Struggle in Russia

Chapter 582 The truth

Naturally, Chisinau was also in a mess. As more and more Moldavia nobles discovered that Grand Duke Constantine had no good way to deal with them, they naturally became more and more courageous. This group of people began to try their best to cause trouble. Every day, the police and gendarmes in Chisinau were busy catching the troublemakers. From time to time, terrorist incidents broke out, such as throwing bombs or shooting at the city hall.

In short, the streets are becoming more and more chaotic, and Archduke Constantine's control over the city is getting weaker and weaker. To put it bluntly, if it were not for the existence of the volunteers and the Russian garrison, his governor's palace would probably have been occupied by the rioters.

Even the capital Chisinau looks like this, so you can imagine what it will be like outside the city. To put it bluntly, except for a few key cities in Russia, which are still under control, the rest of the country is a paradise for Moldavia's local snakes.

Anyway, Grand Duke Constantine was already exhausted, so he had no choice but to escape to Constanta on the pretext of inspecting the situation of the Black Sea Fleet.

"Have you communicated with those bastards?" Archduke Constantine asked weakly, holding his forehead.

"Yes, but those bastards are asking you to abolish all the New Deal and give them greater autonomy, otherwise there will be no discussion!"

In the past, Grand Duke Constantine would have rejected such a condition without even thinking about it, but now that he has been tortured so badly, he has to think about it seriously. If the farce in Moldavia cannot be ended as soon as possible, he will Gula I could not spare him, nor could Duke Mikhail, who was troubled by logistical problems, spare him. Even the reformists who had been strongly supporting him behind the scenes would be disappointed in him.

He now had to admit that he had indeed acted too hastily in Moldavia, but there was no medicine for regret in the world, so what was the use of regret?

Of course, even if Grand Duke Constantine pinches his nose and agrees to these conditions, it may not be easy. The abolition of the New Deal and the granting of greater autonomy to the Moldavia nobility could also kill him!

The abolition of the New Deal would mean the failure of reform, which would disappoint the reformists and reformists who had always supported him. They felt that he was not worthy of his name and could not lead Russia on the road to reform. Natural support will plummet.

And I would be very unhappy if Moldavia was given a high degree of autonomy, even if it was secret autonomy. What's more, there is no way to keep such a big matter a secret. Sooner or later, it will reach his father's ears.

Once he let me know, he would be finished.

It can even be said that as long as Grand Duke Constantine agreed to this, Nicholas I would personally hack him to death with a 40-meter machete without the Moldavia nobles rebelling.

In short, there is almost no room for agreement in these two terms. Even if you agree, it is just drinking poison to quench your thirst. Sooner or later, you will die.

After hesitating and pondering for a long time, Grand Duke Constantine asked slowly: "Where are the counter-rebellion troops?"

Viscount Prozolov glanced at him but hesitated to speak. After Nicholas I knew what was going on in Moldavia, he would definitely put down the rebellion, so he squeezed out 30,000 troops without saying a word like toothpaste and cooperated with Archduke Constantine's volunteer army to rush to put down the rebellion. Rebel.

But what made Grand Duke Constantine speechless was that for some unknown reason the Ministry of War actually chose to give him these 30,000 people from Siberia.

Think about how far Siberia is from Moldavia. It's such a long journey. By the time the counter-insurgency troops arrive, the day lilies will be cold.

He angrily questioned the Ministry of War about this, but War Minister Chernyshov replied plausibly that in order to support Duke Mikhail and Prince Paskovich in the war, they could only prioritize the allocation of troops to them. . So although the rebellion situation in Moldavia is very bad, you, Archduke Constantine, can only wait.

Grand Duke Constantine was so shocked that he couldn't do anything about it. He knew that this was probably Chernyshev's intention. Everyone knew that that guy was Count Uvarov's best friend. As long as Count Uvarov said a word, that would be enough. Don't be so presumptuous as to make a name for yourself.

Now that the situation is clear, I am afraid that Count Uvarov has already settled everything. He first colluded with and encouraged the Moldavia gang to rebel, then turned around and blocked his reinforcements of the counter-rebellion troops, and finally acted recklessly in Nico Talking about his evil deeds in front of La I, all this is to punish him to death!

It's a pity that he was too proud and confident before and jumped into this huge pit without thinking. Now it's impossible to look back.

"How long can the volunteer army last?" Archduke Constantine asked with a sigh.

"Due to the tight supply, they can only continue to abandon their outer strongholds. If they still have enough supplies, they may have no choice but to retreat to Chisinau!"

Archduke Constantine sighed again, because the transportation in Moldavia was basically paralyzed, and the volunteers could only live on the inventory. Seeing that the inventory was getting less and less, I was afraid that it would not be long before they had to declare a shortage of food.

Once there are no supplies, it will be a matter of time before the Volunteer Army becomes demoralized, but Grand Duke Constantine knows that with Chernyshev's urine, he will never transport supplies to him, and even if the Ministry of War does not block him, it will transport supplies to him. If you don't come in, who will basically paralyze the transportation lines in Moldavia!

"Your Highness, we can't sit still and wait for death!" Viscount Prozolov hesitated and couldn't help but persuaded, "Once there is a mistake in Chisinau, Your Majesty will be greatly disappointed, and then there will really be nothing left to do!"

"I know." Grand Duke Constantine replied as listlessly as a frost-beaten eggplant, "But what can I do?"

Viscount Prozolov was really anxious. He hurriedly came up with ideas like an ant on a hot pot: "It's definitely useless to count on the counter-insurgency troops of the Ministry of War. Those people are still wasting their time in Siberia. When they arrive, they will only be able to provide We collect the corpses. For now, we can only find a way with Duke Mikhail, he is the only one who can save us!"

Grand Duke Constantine raised his head and smiled bitterly: "Duke Mikhail can save us? Why?"

Viscount Prozolov replied loudly: "Duke Mikhail has sufficient troops and is closest to us, and it is also good for him to quell the rebellion in Moldavia. As long as you put down your dignity and ask him, he should not reject!"

However, Grand Duke Constantine expressed doubts about this: "You said that Duke Mikhail has sufficient troops. How is this possible? I heard that the Danube front line is very tight. He complains to the Ministry of War every day to urge him to give him more troops. reinforcements, how can he have the troops to help us suppress the rebellion!"

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