Strongest Profound Sect System

Chapter 475 Killing the Heavens

After regaining his senses, Linley hurriedly stepped forward to help him, his flustered expression warmed the heart of the male emperor next to him.

"No... no, you saved me, and at the same time made my son what he is now. You are my Dong family's benefactor, Oh's benefactor!"

His eyes were full of respect, and he wanted to kowtow again, but Linley couldn't stand it and said directly, "If you do this again, I won't care! The boy is my brother, I will help him to be normal, you are The boy's father is also my relative, so there is no need to do such vain things between relatives!"

As he said that, a pure fairy spirit instantly appeared on Dong Wen's knee, and immediately dragged him up.

When the male emperor at the side saw this scene, he immediately stepped forward to help his father, and gave Linley a grateful look!

"Okay, boy, hurry up and heal uncle. I'm afraid you won't be able to leave today. When uncle's injury recovers tomorrow, it's not too late for us to leave."

As he said that, a bottle of elixir appeared in Linley's hand, and he threw it towards the male brother, and then he took it with him and came to the side without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, the male brother didn't bother him, took the elixir and helped his father to the side, and began to heal his wounds.

As for Dong Qing's family and the boy's mother, the four of them walked to the other side, started a fire, and prepared for dinner.

"Okay, Xiaotian, you are tired too, give him to me and go to rest!"

After Lin Lei who came to the side said something to Lin Tian, ​​the boy who stretched out his hand received it in his arms and put it on the ground!

"Oh, I see!"

Hearing Lin Lei's words, Lin Tian didn't resist, but obediently agreed, then walked to the side, sat down, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

After calming everything down, Linley came to the boy's side with a smile, and tapped the boy's neck with his fingers in a fairy spirit. The boy who was originally unconscious woke up.

Although the tyrannical aura still exists in his body, it is much better than the previous wildness.

"woke up?"

Linley, who was sitting by the side, said something to the child and then stopped talking, but waited for the boy's answer!


There was a moment of silence in the space, so quiet that Linley felt a little helpless. He originally wanted the boy to respond, but he thought too much.

"Tell me!" Although the boy was already awake, but judging by his appearance, it seemed that he didn't like to tell him half of it. Finally, Linley couldn't help but opened his mouth and said.

"What's your name, where is your family, why are you here, and why do you practice Soul Jue?"

After a series of questions were asked by Linley, the space was still very silent. After seeing the boy's silence is golden, Linley was very upset.

"I you..."

When Linley was burning with anger and was about to open his mouth to force him, he spoke out with an extremely cold voice, as if someone had walked through thousands of years of ice.

"Kill God!"

"Huh? Kill God?"

Hearing the boy say his name, Linley repeated it, his heart bursting with surprise, this name is really awesome, god damn it, there are people in this world who can use such a name!

"Without parents, I am an orphan. As for the reason for coming here, I don't know. I have been fighting with the monsters here since I can remember. As for the soul of your mouth, I don't know, but I think you should say the energy in my body!"

The cold voice came again, and the information in the words made Linley feel a little sympathetic to him at first, he didn't find anyone who had this kind of experience.

"Yes, how did the energy in your body come from? As far as I know, this kind of power should not appear here."

After all, what Linley was most interested in was the strength in the boy's body.

"I don't know, I used this power unintentionally. He can make me stronger, so..."

Speaking of this, Shatian didn't say any more, because Linley already knew what he was going to say next.

"Oh, is it so?"

Hearing Shatian's answer, Linley was very disappointed. He thought he could find Pojue, but he didn't expect it to be an egg shell but no egg heart.

But it's okay, at least he has subdued a person who made him miss a few times, which can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

"Well, I see, you can follow me from now on! Also, don't use your power casually in the future, especially your own people."

As soon as these words came out, Shatian's eyes froze for a moment, and then he replied without thinking: "Well, I see, I'm going to bed first if I don't have anything to do."

Saying that, Shatian went to the side and fell into a deep sleep in an instant. Linley's heart ached for this kind of performance. Seeing the eleven or twelve-year-old child, he was able to live in the forest. Seeing his appearance, Linley He knew that he must have suffered a lot.

Linley didn't buy a word, the silent Linley chose to rest, and the three of them fell into a deep sleep. Although this was Sentian, for Linley, unless there were those who were desperate, there would be no monsters to get close to this place.

