Stratholme God

Vol 2 Chapter 671: Dive in! Molten Core

   Chapter 671 Break in! Molten Core

   You may not believe it.

   Magni liked the fire extinguishers and fire trucks that flowed out from McDonald's. Later, when he heard that he might have to fight the fire element, Magni waved his hand. All new fire trucks built by our side are built according to the standard of fire tanks.

  Sand sculpture players have contributed a lot of recipes for fireproof materials. Originally, different recipes are suitable for different scenarios. Magni's choice is - I want them all!

   Then, a monster-level fire-fighting tank with fire-resistant boards, fire-resistant coatings, and even the gaps blocked with fire-resistant glue was born...

  The so-called fire truck, the structure uses the steel of the steelmaking furnace, and then uses the basic refractory material, which can withstand the high temperature of 2,000 degrees Celsius without deformation. Then the middle layer is fireproof brick, the outer layer is fireproof cotton, and the outermost layer is fireproof paint.

   This monster tank was created to fight the fire element hand-to-hand.

   "Brothers, put a face on it!" Brian *Bronzebeard ordered.

   The dwarf on the fire tank used the turret on the fire tank to spray a large number of frost elements over a distance of more than 30 meters and sprayed it onto the fire element like water.

   Don't say it, it's really useful!

  The fire element doesn't scream, but after they encounter the frost element, their size shrinks significantly, which is the biggest encouragement to the dwarf.

   "Hahaha! Useful! This thing really works!" Brian laughed like a 300-pound child.

  In the Burning Steppe, Alsace, who had been prepared, was more cautious, and he did not send a fire tank for the first time. Instead, fire was ordered.

"150mm frost cannonball, three rounds of rapid fire!" The two fools waved [Fire is very happy] with one hand, and the cannons arranged in the east, west, and south cannon arrays began to saturate coverage after ten seconds. .

"Puff puff!"

   Strange sound.

   The huge ice flowers that bloomed one by one rose on the charred ground, blowing with the wind, bringing back a trace of coolness.

   The more than 100 fire elements that just rushed out collapsed in an instant. Most of them were 'extinguished' on the spot. Even if they survived, most of them were stagnant, just like the small flames of a gas stove, pitiful.

  The two fools leaned on the ground with their swords: "Windsol, record it - the 150mm shell seems to be too powerful. Try using a small-caliber frost shell instead."

  Reginald Windsor nodded, seriously: "Then try it with the tank's 85mm gun?"


   Facts have proved that the hamster-type boss, McDonald, is sometimes really over-prepared.

  The latest Frost Cannonball, the principle is to change the howitzer's warhead into a magic gem that stores the frost element. But this is just an ordinary frost bullet, and the more awesome [Hydahia Water Elemental Cannonball] hasn't been used yet.

  Alsace, who has been quite mature and stable on the battlefield, not only completed the task of preventing the fire element from ravaging the burning plains beautifully, but also passed various parameters to the throne meeting for the first time, so that the bigwigs looked at him.

   It's not bragging or black, just relying on the hand of the two fools, it is so beautiful that people have nothing to say.

  If it weren't for his father's mess, I guess he would be one of the bosses' favorite alliance leaders.

   And the excellent performance of the conventional weapons of the Union military made the mages of the two archmages, Luo Ning and Kaizi, seem useless. These two mages have been ignoring them all the time, just waiting for Lager to do something.

  The news reached McDonald's, and McDonald's began to seriously consider a possibility.

   "The 40mm frost grenade has enough ammo to deal with ordinary small fire elements. So, in the face of elite monsters such as [Flame King] and [Melting Hound], is there still a chance for conventional combat power to be used?"

   The real Molten Core is a huge underground cave area.

   Its area can probably refer to the Searing Canyon and the Burning Plain. According to the abnormal increase in the temperature of the earth, the worst plan is that the Molten Core is equal to the sum of the areas of these two large areas.

  McDonald was naturally eager to let the dwarf's shield machine dig through the top of Lager's lair in one go, and the heroes of the alliance airborne.

   That's lava!

  The magma of more than a thousand degrees, which shield machine is so powerful that it can be ignored?

   This forced the Alliance to enter from the lower level of Blackrock Mountain. The worst plan is to brave the high temperature and heat, kill all the fire element creatures on the road all the way to form a defense line, run three or four hundred kilometers, and kill in front of Lager.

  This is outrageous!

   This alone is a hundred times more troublesome than the Blackwing Nest.

   At this moment, [Chu Jiayun] came to report.

   "Boss, the test is over, the tanks can come in."

   "Brilliant!" McDonald gave a thumbs up on the spot.

   To go to the entrance of Molten Core, you must first pass through the [Blackrock Abyss] at the lower level of Blackrock Mountain. Originally, this would be a very troublesome matter, after all, it would be necessary to kill most of the dungeons with the endless harassment of the Black Iron Shorty.

   However, for details, please refer to the previous "tragedy" where Magni asked five sand sculpture players to save his daughter, and 5,000 people came.

   The black upper, the black lower, and the black stone abyss were all looted by the idle sand sculpture players, and almost even the iron lampstand on the wall was ripped off.

   There were still some seeds that slipped into Blackwing's Nest, but now, hehe...

   There is still a fart black iron dwarf in Black Rock Mountain?

  99% are in the prisoner of war camp in Dun Morogh.

   McDonald came out of Blackwing's Nest and disposed of the captives immediately.

   The black dragons who are not good at dealing with fire elements are sent to work, and then devote themselves to the strategy of Molten Core.

last question……


  If there is a choice, McDonald's really doesn't want to see Queen Xi recently, especially when Queen Xi deliberately drinks water with her neck up in front of him, and then licks her red lips, it's really **** and explosive.

   McDonald's had no choice, so he could only recruit Queen Xi when his personal guard was by his side.

   "Uh, this, I want to ask you. If..."

   "If I were the commander of the so-called 'Scourge' this time, would I retreat in the face of a sudden attack from the Alliance?"


  Queen Xi is too smart. Since McDonald's revealed to her about the other Queen Xi in the parallel world, of course she guessed that McDonald's came to her to let her figure out what the other woman was thinking.

  The enemy can know you very well, but you also know 'self' very well!

Queen Xi stretched herself out, stretched her waist, and said leisurely: "I will retreat. In my opinion, this was originally a test of the alliance, because not many elite troops were invested at all. Since McDonald's Ken, you can't help but expose the fact that you killed Nefarian, then the purpose of the temptation has been achieved. In my opinion, at most Nathanos will be taken away, and the rest of the garbage can be thrown away."

   It should be said, is it worthy of being Queen Xi?

   When it’s time to be decisive, it’s really unequivocal.

   McDonald said: "Okay! No wait! I ordered, break into the Molten Core!"

   (end of this chapter)

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