader and promise to complete the mission!"

The ordering soldiers left, and Bertrand was in trouble. How could just a few soldiers complete the task?

He was almost going crazy when he saw Lucien still stuck there like a second-hand stick, and he was even more angry.

I was about to call the military police to take care of this second-hand guy, but then I thought, wouldn't it be too easy for him to hand this thing over to the military police?

After all, joining the gendarmerie is just a solitary confinement or being whipped in public, which is not a big deal but a sentence of several years.

But what's the point? Instead, it prevented this kid from participating in the battle and saved his life!

Maybe this bastard had this wishful thinking and used it to escape from the battle. Otherwise, why would this guy suddenly turn into a mad dog and bite people?

Bertrand's expression changed immediately when he saw Lucien. He felt that this person was really full of tricks. Who said he was honest and honest before?

We must not let him succeed!

After making up his mind, Bertrand ignored the guy and directly ordered: "Everyone is here, turn right and walk together!"

Not to mention that Lucien was confused as to why Bertrand was so angry, he actually forgot about it. As for the Russian army, Li Xiao and Kornilov are also nervously paying attention to the movements of the coalition forces.

"In the morning, the barbed wire fence at a defensive line in the old city was breached. Fortunately, we found out in time and repelled the invading French army."

Kornilov sighed with some joy: "I didn't expect that the barbed wire would have a miraculous effect. In front of it, the British and the French turned into silly geese and could be slaughtered almost at will."

As he spoke, he sighed again and said: "It's a pity that there are too few barbed wires. If our defense line can be wrapped, I don't think they can get through without people watching, haha!"

This is of course a joke, but the fact that Kornilov is in the mood to joke also shows that the situation is relatively optimistic.

Then he said with some pity: "If it weren't for the mines behind the barbed wire fence, I really want to send someone to repair it. This thing is so useful!"

Li Xiao also laughed and said: "To be honest, I didn't expect the effect to be so good. The stupidity and dullness of the coalition forces are simply beyond imagination. I originally thought the landmines would be more effective."

Kornilov was also highly satisfied with the landmines and immediately praised: "Landmines are also very useful. It is ideal to delay the enemy, but..."

He looked a little worried, and Li Xiao immediately asked: "But what?"

Kornilov sighed: "But these tricks are likely to be learned by the enemy. What should we do if they use the same tactics to deal with us?"

Li Xiao once had similar worries, but he later figured out that Russia had such a foundation and could not compare with Britain and France, which had a better industrial foundation. Weapons like landmines would definitely be more effective in their hands.

But now even if Li Xiao doesn't invent landmines in advance, Britain and France can still invent them when the time comes, because this thing does not have too advanced technical content.

So don't think about the future. Just use mines and barbed wire when you can, and get through the difficulties first, otherwise there will be no future at all.

"How is the retreat going?" Li Xiao knew that continuing to talk about this would only make him more worried, so he might as well talk about something practical.

"Fortunately, it was faster than I expected." Kornilov was hesitant to speak, which made Li Xiao wonder: "Is there something wrong?"

"That's not the case. Removing Paskovich's buddies first will save a lot of trouble. They really didn't make trouble. But as you can see, the coalition has strengthened their offensive. Once they find that we are retreating, they will definitely pounce with all their strength. We I’m afraid the pressure on the final blocking force will be very great!”

Li Xiao understood and sympathized with Kornilov very much, because according to the predetermined plan, the last ones to be evacuated would be the naval infantry of the Black Sea Fleet, who were Kornilov's direct descendants.

Who wants to let their pet peeve be their back?

But the situation is such that now only the elite naval infantry are worthy of trust, and they also have the best weapons and equipment. Other troops may not be reliable or able to withstand the rearguard action.

Li Xiao could only say: "There is no way, we can only pray for them and try to help them reduce the pressure. I believe that these elites will be able to complete the task beautifully!"

Kornilov also nodded heavily and asked slowly: "When will you leave? Count Speransky is probably already looking forward to it, right?"

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