Struggle in Russia

Chapter 620 New Situation

It's a pity that Nassimov knows that verbal abuse can't solve any problems. So what if they curse all eight generations of Paskovich's ancestors? The old man had made up his mind to go all the way to the dark side at first glance. Not to mention scolding him, even hitting him was useless.

Kornilov also understood this. The reason why he lost his composure was that he was too angry and had to vent. The anger in his heart could not be extinguished without a few curse words.

The two famous naval admirals looked at each other in silence for a long time. Finally, Kornilov sighed: "At this point, I can only act as a doctor and write to His Majesty to explain the situation here and see if there can be any improvement... …”

Kornilov didn't have any confidence when he said this. Obviously he also knew that Nicholas I trusted Paskovich more. Even if he said it ten thousand times sincerely, it would not make any sense. That emperor I can't listen to it.

Nasimov also shook his head slightly. He also knew that this was just doing their best to obey fate, but this was the only thing they could do now. At least it was worthy of their conscience.

Just when the two suffering brothers were relatively speechless and helpless, the adjutant suddenly came in and reported: "General, His Excellency Grand Duke Constantine and Prince Menshikov have arrived and invite you to go to the captain's cabin for a meeting immediately."

Kornilov and Nasimov were both stunned. Why did these two people suddenly come to Ineada?

Kornilov and Nasimov couldn't help but feel a headache when they thought that these two men were incessant masters. The current situation is already complicated enough, and it is uncomfortable enough to have Paskovich messing around. Now if they come here again, won't they explode?

"Damn, has our good luck run out?" Nasimov sighed, holding his forehead.

Kornilov felt similar to him. He truly felt that all the good luck in his life had been exhausted in these few months. Now that these three troublemakers, Paskovich, Grand Duke Constantine and Menshikov, are gathered together, they are simply a gathering of three elites. He doubts whether Ineada's Russian army can withstand the torment of these three people. If not, there will be a big collapse tomorrow!

However, when Kornilov and Nasimov rushed to the conference room, the situation was not as bad as they imagined, although they could see at a glance that Grand Duke Constantine and Menshikov felt like they were together. It's awkward, neither of them likes the other, it's as if the other is just a piece of stinking shit in their eyes, and even looking at them makes them feel sick.

However, although the two people were awkward, they did not fight and criticize each other like before. Instead, they were very calm. This made them confused. Could it be that the sun was coming out in the west?

"Ivan Fedorovich's offensive suffered a heavy setback? And then he wants to continue attacking?"

Menshikov's voice was obviously weak when he spoke. It was obvious that the old eunuch's poor health was not fake, nor was he deliberately pretending to avoid responsibility for the failure of the negotiation.

Kornilov replied expressionlessly: "Yes, Your Excellency. In the meeting just now, he decided to continue the attack until the last drop of our blood is exhausted."

"Is he crazy? He lost five thousand people in one attack. If we attack twice more, our men and horses are not enough for him!" Archduke Constantine exclaimed.

It's just that his surprise was more like a fake, as if he was deliberately emphasizing something and deliberately pretending to be surprised.

However, his attitude was obviously biased towards Kornilov, which made the latter and Nasimov a little confused as to what this versatile Grand Duke wanted to do.

While Kornilov and Nasimov were holding their breath and thinking, Menshikov interjected: "The losses are too heavy. We must not let the soldiers die in vain. Now every person and every soldier is very precious, and we must not let them die in vain." Uselessly wasted!”

Well, if Grand Duke Constantine was the only one with this attitude, Kornilov and Nasimov wouldn't be too surprised, but if even Menshikov expressed opposition, they really couldn't figure it out?

Did these two people take the wrong medicine? Or did they open the door the wrong way when they entered, and encountered Northwest or?

When did these two selfish guys become so reasonable and considerate of the overall situation?

Kornilov and Nasimov exchanged glances. It was obvious that Monk Zhanger was confused, but in any case, their statements still made them a little happy.

No matter how you say it, no matter what the purpose of Grand Duke Constantine and Menshikov spoke like this, they are always biased towards them. Maybe they can persuade the old Qiu Ba whose head is harder than granite?

So Kornilov and Nassimov immediately replied: "We said the same thing, but the Commander-in-Chief firmly disagreed. To say that opposing the continued offensive is escapism means refusing to advance against the enemy and ruining victory..."


"That's bullshit!"

Menshikov and Grand Duke Constantine started to curse together, especially Menshikov who also started to curse directly.

Well, this really shocked Kornilov and Nassimov, and they increasingly suspected that the two people in front of them were fake.

However, before they could ask clearly, Menshikov waved his hand and said in an imposing manner: "The top priority is to stop all reckless behavior. Our troops in Ineada are limited and we must not waste them easily. I think we should first Stick to your position and reconnoiter the enemy's situation as soon as possible. If the enemy in front of us is particularly powerful and cannot be dealt with by our existing forces, then we should withdraw decisively and we can't waste it in vain anymore!"

Grand Duke Constantine also echoed: "I think the sooner the troops withdraw, the better. Ineada has become a tasteless piece of food that is a pity to be discarded. Continuing to stay here is a waste of supplies besides sacrificing in vain... Domestic supplies The supply is already very tight, so it’s not cost-effective to maintain such a useless thing!”

The attitudes of the two men were surprisingly consistent. Although neither of them explicitly stated that the landing plan was no longer feasible, they both meant to withdraw their troops and leave.

Kornilov and Nassimov looked at each other again, feeling puzzled again and increasingly confused as to what was going on.

But it doesn't matter if they don't understand, as long as these two people have enough weight to convince or simply terminate the previous battle plan. They immediately took the old eunuch and Grand Duke Constantine to find Paskovich and once again conducted persuasion work.

"Alexander Sergeevich, when did you become such a mother-in-law? I will never change the plan that has been approved by His Majesty. It is useless what you say. As long as I am still the commander-in-chief, I will continue to fight. in the end!"

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