Struggle in Russia

Chapter 648 Rumors

The beach in Ineada is very beautiful in the evening. The dim sunset turns the sea into golden eyes. The gentle breeze can dispel the fatigue of the day. It is a complete enjoyment to have a cup of Turkish coffee with the sunset and evening breeze.

It's just that this enjoyment has disappeared after the Russian army occupied Ineada. The war has burned everything, let alone coffee. In Ineada, even a cup of ordinary water is precious. The Russian army in a defensive state will be Often I can't drink a sip of water all day long.

Often they only have to wait until night falls and the coalition offensive comes to an end before they can seize the time to drink water and eat some Ganlieba. Even here you have to move quickly, because you don't know if the damn Turks will come over at night to sneak attack, so you have to seize the time to repair the broken fortifications and stare at it for a while.

But tonight was a little different. Just when the infantry had finally fought off the last wave of enemy attacks and were preparing to seize the time to repair the fortifications and replenish energy, their superiors told them not to waste any effort.

"Retreat, destroy all the fortifications, and take away everything you can. Not even a piece of shit can be left to the Turkish bastards!"

The soldiers were confused, why did they retreat? You must know that they were still fighting tooth and nail with the enemy in the afternoon, and many of their comrades died heroically in order to preserve their position. It was so easy to hold on, so why not just say that they don’t want it?

Many soldiers and officers said they couldn't figure it out, and their opinions were not general.

"Damn it, we are ready to retreat and leave this hellish place. We must shrink our position! If you want to die in this hellish place, just keep chattering. If you don't want to die here, just follow the order!"

The word "retreat" has been rumored among Russian soldiers for a long time, and most people have actually vaguely heard about it. Except for the most fanatical and extreme war madmen, most of them supported the retreat with both hands and feet, wishing they could leave this hell on earth as soon as possible.

It's just that during this period of time, there were only rumors of retreat. There was only thunder but no rain. There were also rumors that Paskovich wanted to fight to the end. Even a casual soldier knew how awesome this commander was. Since If the Commander-in-Chief doesn’t want to withdraw, then they definitely won’t be able to leave!

Anyway, as the enemy's offensive became more and more fierce, most soldiers believed that retreat was just an unattainable dream.

Suddenly, their superiors told them they could withdraw, which gave many people an unreal feeling and thought they were hallucinating.

"His Excellency the Prince is no longer the commander-in-chief. The military operations in Ineada are now directed by General Kornilov... The general said that it is meaningless to continue fighting, so we must withdraw, withdraw immediately!"

This news stunned the soldiers and junior officers. After all, Paskovich's reputation and reputation among the Russian army were definitely at the level of the God of War. Such a big boss withdrew just because he said he wanted to withdraw? Isn't this too fantasy?

However, everyone still welcomes Kornilov's retreat. As long as they can get them out of this hellish place, what about changing the commander-in-chief? It would be best to replace him with a cowardly commander-in-chief! Maybe we won’t even have to fight, and we can just pack our bags and go home!

"Why do these rumors sound so unpleasant?"

"Why does it feel like General Kornilov retreated because he was timid and war-weary? Isn't this order His Majesty's will? Didn't he mention it no matter what? And it was the old guy Paskovich who requested the retreat, right?"

"Is someone spreading rumors to make a name for themselves?"

The officer who was close to Kornilov immediately reported the relevant situation to him, to which he just snorted: "Don't think about it, someone must be spreading rumors! It's so obvious!"

Nasimov also nodded and said: "Yes, it should have been done by Paskovich. That old guy cares about his reputation the most. This time the shame has been lost to my grandma's house. It is impossible not to try to save it!"

After a pause, he asked: "Would you like to make an explanation to explain it clearly to the soldiers?"

Kornilov sneered, shook his head and said: "There is no need, and there is no need to pay attention to these things! White is naturally white, and black cannot become white no matter how you whitewash it. Besides, what is the use of explaining these things? Paskovich’s men are here, and if you explain and explain, they will continue to create rumors, just ignore them!”

Nassimov was shocked by this and wanted to persuade his old friends again, because the methods of Paskovich and the others were so disgusting. This was obviously a deliberate attempt to pass the blame to Kornilov and make it look like it was Kornilov. There is a wrong impression that Nirov was afraid of the enemy and ran away immediately after becoming the commander.

It is conceivable that if this wrong impression spreads, it will greatly affect his reputation and reputation. After all, fighting nations worship the strong and would rather die standing than live on their knees. If these rumors spread to St. Petersburg, what kind of misunderstandings might result!

But Kornilov's completely indifferent attitude made Nasimov know that it was useless to say anything. Once this old friend made a decision, he would never look back until he hit the wall.

After a while, he sighed and said: "You are too kind. If you ask me, when the imperial envoy is still here, you should give Paskovich a hard lesson and let this old guy know how powerful he is!"

Kornilov smiled slightly and said: "That is meaningless. It will only make him find more ways to cause trouble for us. After all, more than half of the troops in our hands are his men. If he starts to cause serious trouble, we will be in trouble." trouble!"

Nasimov sighed again. Why didn't he know this? If it weren't for the overall situation, who would give the old guy a good look?

"The good news is that although there are some rumors, the order has been implemented well, and even Paskovich's people can't say anything about the retreat. As long as they obey the command, it will be fine!"

"What are you going to do?" Nassimov asked. "With all due respect, even if you shrink the defense line immediately, it is impossible to change anything. The strength of the enemy and ourselves is too disparity, and our soldiers are exhausted..."

"I know I know!"

Speaking of this, Kornilov also has a headache. Although shrinking the defense line can reduce some pressure, Ineada's depth is very limited. Now that they have given way, they have almost no way out. Next, even if the enemy uses human sea tactics, they can Drown them.

To be honest, Kornilov didn't have a good solution for this. He just took it one step at a time. Just when he and Nassimov were having a headache, the messenger came in and reported: "Your Excellency, Commander, Andrei His Excellency Grand Duke Lieutenant Konstantinovich is here to visit!”

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