As for the male brother, he didn't sleep either, because he knew he was leaving the next day, so he didn't stop healing his father.

As the sun sets, a bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the moonlight shines on Sentian. The whole Sentian seems to be dressed in white clothes, very mysterious and noble!

Time passed away little by little, and in the blink of an eye the next morning, the sun gradually rose into the sky, and the morning sun appeared to shine on everyone's faces.


At this moment, Linley had already woken up. Looking at the morning one day, Linley felt extremely relaxed.

Standing up, looking down at Lin Tian and Sha Tian who were above, Lin Lei didn't call them in a hurry, but left alone, and went to the depths of Sen Tian.

On the other side, the male brother is already sitting on the side and is recovering. As for Dong Wen, he may be a little tired because of the recovery from his injuries overnight. At this moment, Dong Wen has already fallen into a deep sleep dream.

After a while, Linley, who had left, came back, carrying a huge monster on his shoulders, looking very miserable, how pitiful this monster had to suffer before it was alive, to be able to look like this!

With a loud "touch", everyone who was sleeping in the dream woke up again at this moment.

"Who is it, let no one sleep!"

An impatient voice came, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on it, including Linley.

When he saw his younger brother Dong Tiancheng who was a male brother, a murderous look appeared in Linley's eyes. This was not the first time he heard such words!

But for the sake of the male brother, Lin Lei didn't do anything. As for Lin Tian who was at the side, after hearing this sentence, when he wanted to kill someone, he was stopped by Lin Lei.

"Forget it, adults don't remember the faults of villains, and he is still the boy's younger brother."

After the words were closed, Lin Tian, ​​who had already got up, went back again, but the murderous aura on his body really rolled towards Dong Tiancheng uncontrollably.

Linley didn't pay attention to this, as long as he didn't kill people, he wouldn't interfere.

Immediately, Linley, who ignored anyone, came to the side, and a mass of bloody flames appeared instantly. The temperature of the surrounding space increased as soon as the flames appeared, until finally the surrounding air was almost on fire!

In an instant, the flame came to the giant monster beast and began to burn quietly. As time went by, the bloody monster beast slowly released a little bit of fragrance. After everyone around smelled it, they couldn't help but The index finger moved wildly, and the throat wriggled and swallowed his saliva!

An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the scent that used to waft out from time to time was still pervasive, very strong, and the flame in Linley's hand was withdrawn from his body at this moment.

"Hehe, Xiaotian, Shatian, hurry up and eat! Let's leave as soon as we finish eating!"

After waving at Lin Tian who was already slanderous, he pulled off a piece of fat and stuffed it into his mouth without caring about the influence of the immortal. He chewed hard, the meat of the monster was gone. Unlike ordinary wild beasts, every piece of meat in their bodies has a trace of aura. Similarly, the most important thing for monsters is the flesh, so the meat of monsters is a little hard, but it doesn't feel greasy at all, and it tastes very good. tasty.

"Aww, um... um...!"

A strange voice came to mind. Immediately, Linley looked quickly. The Shatian at this moment was no longer a matter of eating. Instead, Shatian entered the monster's belly and began to gnaw from the inside out. It looked very strange. It was so cute, but Linley was jealous of this, and immediately began to eat quickly.

Lin Tian on the side was very happy when he saw this scene, with a happy smile on his face. Looking at the scene in front of him, he prayed to me in his heart, "I hope it will be like this forever, and the young master can be happy forever."

As for Dong Tiancheng and the others at the side, because of their behavior before, they didn't dare to approach Linley at all. As for the male brother, he is still recovering his aura at this moment.

Time passed by little by little, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye. There were originally five monsters the size of a cow, but they had already come to an end under the siege of Linley and Shatian.

"Boy, this is mine, it's much harder for you to eat!"

Linley's complaining voice came to mind, but what Linley didn't know was that everyone's eyes were on the two of them at this moment.

"Hmph, who said that, I'm obviously the one who held it in my hand, and besides, how old are you, I'm only eleven years old, haven't you heard that the big let the little live to old age?"

A stubborn voice that did not give Linley face at all sounded, the voice was full of chills.

"Hmph, I am the master of my site, so this thing is mine!"

At this moment, Linley and Shatian were grabbing a big bone with meat in their hands, and they looked like I'll show you if you don't let me, the scene was very funny.

"Hmph, no, no, this is mine!"

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